<<@JennyAlexander-744 says : ❤thank you 🇺🇸❤>> <<@SanFernandoValleyRose says : So people who do not agree with their politics are called Karen. What a bunch of dummies. Calling people Karen shows your total ignorance. Also sounds like Dumpy Trump too on his being so juvenile. Ya got to give a name to everything. Like tRump who calls his opponents names and ridicules disabled people and how a person dresses or looks. Anyone who does not agree with him is his enemy. I have known lots of people who I disagree with but they are not my enemy. Sad world.>> <<@marterawlings says : Shame on Tapper for calling the courthouse a "dump"! He denigrates the workplace of thousands of professionals and public servants who hold its existence in symbolic honor for justice! It is still a part of the judicial system that is paid for by the people. Thousands of people cycle through it every month. No, it is not Trump Tower or a luxury hotel. Considering the taxes Trump avoided for years and fraud Trump perpetrated on the citizens of NY state (see ~ $450 million civil judgement), with 'white collar' crooks like him no wonder New Yorkers can't have nice public buildings.>> <<@marterawlings says : Per Tapper's ludicrous "frustrating for Trump" comment: Too bad! Every criminal defendant is given the same instruction. In one of the earliest announcements for presidential run, Trump became a candidate on November 15, 2022, or TWO YEARS before the 2024 election primarily to try to avoid facing legal accountability and to then claim election interference. In fact, he never stopped campaigning and holding rallies after he was elected in 2016, and teased his 2024 candidacy since 2021 to game the federal election financial laws. Trump has grossly interfered with the election process! During his trial, he did not bother campaigning on many of his open days when he could have. Boohoo!>> <<@carburetormike says : Trump 2024 !>> <<@kyu2u2 says : Yes how do you wrap your head around the fact that the only witness is Cohen who just lied in court, who has a history of lying, who is making money off of this court case and if Trump is guilty. . That’s right, the judge is corrupted so does it even matter.>> <<@buildit000 says : CNN spews slop to a bunch of info ignorant pigs and they gobble it up! CNN = COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK! Nothing but an arm of the communist party. Lowest rated pile of hog wash in the nation.>> <<@petermelville5524 says : KFA is the real deal. Tapper interrupts everyone, brings discontinuity, and has undue gravitas. He is not credible with this affect, and his insistence on being the synthesizer. Tapper says "The court house is a dump" casting thinly vieled distain for our legal system. People all over the world do not have equity in the rule of law, neutral judges, serviceable court houses, and access to viable court appointed lawyers, and this media figure wants to cast aspersions on our system. The trial details only a few illegal moves made to steal the election in 2016, which was won by a thread. CNN needs to hire some better reporters who are less prone to opining and propagating nonsense.>> <<@westtexas7 says : Donations to President Trump reached 52 million in hours after the trial. He is campaigning in four states over the weekend and poor Sleepy was in bed in Delaware.>> <<@edo.1833 says : He had a smart jury. He had Justice. Both sides picked them. They did a great job and the whiner whined and whined about his 34 guilty verdicts!! Stop being an idiot Trump!! You are a felon!!>> <<@COSMO4865 says : Sdny has no shortage of rogue judges>> <<@COSMO4865 says : No way jurors could remember massive jury instructions that added elements. Massive jury instructions adding elements is a trick by rogue judges.>> <<@COSMO4865 says : No way dumb dumb jurors properly deliberated in 10 hours 35 counts lolllllllll cmon guys>> <<@jessir554 says : Not sure if CNN will contribute all the data. Pentontos!!>> <<@Happy00840 says : They will assassinate and say that it was suicide>> <<@narzq says : Political skeletons in the closet…. Trump: sign this nda and take This money. Agreed. Climtons: hey those people were already dead. Nothing to see here.>> <<@billstevens9190 says : The verdict was made . If you take it to Supreme Court. Why have a verdict?. The law we be changed in Court.>> <<@doranvee5944 says : Biden is controlled by the devil>> <<@jieli3313 says : The Chinese government supports Russia's invasion and occupation of Ukraine! It is the biggest obstacle to the relationship between China and the United States! As long as the Chinese government stops supporting Russia! We are willing to strengthen cooperation with the Chinese government!>> <<@jjfalarka8837 says : Democrats thanks so much for getting Trump more votes and more funding like 53 million in 24 hours and climbing. State and or federal will reverse this farse. Trump 2024>> <<@ultrabrio says : Too bad Trump will get more votes now, Democrats screwed this up. Trump 2024>> <<@hunterbydin-xk9ug says : Globovision just asked the Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez about the efforts of her government to stamp out corruption and she said "Look, there are issues but at least we are not the United States">> <<@rareform6747 says : This is the exact government our forefathers warned us about. This current Administration is embarrassing !>> <<@robertmcintosh8773 says : I just enjoy election interference almost as much out right election thieft and Lawfare.>> <<@ofiasdfnosdf says : CNN lies for our enemies.>> <<@spacekrebel2331 says : CNN really put a jury timer 😳>> <<@anthonydomanico8274 says : Trump 2024>> <<@princearthur4946 says : Communist CNN people: The more fake news against our President Donald J. Trump, the stronger he gets! His support after the BS conviction has grown by 150%! MAGA 2024 at the speed of light, Amen!>> <<@MYfriendsknow says : Even Alan Dershowitz stated to some words in the effect - that this court case & the way it was set up the way, by the judge could not have been won even if it was Mother Teresa being charged.>> <<@MYfriendsknow says : WATCH LEGAL ANALYSIS BY ROBERT GOUVEIA. He has a fun show! IT IS NOT A CRIME TO KEEP AN AFFAIR SECRET NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON IS. *SO FROM READING & WATCHING THE LEGAL ANALYSIS OF THE COURT CASE OF THE CORRUPT "Juan the Con " The alleged crime was that Trump's accounting office:: 1) paid legal fees to his lawyer Cohen - which Cohen states was payback for his personal payment to the person he had an alleged affair - Not a crime to pay off anyone. It is considered not a crime bcz that person can accept the deal or not. - Sign a NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement. is NOT a crime. Corporations and people in Politics and in Famous circles have people sign NDA's all the time. HouseKeepers of famous people can't work until they sign NDA's 2) Because in Trump's accounting office, the payment to Trump's lawyer was posted in the accounting books as a " Legal Expense" When it WAS A LEGAL EXPENSE A N D .....COHEN says that it was to reimburse himself/Cohen for the aprx. $130,000 Cohen paid to the person Trump allegedly had an affair. *IT WAS STILL A LEGAL EXPENSE!!!! THE PROSECUTORS ALLUDED THAT SINCE IT WAS PAYBACK TO COHEN for money to payoff a person to keep silent during a campaign,,,, that the money to Cohen PAID TO HELP TRUMP could be considered a 'CAMPAIGN DONATION' W T W ???? The prosecution wanted to say that it was & / OR a campaign donation coming into the Trump campaign AND that on the accounting books it should have been in a category titled: Payoff to an alleged affair. NO one has in their company's accounting books a category that is titled: " pay-offs for affairs ' 3) it was alluded to that since Trump wanted this to be kept secret before the 2016 election, that it was deemed election fraud to the public. - THIS MAKES NO SENSE! *How many skeletons are in the closets of all the presidents who have ever run for which they kept secret? IT WAS ALLUDED TO IN THIS COURT CASE THAT - THAT IN ITSELF WAS A CRIME......But because the corrupt persecutors/prosecutors said that it was a "FACT" **they did not call into question a CRIME SO JUAN THE CON said that he would not allow TRUMP's attorneys to bring in an ELECTION EXPERT TO EXPLAIN ELECTION rules to the jury. Just bcz of the semantics: 'fact' vs. using the word 'crime' THE judge used that as an excuse not to allow Trump's team to discuss it further with an expert on election fraud. *THIS MADE THE JURORS THINK THAT THERE MUST HAVE BEEN A CAMPAIGN ELECTION FRAUD OR OTHERWISE THEN why would any of this have come into question. THE PROSECUTORS WERE ALLOWED TO BRING IT UP.....But the defenders were NOT allow themselves to defend the comments. * - - The jury would have found out that the details of any of money coming in and going out in a campaign do NOT need to be sorted out until aprx a month after the campaign is over. IT IS PUT INTO CAMPAIGN accounting. SO HE WAS FOUND GUILTY OF paying his lawyer and noting that payment as a ''' LEGAL EXPENSE ''' on the accounting books. He was found guilty bcz they said that he hid the alleged affair from the public ((Even though many people had heard about it from previous years past.)) IT IS NOT A CRIME TO KEEP AN AFFAIR SECRET NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON IS. Even Alan Dershowitz stated to some words in the effect - that this court case & the way it was set up the way, by the judge could not have been won even if it was Mother Teresa being charged.>> <<@MYfriendsknow says : * CATCH & KILL is NOT illegal - It is done all the time - - Many of the actors you watch from Hollywood have paid for 'Catch & Kill" type situations. Many politicians like Clinton has been involved with the same situations. NDAs are not illegal! MANY, IF NOT ALL, can not even work as a housekeeper for famous or very wealthy people without signing NDA. Many corporations have their employees sign NDAs STATING THAT A PAYMENT TO A LAWYER AND designating it as a 'LEGAL EXPENSE' IS NOT A CRIME. NO one has "payment for an alleged affair' as an accounting designation in their accounting books. IS THERE EVERY CORRECT AND ACCURATE MOST DETAILED designation for the stuff you use in the drop-down box of for instance TURBOTAX???>> <<@gerardfonz says : Trump is awesome.>> <<@jayrue5719 says : It doesn't matter, having unprotected sex with a stranger when your married with a child and keeping a girlfriend on the side after sexually assaulting a different woman, is another wealthy dirty old man who thinks he is above the moral code, that is falling through the cracks of justice, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvy Weinstein, Donald Trump Stein???>> <<@duaynenaugle561 says : You full of it.>> <<@ronspeth7095 says : Typicsl questions. Nothing out of the ordinary. There were 2 attorneys as jurors. If they ask you know it has to be clatified if adked>> <<@paultaylor3169 says : When will you have Prof Alan Dershowitz on to give us some sound elagl opinion on this. He calls it RIGGED.>> <<@paultaylor3169 says : STOP lying to the poeple... this jerk / judge restricted Trumps movements.. why do you insult us with lies. Having ANYONEs movements restricted for hours while a jury deliberates confirms how corrupt this judge is. He is legal filth... they wan Justice Alito to steo aside for a flag being flown upside down but this jerk donates Money to Biden / Democrats... has the left called for this goon to step aside?... the Toobin of the bench.>> <<@carmineforesta1067 says : Trump is gone clean the corrupt clown of swamp Trump 2024>> <<@carmineforesta1067 says : What corrupt clown 🤡 amministration.>> <<@JacobCorum says : They was paid off>> <<@liamwilson12345 says : Good>> <<@genarasaritacotrera7011 says : Mahall.yo boy madona okey>> <<@genarasaritacotrera7011 says : Mahall.yo boy madona okey>> <<@kirbyjefferson2095 says : the people have spoken>> <<@JohnDickerson-d7m says : I HEAR BLABLABLABLABLABLABLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@darlenerutter4390 says : Jury did what Merchant told them plus Merchant only selected democrats that voted for Dementia Joe!!!! What are the charges?????>> <<@ChristopherHouse-dq9cr says : If you think that was a fair trail, your dizzy!>> <<@saralawrence1090 says : Wait till your turn and see if you still agree>> <<@vickieguevara9391 says : He took those jurors for granted and they didnt like it obviously>> <<@katc9061 says : To the brave jurors who did their job fairly, faithfully the American people thank you.>>