<<@TJB-zt9tx says : We pledged alliegence to a Republic, every day they tell U.S. it's a Democracy.>> <<@ChristopherKummetz says : Remember all the closest people to Obama and Biden that are telling us RIGHT NOW he/they are the biggest threat to Democracy. Their closest friends and right hand men that have been investigated, indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail/prison for their crimes!!! Oh, wait. Those are trump’s cronies that HE hired. I thought he has the best mind to hire only the best people. Couldn’t he foresee their “never-trumper” ideology? Sorry.>> <<@EnriqueGarcia-tl1vr says : It's a good thing I think because now trump.can go after them .. retribution, remember with Trump, its promises made Promises Kept>> <<@tyronepowell147 says : TIME TO TAKE THE PHUCKING GLOVES OFF ALREADY...>> <<@georgeblair3894 says : We haven't been a Republic since 1861.>> <<@garyradtke3252 says : I don't think the phrase from the Bible "Turn the other cheek" means let someone destroy you. We do have to fight fire with fire but any action such as filing any charges needs to be a legitimate and not fabricated like the left is doing. Or, illegally allowing people in our country then giving them voting privileges. It's not a right for them because they aren't citizens of this country. As far as Hillery, she literally paid for the dossier to falsely accuse Trump knowing it was fake. If that's not an illegal act and a breach of her oath that she has spouted several times I will KYA!>> <<@jasgsxr2726 says : Corporations are the left, that's why politicians are unwilling to act on retribution because they are neck deep.>> <<@jwtlucky says : Democracy, The God That Failed - Hoppe This is why the second amendment exists.>> <<@CoolPhat73 says : TRUMP MAGA 2024!!!>> <<@robertcgage says : Trump will do some things, but it will amount to poo. Trump is a part of the swamp.>> <<@Sandman64613 says : It will only get worse til Patriots🐑 get back the guts they had in 1776🤨! Ultra MAGA2024🙏🇺🇲>> <<@justdoingitjim7095 says : Our republican politicians in congress have got the mindset of someone who decides not to join the military, because "someone else" will do the dirty jobs for them!>> <<@patsherrill4576 says : We dont have a democracy. We have congress reps>> <<@patsherrill4576 says : Marxist army of ten million illegals already recruited and killing police and more. Biden says dangerous to question>> <<@patsherrill4576 says : Marxist army of ten million illegals already recruited and killing police and more. Biden says dangerous to question>> <<@patsherrill4576 says : Representative Republic not democracy>> <<@patsherrill4576 says : What are representatives for if not to decide and vote. We have a representative Republic..not a democracy. We would be voting daily>> <<@patsherrill4576 says : It's a representative Republic because we elect representative to vote for us. We don't have a democracy as Switzerland does, the only true democracy where everyone votes on everything. The representatives sometimes disagree but we continually elect them. Where do you get we have a democracy. Is it voting for representatives.>> <<@vulpo says : It's the media. It's always been the media.>> <<@davidbrawner7679 says : My Man!! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!>> <<@greensage395 says : Keep what, nothing is Lost, all we have are Criminals running the show! We the People exist! This guy is an Idiot who is willing to Accept Democracy, that Harlot which rides upon the Beast!>> <<@patriot9112 says : ARTICLE 5.>> <<@zarroth says : rescind DACA. Get all the people that came in the wrong way out of here. Make their home nations repay the expense our taxpayers went to in order to house them.>> <<@rms5654 says : If the Peoples Constitutional government acts outside the boundaries and limitation of power established by the People then it is certainly the right of the People to remove those individuals who are ignoring those limitations. Otherwise the government will no longer serve the People but will become once again a tyrannical entity that our forefathers rebelled against and the People, slaves to a regime once more.>> <<@chrisKyle7274 says : Josh Hawley and Rand Paul, ALL other Republicans are WORTHLESS! DO something to strengthen America; we're sick of listening to words. ACTION. IS. REQUIRED.>> <<@KingMinionDemon says : Auron is nothing more than a black pilled Internet dweller>> <<@gabereal420 says : We the people stand with Biden not therapist fraudster felon cheato Trump>> <<@joeyhandeland983 says : Republicans say they are the party of Law and Order. No,,, Republicans are the party of Felons.>> <<@BeastlyGamer says : God Bless Trump!>> <<@Midge1k says : This is the cost of having too many RINOS in office .>> <<@vinrod34 says : Trump 2024!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@duradim1 says : Bill Barr and Jeff sessions were absolute failures for not going after those tyrants.>> <<@fastwheels195 says : One thing that really pisses me off is that any modorate politicians are punnished for crossing the isle to do work for the better of the nation. An Eagle has 2 wings, a left and a right. They need to work together in harmony if the Eagle wants to fly.>> <<@ToddClemmer says : Hasnt been a republic in a long long time.>> <<@williamneumyer7147 says : Conservatives have been so "principled" because they're on the take; they're playing on the same team as their "opponents.">> <<@Bradwick1 says : In Leftyland when you announce that you would never break the rules its 100% an announcement that you will continue to break the rules starting with accusing political enemies of crimes you have already committed. or will commit. Otherwise known as projection in psychological terms.>> <<@anatolbalthasar9064 says : You guys live in the past. There is only one party left by, well, we don’t know, and thus Biden, who “got” 85 million votes, will get this time 300 million votes even if no one will vote for him. This is the future!>> <<@suckOnThese3 says : We were given an opportunity by the founders which give men for the first time in history a taste of freedom. It was an experiment, it literally says so in the first few words of the Constitution. We had all the tools and we failed, just like they said we would.>> <<@glennw.4570 says : It's a bonafide Banana Republic.>> <<@KyrosQuickfist says : The only way this stops is when there's actually an opposition party to balance what has been complete and total institutional control for the last two decades.>> <<@chiclet1052 says : Do you guys wake-up stupid or is it something you have to work on over your morning covfefe?☕️ Holy 💩!>> <<@marvinbrando722 says : Zero consequences>> <<@jancoley9051 says : Excellent and on point.>> <<@Bay0Wulf says : C’mon … Biden is Too Old … Too Forgetful … Too Feeble … to TRY to Convict Him. Pretty Sad Statement about a Sitting US President.>> <<@Bay0Wulf says : NO! Its time to STOP “Being Better Than This …”!!! Senators, Representatives both STATE and FEDERAL … EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU DO SOMETHING with the Powers Vested in YOU … and Fellow Republicans & Conservatives by WE the PEOPLE … YOUR Constituents … Go After THESE Reprobates. If THEY Can Prosecute and Convict PRESIDENT Trump for MADE UP CRIMES … They CAN Do It to YOU … to US YOU CAN and SHOULD BE … Begin … PROSECUTING THEM for THEIR MANY ACTUAL CRIMES. YOUR “Nice Guy” Approach DOESN’T WORK Get OFF YOUR Tail Ends and DO YOUR JOBS. NO MORE “Slow it Down” ideas… DRAG IT TO A STOP to a STANDSTILL … FORCE IT BACK Into Line. 030624>> <<@dslewis01 says : FJB (et al) LGBTRUMP2024+>> <<@djy69 says : Well let's keep writing books instead of putting fear into our politicians..... You can talk til you're blue in the face, nothing will change until our government fears the people.>> <<@einarvolsung2202 says : Hope it's true>> <<@LuisGonzalez-yg3mr says : We the people must and will put charges against these elegal and corrupt judges and corrupt prosecutors.>> <<@LuisGonzalez-yg3mr says : God bless you President Donald J Trump 🙏>>