<<@marjoriepelletier4014 says : Johnson is just another puppet for Trump. Shame on him. The real Republican Party is gone and replaced with cult members all bowing to Donald Dump. Vote BLUE 2024 so we can get rid of this madness.>> <<@terryb.7812 says : Mike Johnson aka the guy who did nothing.>> <<@bernardelie8721 says : I'm an independent voter I'm saving a vote for Adam when he decide to run for President he love his country.>> <<@bernardelie8721 says : Adam is a real American patriot>> <<@jeffmorrison6220 says : Of course cnn lies that is it>> <<@ingeborgpadgett7079 says : Bravo Adam 👏👏👏Thank you 💙>> <<@aubrycrossley3913 says : Anytime you had a president of United States of America stole all your money and still want to control the Senate and somebody almost killed him because he’s a straight thief stealing money. How’s it gonna be a president of America and only doing is stealing y’all white man money Trump always be a thief because his dad was a thief, but the dad got away with it so many years and Trump was run his mouth with diapers and wipes in his back pocket shitting everywhere just saying🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡>> <<@markporth7355 says : Stop the bullshit lies and fake media and FBI cover-ups and this bullshit trial .>> <<@Hezelcarl1 says : There was no due process. They’re saying his name is Trump. That in itself is the crime. His name was not Trump. That case would never have been brought. They would not say what the underline crime was that violates the due process clause of the fifth amendment this is a constitutional problem.>> <<@Randy-po8bk says : Kinzinger is a swamp creature!>> <<@RK-jc8oe says : RAT>> <<@johnmurphy9688 says : Vote blue💙💙💙 for the guy that doesn't sniff glue>> <<@kokolanza7543 says : Thank God that at least one Republican says something reasonable. It just seems to me that the GOP is trying to gaslight the American people, that what seems to be very straightforward reality is not true. Just like the almost universal claim by Republicans that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, although 64 different court cases, and even recounts of the ballots in states such as my home state Arizona, found no such thing. And it does seem to me that they are not impartial observers here. They have a vested interest in this situation.>> <<@petegrizwald2666 says : Everytime Kingsigner cries, a trump supporter is born..Hallelujah!>> <<@wtmpotus994 says : I see Mr. Kinzinger like the small cloud of hope that keeps me thinking that there are still honest people in the U.S System. He got my vote if he runs for highest office>> <<@FranklinLloyd-p2m says : What?!? - you think Diaper Donnie's "Unified Reich" is a BAD idea?>> <<@appcity8608 says : A hypocritical and shameless country that specializes in spreading rumors and lies to create unrest in the world is still shamelessly pretending to be a saint in front of the world and thinking that it is a great power. The United States is just a symbol of shamelessness. The reason why the United States is great is simply because the United States is shameless enough.>> <<@caroljohnson6373 says : Republican are becoming a cult>> <<@caroljohnson6373 says : Trump did this no one but him>> <<@paulomanuelsendimairespere3901 says : How can a person talk like that? I understand nothing of American politics, but something is clear. This guy was not worried about the fairness of the justice system, but about its trustworthiness: In this way, America already seems to be a cult. When an institution is above the truth, you become a sectarian.>> <<@dianehubbard8505 says : Adam Kenosha is a very good guy hey and Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney was only three people that's good for democracy and for the American people and I think it's such a shame that they're not in Congress no more which I'm sure they had enough of the corruption and I don't blame him for leaving but they throw this training out because she stood up for what was right and for the Constitution but I admire Liz Cheney very much and Adam kensinger they're very much they're both very good people stand up for democracy and American people and what is right>> <<@ronnie5979 says : I was hoping we could get kinzinger to cry for us one more time lol.>> <<@silviacarazan8224 says : Am fost la Truck Stop, 1583 Frontage Rd 4132, Glenrio, NM 88434. Să intre in Joc, homosexualul care lucrează la Subway, in Magazinul de la Truck Stop, unde am dat comandă de o salată. Acela, care a preparat salata. Adică, eu dau comandă de o salată, achit bani pentru aceasta ṣi sunt numită cuvinte urâte, plus la toate, eu i-am spus să-mi facă o salată, dar el a inceput să facă cu totul altă mâncare, a intins lavaṣul ṣi punea acolo ce credea că e bine pentru lavaṣ. Oare sunt ṣi in alte țări oameni atât de proṣti ca in SUA, sau aceṣtia din SUA sunt cei mai proṣti oameni-neoameni de pe Glob? Să intre in Joc homosexualul, impreună cu sutiniorul lui, care i-a spus, să mă numească cuvinte urâte ṣi să mă provoace. Eu, nu l-am numit cuvinte urâte. In Joc, vor invăța Regulile de Omenie ṣi Drepturile Omului. (11 iunie 2024) Silvia Carazan.>> <<@Vincent-s5g says : Crying kinziger. Besides crazed war monger Liz Cheney the most irrelevant voice in the country. Surprised he didn't shed a few fake tears.>> <<@rc846 says : Please 🙏 I'm on the feance between Biden & Trump. I need to know what 34 felonies Trump comited. Its seems to me no one knows. Just name 10 out of the 34.>> <<@rc846 says : On appeal, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Pala Jones and her lawyers $850,000 of hush money to drop the sexual harassment law suit. Clinton's lawyer said that the President made the hush money payment only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life. Jones and her lawyers said that the payment was evidence of Clinton's guilt.>> <<@donahaschak1408 says : I am totally against the republican party because of their lies and hypocrisy. They will say one thing than turn around and say something else. Its disgusting. When faced with the truth they twist it around and make it a totally different thing Unbelievable.>> <<@silviacarazan8224 says : Să intre in Joc toți cei, care au venit pe lângă Truck-ul meu, pe acest teritoriu 1545 Francisco St, Torrance, CA 90501, unde noi aṣteptam parcați lângă drum, ca să facem pick up. Unii, au fost cu fotografiatul, au fost cu variante urâte, cu cuvinte urâte, pentru că i-au trimis sutiniorii lor, să vină pe lângă Truck-ul meu să mă provoace, ca eu să-i văd ṣi să-i luăm in Joc pe toți. Nu au făcut nimic rău la Truck. Un homosexual, a venit la uṣa mea, mi-a arătat telefonul lui ṣi m-a intrebat dacă adresa care era scrisă in telefonul lui, este corectă. I-am spus "NU". Am vorbit frumos, i-am spus de două ori, că soțul meu este inăuntru, adică la oficiu. A plecat, dar am reuṣit să-l fotografiez, când pleca. Stând ṣi aṣteptând, s-au apropiat ṣi alți homosexuali, ca să fotografieze Truck-ul meu. I-au trimis sutiniorii, pentru că vor să facă rău la Truck-ul meu. Homosexualii aceṣtia, se văd bine pe camera din Truck-ul meu. Să intre in Joc impreună cu sutiniorii lor, care ii fut in cur. Au trecut două prostituate pe lângă Truck-ul meu, s-au dus intr-o parte, apoi s-au intors inapoi, ṣoptind la uṣa mea, că nu am să fac nici o schimbare luptând contra prostituției-LGBT. Prostituatele acelea, lucrează pe acest teritoriu ṣi ele tot vor in Joc. Să intre in Joc impreună cu sutiniorii lor. Se văd bine pe camera din Truck. Ele, vor prostituție ṣi numai prostituție. Să intre in Joc toți cei, care s-au invârtit pe lângă Truck-ul meu, pentru că vor in Joc. Să intre in Joc toți sutiniorii lor ṣi toți sutiniorii sutiniorilor lor. Să aflăm cine ii fute in cur, cine ii impinge la fapte rele in fiecare zi, cine le distruge familiile ṣi viața. Dacă vor invăța Regulile de Omenie ṣi Drepturile Omului, vor fi fericiți ṣi vor transmite altora, din linia lor de neam, că viața pe Pământ este frumoasă ṣi oamenii trebuie să trăiască omeneşte pe acest Pământ. In maṣina 7FTF409, a urcat un homosexual, care vrea in Joc. El, era in fața Truck-ului meu. Se vede bine pe camera din Truck. Să intre in Joc impreună cu sutiniorul lui. (10 iunie 2024) Silvia Carazan. Am să scriu ṣi la Poliția din California, deoarece Polițiṣtii tot sunt in Joc. Prostituatele ṣi homosexualii, spun mereu, că au prieteni mulți la Poliție, că au legături mari ṣi că nimeni nu va distruge prostituția, pentru că asta este viața oamenilor in Statele Unite ale Americii. Eu, zic, că vom distruge prostituția-LGBT ṣi cuiburile sutiniorilor. Ce a fost, am văzut, ce va fi, vom vedea. Mergem inainte!>> <<@Anthonymiller-px4mp says : Upside down flag means a nation in trouble Democrats stand against the Almighty and judgment will come on all of you if they don't repent from this evil whether they believe it or not God said the problem with men would be UNBELIEF>> <<@viraarmstrong9784 says : A Swiss Protestant Minister and  Historian of the Reformation. "In matters of conscience the majority has no power". History of the Reformation, book 13, chapter 5. Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné (16 August 1794 – 21 October 1872) was a Swiss Protestant minister and  historian of the Reformation.>> <<@Willie-wf9qq says : Look. Trump showed no remorse when he was found that he sexually assaulted a woman. When he cheated New York taxpayers and the banks. When he had sex with a porn star while his wife was with their newborn. It's simple. This man should be incarcerated at the Supermax in Colorado to reflect for the rest of his life. Period.>> <<@teriturnbull8859 says : Mike Johnson is so full of shit !!>> <<@silviacarazan8224 says : Suntem la Truck Stop, 4325 E Guasti Rd, Ontario, CA 91761. Am venit impreună cu soțul meu să facem Baie. Să intre in Joc homosexualul, care a trecut pe lângă mine, când mă uitam la Jurnale pe coridorul unde aṣteptam să merg la Baie. Avea ceva pe cap, de parcă era un om psih-bolnav. El, vrea in Joc. Să intre in Joc, impreună cu sutiniorul lui. Să intre in Joc homosexualul, care vorbea la telefon lângă mine, tot atunci, când eram lângă Jurnale. El, vrea in Joc, din dorință proprie. Sutiniorul lui, tot să intre in Joc. Să intre in Joc prostituatele, care lucrează servitoare la acest Truck Stop. Una tânără, iar alta are ani mai mulți in Paṣaport. Prostituata aceea tânără, a venit să mă fotografieze, când aṣteptam pe coridor, ca să mă duc la Baie, iar prostituata cealaltă, care făcea curat in Băile de la Truck Stop, m-a numit cuvinte urâte ṣi mi-a spus, că eu nu trebuie să vin la Baie. Am fotografiat-o pe vaflista aceea, să ṣtie toată lumea, că ea se prostituează prin Băile de la acest Truck Stop ṣi are ură pe mine, pentru că le descoper pe toate ṣi le distrug prostituția-LGBT. Să intre in Joc ṣi toți sutiniorii acestor prostituate. Toate prostituatele, care lucrează la acest Truck Stop, să intre in Joc, impreună cu sutiniorii lor. (09 iunie 2024), seara târziu. Silvia Carazan.>> <<@daquantuggerson8760 says : SO MUCH FOR DEMOCRACY COMMONSENSE PEOPLE!!! BUT THEIR SIDE CAN GET AWAY WITH SAYING AND DOING WTEF!!! THEY WANT WITHOUT ANY REPERCUSSIONS, PENALTIES, IMPEACHMENT, OR JAIL TIME!!! 🤔🤫 that's why some call them and anyone who supports them DOUBLE STANDARD PEOPLE!/COWARDS!! SMFH!!!>> <<@daquantuggerson8760 says : TRUMP'S AGENDA/POLICIES FOR THE 2024 PRESIDENCY "REVENGE", "REVENGE", "REVENGE" 🤨🧐 I don't know if that's on the ballot 🤔😅!!! SMFH!!!>> <<@DelevanGoodhue says : Trumps rhetoric was tantamount to total crap those papers he holds is too keep him busy as not too,fall asleep>> <<@pitocruz2898 says : People under them are sicker, his quity by jury of 12. Jial time>> <<@pitocruz2898 says : Stop dreaming, u r sicker than Trump the Trumpit>> <<@tophat2115 says : Russia is a kleptocracy from the traffic clock and municipal clerk right up to the president and all of parliament, it would seem much of the GOP including its leader wants the same for America.>> <<@joshuamorrison8332 says : Bootlickers like Mike Johnson are outraged by Trump's conviction but they dodnt even follow the court proceedings. What is that supposed to mean? Is Trump infallible like the Pope or something? It isnt even possoble that he could commit crimes?>> <<@Busybee375 says : Trump will never show remorse for anything!! He is nothing but a sleaze bag and has no shame for his many indiscretion, He is a piss poor excuse for a decent human being,>> <<@michaelnobles6774 says : What was the answer.Clean forgot>> <<@Ali79711 says : Why dont you show in cnn Russian Nuclear ships returned back in Cuba Havanna parked here to keep you in line and in control?>> <<@paulyanez5198 says : LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 for trump 2024>> <<@devianey9014 says : The real joke is when republicans claim Dems are weaponizing the judicial system. Trump and the Republicans did. Trump appointed 234 Federal judges in strategic locations to make sure he and the Republicans get away with murder.>> <<@valeriehertz-kusz9575 says : Your neck Mr. Mike Johnson, an uncouth, irresponsible person with no Moral Compass. Should never ever be: Speaker of the House. Never ever going back to ever vote republican. Mr. Mike Johnson showed disrespect at the President’s Joe Biden State of the Union Address to the Nation. 😱👎🇺🇸>> <<@timthompson8297 says : Seems only fair that trump,should go to jail since his attorney did.>> <<@richardl6188 says : As a Conservative Independent and Discerning Christian here in Georgia, I say AMEN Mr. Kinzinger! You are indeed a hero to our Already Great America, and I wish there were more of you in the GOP! I will NEVER vote for another Republican again, as long as they continue to support Felon and Traitor Trump and MAGA'ism!!! Use DISCERNMENT people, especially my fellow brothers/sisters in Christ!>> <<@dt8762 says : Trumps support is stronger than ever going into the election. Americans are sick of godless childish iberal dorks lust for power.>> <<@charleslewis9871 says : Isnt this guy the silliest thing you ever saw?>>