<<@nealon2005 says : Thanks for standing there and recording all of this. It's important.>> <<@jeanyvestheriault8362 says : Abby you should start by not calling Hamas...terrorists, they are resisting an occupation, so they are desperate, this is not a war. Israel is waging terror>> <<@AguilarH.-gr9gr says : This video has been suppressed>> <<@AguilarH.-gr9gr says : Only 18k views?>> <<@handofstephen says : Israel started this in 1948>> <<@BTK1653 says : The big question is how many Hamas hostages did Israel kill in their bombing and shooting campaign in Gaza? We know the IDF killed their own citizen hostages, shooting 3 that escaped Hamas, then bombing 5 more. And their intel is so good that they didn't respond to knowing the Hamas attack was emminent. We know they slaughtered over 300 international aid workers, including after being informed they were moving aid services in one attack. We also know they exterminated over 80 members of the press and media. Then there was the shooting of Palestinians at an aid drop d/t confusion if Hamas was present or not. But the telling number is that over 25,000 Palestinian women and children have been murdered by the IDF! War criminals! The lot of them are war criminals!!>> <<@omarsphinx says : The world never heard about what’s happening to the Palestinians till October 7 happened, I know the killing of civilians was true. I don’t support, but no one cared about the Palestinians before that was the only way for people to realize what’s happening to them and how they tortured them in jails, It’s like Devils occupying the Philistines anything bad is meant to hurt him, Don’t forget people that Hamas are the people of the land they been occupied by Zionist, Jewish that was in Palestine till this day fighting against Israelis, Palestine is their country, they don’t believe of Israel, so don’t get tricked with as you wish state because it’s an evil thing Israel it’s part of the illuminati search, and you will find out a lot.>> <<@begood9388 says : It's not start by Hama's it's been going through 75 years open your eyes people don't believe theme>> <<@matmat1982 says : Amerika sebagai penunggang....esrail ....n... Israel membenci +....agama lain..... esrail..... hanya.. penting kan👁️.....dajal>> <<@darabu.julhaz6955 says : https://youtu.be/mZGPZRkqJzY?si=6YRXnkY1ZS7nOW8r>> <<@hsjsisjsj says : The Isrealis have become thugs and crooks>> <<@ayazbangash3749 says : shame on you Biden. Shame on you Netanyahu. Shame on you Nikki Haley>> <<@samsunkandroit8797 says : In a Recent Interview by CNN Aryeh Neier (Holocaust Surviver and Human Rights Watcher Co-Founder) said it is a Genocide happening there. But they are not showing the Interview here. And this shows bias, double standard and hypocrisy of main news channels in the USA!>> <<@samsunkandroit8797 says : 0:01 A War that has started by Israel!>> <<@john41690 says : For context, the secondary fires are caused by fuel and ammunition stored by Hamas inside the refugee area. You can see in live feeds online Hamas still fires mortar and rockets at Israeli citizens daily so they still have ammo and fuel supplies but since a lot of the tunnels are compromised by the IDF when they went to the Rafah crossing, Hamas goes back to using human shields to store ammo and fuel. Common sense, what happens when a bomb or missile hits. Look at all the past attacks. It is not napalm. Also to answer the question when will the war end, Hamas can end it right now by releasing the hostages. Any sensible person can see that. Israel will lose momentum if their objective of rescuing the kidnapped Israeli citizens Hamas took on October 7th was off the table. But Hamas doesn't because they will divulge that they killed most of the hostages already and also they are still getting money as long as they prolong the war and keep harassing Israel. Terrorists do terrorist things. Make up a huge number to Hamas-run Gaza health ministry, they can always adjust it in the future and say they counted wrong and not that many women and children are killed.>> <<@Majabe21 says : Free America from AIPAC zionist Lobby>> <<@nmgeorge88 says : By using our tax dollars, our government made us complacent in these attacks. And this is something that will held over my head for life.>> <<@jamierenaut says : This war did not start on October 7th!>> <<@haze5213 says : Same on you cnn 36000 people died half of them children 😂😂😂😂 why don’t you report about it every day why are Israel and ukrain children different a guess so 😂😂😂😂 free Palestinian>> <<@bishnooktawak says : _"in a war that was first started by Hamas terrorists"_ Ah, still lying through your teeth I see. Needless to say I am *not* watching any further than this disgusting talking point.>> <<@ingykaas8774 says : I wonder why this video is not viewed by more. It seems the algorithm for this video was manipulated. Let's change this by sharing it even more.>> <<@skontheroad says : CNN.... Where are the people engulfed in flames?? Where are the charred bodies?? AND THE PHOTOS YOU WARN US ABOUT ARE FROM OVER A WEEK AGO!!!! SO, ARE THE SCREAMS IN THE BACKGROUND!!! HOW MANY TIMES WILL CNN REPEAT THE SAME LIES??? SHAME ON YOU!!!>> <<@tigerribz7263 says : The brutal reality on the ground 😢, blame 🇺🇸 for it. CNN and its BS editing reporting.>> <<@aaronza7218 says : So sad. They just let HAMAS grow, turn a blind eye on it. And now it is affecting them. A lesson that if we don't stand now, our children will suffer.>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : United States Racism African Black Children Death Famine NO UNRWA Ship Food Truck Air Drops Hospitals Ambulance In 2023 , an estimated 6.3 million children under five died, 2.9 million of them in the WHO African Region. This is equivalent to five children under 5 years of age dying every minute. Two thirds of these deaths can be attributed to preventable causes. A third of all these deaths are in the neonatal period. 1:21>> <<@thomasfplm says : 3:17 Now imagine how tempted a person who lost their last relative would be tempted by a Hamas recruiter. Does an attack like that reduce the number of Hamas members? Or does it increase that number due to the hate it creates?>> <<@justatiger6268 says : How do Americans feel knowing that those children burned alive because of their tax dollars, because of the leaders they voted into power? How does it feel when you see those images and videos? How does it feel to be on the side of evil?>> <<@EggzOverEZ says : Put Nicky Haley in a flat jacket and put her on the front lines with an M4 instead of that sharpie and see how she feels then. What a deranged/sick individual>> <<@vikolevy says : Are you going to walk this back now that its found out that it was HAMAS ammo and rockets that set this blaze.>> <<@thesystemera says : CNN has done insanely well over the last few weeks! Am somewhat shocked!>> <<@nalaye9979 says : Tragic error and CCN anchor crying 😢 ohhh that's so heartbreaking. CNN has no moral at all . UK and US really are behind the genocide>> <<@KirenKK-te7pb says : The Israeli strike was 800m away from the mishap. Probably Hamas munition stored in that location caused secondary explosions. Terrorists are know to exploit " ambiguous " collateral opportunities of any proximal airstrike too especially when they have to augment indulgence of ICJ and ICC for Global perception manipulation.>> <<@Koolasicewater says : Lol what biden red line? Israel gives one damn bout bidens " red line " lol who is Biden besides a old, demented nursing home patient?>> <<@Koolasicewater says : This pitiful so called anchor, she has knee pads on for the demoRats, which hate god, cnn hates god and his people. This is why the hate israel, because of god. Abby the United states has killed more civilians than Russia and israel together. You cant pressure israel. They will not be attacked and not give it bk ten fold>> <<@Dukelyduke says : Has this been updated since the truth came out?>> <<@hangten1904 says : Aren't UN Peace Keepers supposed to be deployed in situations like these to protect civilians and secure humanitarian aid during conflicts like they do in Africa?>> <<@zaidasedien2808 says : All these spokespersons are clowns dressed in suits 🙄 they absolutely pathetic!!!>> <<@zaidasedien2808 says : No outpouring of condemnation for what Nikki's done....not surprised!!!>> <<@zaidasedien2808 says : Well reported Abby...much respect 🇿🇦>> <<@AbdulBasit-oc5dz says : With the way the US seems powerless to stop their bombs from being used by this genocidal government. Why does it feel like Israel has already enslaved them. I mean there is evidence of them threatening harm to ICJ prosecuters, how is it that we are worse off now as compared to in 1980s>> <<@stitchcrafter says : My MIND IS BLOWN.. A major US TV station actually covering the Gaza "war!" A major US TV station actually questioning the US government's postion /support of Israel... We need more, more, more of this!! FINALLY.. finally.... ( Tho, I have to admit, I have to wonder if they're only airing this to criticize Biden and hurt him in the election...)>> <<@Sooxfarsbabymama says : This is so dystopian>> <<@ItsLin-ye4cn says : Shame on the US>> <<@havivazwickler2815 says : Also Jamal Bowman interview was quite inflammatory and filled with vile accusations. No Genocide is being committed. In Rafah numerous Hamas fighters engaged in battle with the IDF. Hamas is still firing rockets into Israel. Numerous tunnels have been found along the Egyptian border. Used for smuggling weapons out of Egypt into Gaza as well smuggling terrorists out. Israel is fighting an existential war. She did not ask to fight. She has every right to eliminate the threat that has killed over a thousand people, raped , burned , tortured. With total glee and delight filmed by the Gazans called Hamas. Cheered on by the Gazans in Gaza. All posted and shared. Including using the victims own phones to call their relatives. How much evil is enough. As they still hold her kidnapped people and American citizens. There is no equivalence between what was perpetrated by Hamas and what Israel is doing. Numbers of death do not make one side more justified or less. It is the actions taken to completely eliminate the evil that was unleashed that day. Unfortunately the cheerleading from Gaza is now silent.>> <<@Bloodshotty says : then Palestine leadership should end the war...>> <<@syriafirst5304 says : That is not mistake that been happen on purpose against children and women that is genocide against-the humanity our government they don’t want to deny this crime they looking to keep our conscious with closing eyes to not see or say anything about that?>> <<@syriafirst5304 says : That is not mistake that been happen on purpose against children and women that is genocide against-the humanity our government they don’t want to deny this crime they looking to keep our conscious was it closing eyes to not see or say anything about that?>> <<@theyhateuscuztheyaintus6057 says : Israel doesn't allow the free press in Gaza. For the most part Israel has controlled the narrative. This is just one of many massacres that have happened in the past months, but the others just haven't been covered.>> <<@curaticac5391 says : This is as much "objectivity" that CNN can offer. Pathetic.>> <<@CSIS-Spy says : Open the borders to Egypt for the love of God!>>