<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@garyjones9023 says : Russia is pushing hard now because they don't like what they see coming: increasing production & availability of 155mm artillery shells and F-16s. Meanwhile, Putin is burning thru the vast Soviet legacy of tanks at a rapid rate.>> <<@stevesgardeningadventures2153 says : Someone please tell me what the hold up on the F16S getting to Ukraine>> <<@shaneconnor86 says : ]Слава Україні 🇺🇦 from 🇦🇺>> <<@marklewis36 says : What about sending close air support aircraft to Ukraine ? A10's & C 130's have them attached to riffle companies defending populated areas where air defence systems are concentrated ! Way better than sluggish mortar platoons responding to spotters having to prioritise proximity to mid defence zones>> <<@YamiltBonilla-uh6zc says : Ya era hora que entrarán los f16>> <<@Lupinthe3rd. says : Ukraine has some highly skilled pilots and a good senior officer corps who understand soviet fighter doctrine well which the Russians still use. They are familiar with MiG fighters inside and out. combined with NATO air training and an intimate understanding of their foe and with western technological capabilities the Ukrainian's in any possible dog fight scenario should be able to dominate the russians. No guarantee that some F-16 could be loss but that's the risk of warfare, but Ukraine shows capabilities of winning an air war.>> <<@stephenoneill245 says : Crimea is similar to Kherson in that Russian Forces are trapped there with only a single bridge out (which Ukraine will leave intact for that very reason, I expect). Over time, UAF has degraded the air defence there so that drones and missiles can already hit their targets almost unchallenged. Russian air bases will also be targetted and they will withdraw their aircraft to safer areas. I'm sure it is intended to continue with that until Ukraine's "new" air power can gain air superiority. Once that is achieved, with their new "AWACS" aircraft and with the Russian Navy already in retreat, even a landing is feasible, with the ultimate goal of Sevastapol and forcing a Russian retreat across the Kerch Straits. Russia lost the Crimean War once before after a French/British invasion. This could be a repeat.>> <<@drdoc7508 says : Russians in Ukraines Crimea.. LEave Now!! You have been Warned>> <<@MrZebra63 says : It became known that the F-16 fighters, which had been assembled throughout Europe for so long for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, were destroyed even before their first combat flight.>> <<@jerryprytulak8593 says : That’s the problem with this war, Ukraine has to wait months or years for the West to donate any form of weaponry, and in the meantime thousands of innocent lives are being lost, that’s bureaucracy for you.>> <<@lp76100 says : All good but you have to have well over 100 pilots for 100 planes>> <<@peterkinner1678 says : The delusion here is frightening. More cannon fodder supplied by The West to feed the military industrial complex.>> <<@BlaiseLikoy says : Your propaganda makes no sense 😂😂😂>> <<@dennisjohnston3180 says : Fake news,>> <<@wickman.r4662 says : How to protect runways¿>> <<@JenniferA886 says : So where will the F16s be based? Russia has destroyed all/ most of the runways? And who maintains the planes?>> <<@g52g43 says : Yeeee men 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊strike the base ruski😊😊😊all distoy>> <<@chriscarlino5561 says : Russia just struck a major air base in western Ukraine where these planes would most likely fly out of. This forces them to fly from bases which are closer for the Russians to hit. I’m sure there were F16 mechanics and possibly pilots there as well. Don’t let anyone tell you this means nothing. This is a major set back for Ukraine. BTW Russia still has over 800 fighters left vs maybe 100 Ukraine gets. America first! Sorry Ukraine, you are not a member of the EU, or NATO. No obligation for help from the US. Besides the US aid lost loyal to MONEY! ukraine needs to be financially supported for the next 50 years. Even England, and Germany are still buying Russian energy. Just wait until Trump gets back in. You know it’s coming. Lol Biden was just caught on camera sleeping. That’s a great quality for a world loser.>> <<@Мирослав-ш8у says : Ухватиће их за пишу,то једино могу>> <<@Kazuya720 says : I admire the optimism of the Ukrainians, about impact of the F-16. However... honestly I wouldn't tell what major targets I have... I mean.. russians might read along??>> <<@Nightmare-em3xo says : A lot of speculations and balloon pumping, f-16 are presented to the world as God's Of Skies, as far as I know there is one God and His name is Jahve. Truth is they may make a change, they may not. 300 airplanes are flying the way they flying, whatever it is what I am curious about is that Russia is actually waiting for them to arrive and what is that Russians have in their sleev is what I curious about. Let it be, let it happen, let's all see together what these f-16 are all about. What Russians are saying is that shooting down an F-16 without American pilot in it is like winning a race with the Champion horse with the gypsies rider on... No satisfaction>> <<@hiufgterde says : And then what? It's not like you're gonna take Crimea back, let's be realistic here. This is another media win for Ukraine at best, focus on small wins here and there and ignore the bigger picture of Ukraine losing across the entire front line. I know you guys don't want to hear it but that's what's going on. Difference between wishful thinking and reality. The hopium is strong here....>> <<@Marrq916 says : F16s from Fryslan (Leeuwarden)💪! Slava Ukraine!>> <<@bobrik335 says : Crispy Ivan Summer 2024 coming soon !!!>> <<@r.m.5003 says : US is misusing UA but UA will misuse EU.>> <<@r.m.5003 says : Yes, go ahead. Soon we see if Putin is joking or not.>> <<@rodneycallahan3117 says : Putin will go down in history just as the dictator Hitler.>> <<@6TypoS9 says : how about we end this fucking war>> <<@halfromeo8019 says : Why would you disclose what you gonna do or where to strike before doing it, you just want give time for the enemy to prepare?>> <<@LarsRyeJeppesen says : Unleash the Falcons>> <<@fulviopolce9785 says : Ho qualche dubbio.... 🇷🇺>> <<@FerencPasztor-lw8pz says : And what the russians will destroy in Ukraine?>> <<@destinyangel5 says : Shouldn't be too much longer before bridge goes , Nato had to put more logistics and forces all long borders from Black Sea to Baltic's incase enemy tries to advance into Nato territories . This most likely will escalate once bridge and Crimea are taken back .NATO are ready .>> <<@gilbertvalerio5950 says : NATO has no balls, NATO is afraid of Russia>> <<@jackkoveleskie2504 says : Vipers will definitely make a difference over Ukrainian skies!>> <<@michaelsollberger6744 says : There not Ukraine's they belong to America people>> <<@TheMonserex says : Slava !>> <<@paulverschueren4379 says : Why Ukraine is still training on F16 do they gone train five years before they use the F16 I read that the training start seven months ago>> <<@marksnyder8022 says : The F-16 is an odd bird. It crams a lot of capabilities into a compact package. Learning how it does that is a big chore. Learning how to service such a complex bird is also quite a lot of work. It is time-consuming, but if one platform can meet all or most of Ukraine's needs, it is the Falcon. It's just really hard to learn it when you have a language barrier and your previous experiences are so different.>> <<@eamonanthony6767 says : Yeah right🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Infopirates says : The ancient Indian MIG 21 destroyed Pakistan's F16 in a real fight a few years ago 😅>> <<@chedalong3411 says : How much cost western pay to get Ukraine as battlefield between Russia with NATO? How many Ukrainians enjoyed this?>> <<@celiaowen2444 says : Are you kidding? Now it’s the end of the year? Playing with lives of precious people. Come on get a move on. Promises don’t do the job get priorities right. Ukraine needs these from two years ago It would be more urgent if it was your people in danger ( well one would hope) and Olaf again a disappointment. He should not be a politician he blows hot then cold then hot then cold. How can yet people of Germany trust him? Loyalty to terror in Russia? He destroys all the hope we had in the new face of the German people>> <<@toby9999 says : The story of the F-16's is one of never ending delays.>> <<@paulvarn4712 says : The planes can do the job. Training the crews and getting replacement parts shipped are two huge tasks. The Ukrainians have to learn to read and speak technical English. While the plane responds to command with extreme agility, compared to Russian fighters the FBW system is much different. The F-16 flight sick does not swivel. The most difficult task of all is mastering the extremely complex weapons systems. Each weapon has it's own interface. Last when there is a technical problem with damage or failure in the harsh conditions of combat, how to compensate and survive. The plane only has one engine. The landing gear is not as forgiving of hard landings as aircraft fighters. The pilots will be trying to bring their damaged planes home with few or no spares ready for combat. 120 planes seems like a lot but many will be lost just like modern tanks are being lost. Can Ukraine keep 50 trained pilots in the air around the clock in fierce war conditions? We'll find out.>> <<@oh8wingman says : We have been hearing about the F16's for quite some time now yet no results. If the American election goes bad and Trump wins in November the Ukraine will lose all support from them in early 2025 when he takes office. Bottom line is you better get your ass in gear and hope to hell Biden wins.>> <<@adela8839 says : Slava Ukraini ❤>> <<@lengangkealin6565 says : Now arrived or not yet?>> <<@russianenglish4284 says : Russian misinformation regarding the F-16 is already saturating various channels, which claims by Indians that they have shot down Pakistani F-16s to claims by the Kremlin to have destroyed an airport staging F-16s. Loke the rest of Russian mis-information. social media posts using automated accounts and automated scripts will not change reality. .>>