<<@johnnguyen6044 says : I sure hate to be the one in charge of the Spy Satellite Program. Time for him to jump the border to South Korea.>> <<@torrisali2082 says : Got a feeling this guy is trying to protect himself. But from what? He seems to like Western ways and entertainment, with his mansions and all. This news isn't adding up when you think of the time that's passed.>> <<@D.Frasure says : Oh yeah, several heads will roll>> <<@rippinrootsracksandlips1469 says : We need trump again... he actually made a face to face meeting to show kim po tang or whatevers name (jkjk) that hes not afraid to face him and neither are we as a country!>> <<@whodoneit says : The north lay out tanks front of them and attacked to korea early morning sunday. By the way these tanks where dashed out of front lines were made in the soviet union. Korean army was not braced for the sudden tanks attacking at all and kept on running away and scattered all directions. At last, USA paricipated in korean war where north's invasion spreaded across korea. Of course UN also part taked in Korean war. Most of specialists and scholars concluded that korean war caused of kim il sung. However another again, it's very the tanks made in soviet union. In those days. Kim il sung and Stalin trusted which their tanks defeat korea. Hereby now we must pay attention. Above tale is past story. What is importance is now kim jung un instead of kim il sung and putin instaed of Stalin. And again one what is thing is nuclear weapons instead of the tanks>> <<@mukenditshibangu6653 says : AND THE NEWS CAME FROM THE NUMBER ONE DESONEST AND BRIBED CHANNEL TV IN THE WORLD.>> <<@s3bast1aannn says : They won't prevail>> <<@peterbruno657 says : Lol, they gave Russia most of their artillery shells for help launching their satellites.>> <<@salomokapote6493 says : Wonder if Kim uses the same brain to cross the road.>> <<@GoldenAmbition1286 says : little rocket man 😂😂😂fail>> <<@johnblue8029 says : Trash rocket>> <<@lordmunchkin says : The United Nations is sleeping>> <<@Zoltar0 says : Exploded? did it rain down feces?>> <<@willy4571 says : how did it burst into flames, defective rocket or was it blown up>> <<@samomac says : Why the fuck do ya cut away before it explodes and then only show the aftermath? 🤡>> <<@Julian-zj2qy says : Unlike their artillery shells>> <<@dannyvdmoo says : 😂😂😂😂dprk rocket 😂😂😂 this kim thinks to big ... its a big laugh>> <<@darktalong says : Someone's gonna die today - Kim Jong un>> <<@austinb1565 says : cant keep the lights on in half the country and people are dying from famine eating anything edible. then we got kim living his best lifes and testing rockets instead of helping his own country>> <<@tylerdurden4006 says : Just a reminder, starship from spacex blew up all 3 times it launched and you think that blowing up is still a success for some reason. 🤷🤣>> <<@begoodalwaysbegood9519 says : All I can hear is simpsons laugh haha. #truthforcetimelessgoodtogo In Jesus Christs name we pray amen.>> <<@ZelenskyTheMadClown says : haha. CNN blocking me. They never censor lies. They only censor the truth.>> <<@Thaddy62 says : Maybe they need to use Ballons>> <<@diraziz396 says : NK sent a Warning days pre-launch. sounds fine so far>> <<@BBme says : He still cant match US thousands of satelites>> <<@10krms54 says : Anchor is such a milf>> <<@bemotivated6245 says : When other country launch spy satellite they celebrate but if it's non US ally they condemned and criticized it.>> <<@andyternent1611 says : a ha ha ha ha Little Fat Rocket Man's rocket failed lol>> <<@SnowTiger45 says : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nice Rocket KIM. The UN won't do anything because the UN is a USELESS Organization who's decisions can be VETO'd which is ridiculous.>> <<@glomagbanua7319 says : 💥💥💥🥛🧀🧀🥯🥯🌱🌱🍌🍍🍍🍇🍇🍇🍞🍞🍰🍰💙>> <<@rogerlittlegeorgeii8516 says : Embarrassing! Lol>> <<@jamesgo2014 says : NK has the right to self defense...>> <<@adamjo5287 says : What a dum..ss Kim is. He is putting all of the countrys money into army and nothing into growth. Its the only coubtry in the world that is completely dark during night. No electricity! He is alive only because of China sending him food and other stuff. If not China NKorea would not exist.>> <<@junglegymbali5136 says : Made in china 😂>> <<@hasanshafin2378 says : Saying who? USA? The hypocrisy is beyond anything... Single handedly provided and allowed Israel to be a Nuclear power and now talking about others>> <<@DCresident123 says : The propaganda is getting dumber and dumber huh>> <<@WhisperMintASMR says : Cnn is flagging or deleting my comments. Just so yall know. If news isnt concerned with spreading the truth, theyr probably concerned with spreading fire.>> <<@WATCHWOMAN65-k9t says : People don't watch CNN 😂😂😂😂😂👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻>> <<@nicholasreyling1278 says : 😂>> <<@garridecano6643 says : Losers>> <<@lionr1470 says : Like Musk's success.>> <<@Warhorse469 says : ------- Fiction-------- North Korea: I will always be standing with Russia Russia: I PROMISE!!! to help Kim with his satellite program -------Reality-------- North Korea: I will turn on Russia 1st chance I get Russia: I will use their own satellites to destroy them>> <<@smashergrilla954 says : if its spaceforce and we got some lasers or other ish that keeps dowing there stuff. Imagine the guys who shoot this ish down just laughing there azz off while Kim looses his fkin mind like rocket keep exploding wtf Russia>> <<@Outspoken-jk2fy says : Is the ad i just saw ws about Ukranian child ? 😢>> <<@sarahkragness7138 says : Well, they blew up another rocket with a multimillion$$$$ satellite. AS THE NORTH KOREAN CIVILIANS STARVE. HEADLINE: North Korean trash balloons are dumping ‘filth’ on South Korea Seoul, South Korea CNN — QUOTE: North Korea has adopted a new strategy to contend with its southern neighbor: sending floating bags of trash containing “filth” across the border, carried by massive balloons. The South Korean military began noticing “large amounts of balloons” arriving from the North starting Tuesday night, detecting more than 150 as of Wednesday morning, according to the country’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). Photos released by the JCS show plastic bags carried by two giant balloons, with some broken packages spilling scraps of plastic, sheets of paper, and what appears to be dirt onto roads and sidewalks. The balloons so far contain “filth and garbage” and are being analyzed by government agencies, said the JCS, adding that the military was cooperating with the United Nations Command. “North Korea’s actions clearly violate international law and seriously threaten the safety of our citizens,” it added. “All responsibility arising from the North Korean balloons lies entirely with North Korea, and we sternly warn North Korea to immediately stop its inhumane and low-level actions.” Local governments also sent messages to residents in the northern Gyeonggi and Gangwon provinces to warn of the “unidentified objects,” and advised against outdoor activities. The packages risk damaging residential areas, airports and highways, said the JCS. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s younger sister Kim Yo Jong – who is also a senior official in the reclusive regime – referred to the activities as “freedom of expression.” In a statement published by state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Wednesday, Kim said that North Korea had dispersed toilet paper and other waste materials in bags attached to the balloons along the Korean border and central areas. Kim compared North Korea’s actions to South Korea’s years-long practice of sending balloons with anti-North Korea leaflets towards her nation. “We’ve done some of the things they always do, but I don’t know why they’re making a big deal like they’ve been hit by a shower of fire,” Kim said. The move, according to North Korean state media KCNA, was to retaliate against South Korean activists who often send materials to the North – including propaganda leaflets, food, medicine, radios and USB sticks containing South Korean news and television dramas, all prohibited in the isolated totalitarian dictatorship. Campaigners in the South, including defectors from North Korea, have long sent these materials through balloons, drones, and bottles floating down the cross-border river – even after South Korea’s parliament banned such actions in 2020. “Scattering leaflets by use of balloons is a dangerous provocation that can be utilized for a specific military purpose,” said Kim Kang Il, North Korea’s Vice Minister of National Defense, KCNA reported on Sunday. He accused South Korea of using “psychological warfare” by scattering “various dirty things” near border areas, declaring that the North would take “tit for tat action.” “Mounds of wastepaper and filth will soon be scattered over the border areas and the interior of (South Korea) and it will directly experience how much effort is required to remove them,” Kim said, according to KCNA. “When our national sovereignty, security and interests are violated, we will take action immediately.” (...) --------- There is a qualitative difference between sending what amounts to documents and information, and 'toilet paper' (implied USED). One is simply information, possibly unwelcome to the dictator's thugs and manager-bullies, but still just information --- the other is TOXIC WASTE. This is the level of a two-year old hissyfit - or a CHIMP IN A CAGE. North Korea is run by a vicious overgrown 2yr old, who is LITERALLY A CHIMP IN A CAGE. That cage is of his own making - or, at least, made by his father & grandfather, arrogant and vicious and STUPID dictators who bluster and whine and stomp on any rights or dissent among their own citizens. He arrogates to himself the entire wealth of the nation, and acts with the impunity of an absolute monarch. THE WANNA-BE EMPEROR HAS NO CLASS. HE'S JUST TRASH.>> <<@trroland1248 says : It’s Sputnik was a dudnik. 😅>> <<@Gingermarie745 says : Hi, May I share the most important news you will ever hear? God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus Christ(Y'shua Ha' Mashiach) from heaven to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. He was put into a tomb for 3 days, and then Abba Father raised Jesus to life and He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must all sincerely receive Jesus to be a true child of God. It says in John 1:12 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." Will you genuinely believe on Christ Jesus and truly receive Him today, before it is too late?>> <<@josephmedina6403 says : Why did North Korea give gifts for freedom of expression to South Korea ? North Korea is a country with no freedom of expression what Kim says goes.>> <<@RoxanneM- says : Is Trump still saluting NK generals? Idiot.>> <<@jackoalltrades5708 says : or they said it exploded!!!!>>