<<@Leegendari says : There seems to have been a mistake, his suspension was taken away 2 years ago.>> <<@tempesttree8839 says : Do your homework. The license was not suspended. The court made a clerical error.>> <<@mickeymch876 says : This is my last post ever on OAN since OAN removed my comment on their website that included 'FJB' and won't let me post. OAN is now on the permanant boycott list. OAN news is very similar to 5 day expired moldy bread, they won't be missed.>> <<@glenobryant3035 says : If he is an American his 4 amendment right says he has a right to travel, and states can not control free travel of anyone with out due process of the law. So thank to you people>> <<@wasatrumpvoter7929 says : Talk to God: • Praise Him for who He is and what He’s like. • Confess any sin. • Thank Him for complete forgiveness through Jesus, for other blessings in your life, for answers to prayer, and for what He has done for you. • Share your worries with Him, and ask Him for what you and others need. • Ask Him for guidance, and place your trust in Him. ‭Hebrews 3:4-6 KJV‬ [4] For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. [5] And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; [6] but Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.>> <<@tomthumb3762 says : Demoncrats are not the smartest people in the world.>> <<@dhineshdondondondon6107 says : I am dhinesh kumar cancer patient .i want pension from u .i know u r humans>> <<@AllanHughes-q3x says : Outstanding 😂😂😂>> <<@user-MRG1130 says : When I was 19, I ended up getting caught twice at college house parties, drinking underage. For it, I was given supervised probation, and community service hours. While I was going to probation, the probation office, decided to run a sting operation with local law enforcement, to catch ppl driving to court and probation on a suspended license. I want to say it was like 200 ppl who ended up getting caught. Ppl driving on suspended it’s a lot more prevalent than ppl think.>> <<@fastwheels195 says : Dumb crook news followed by dumb political news. Im a 100% disabled veteran. The VA offers medical, educational, ans mental health care just to name some things. They offer some care to dishonorably discharged veterans, they will help the homeless veterans etc. Where there posts are appreciated, as mentioned memorial day is for our honored dead. It is the one day a year I always fly my flag at half mast in respect for them.>> <<@jim55282 says : OAN is wrong again! The story has been out for quite a while now that the man actually had a valid license. What happened to truth in reporting and the presumption of innocence? Did or does OAN presume Daniel Penny or DJT to be guilty? I'm starting to see a pattern here. OAN reported on this much like they reported on the Dexter Reed story, both stories involving black male drivers. OAN should change its entire set color to yellow or have all anchors etc appear in yellow. Congratulations OAN, you are the Dr Fauci of News ...>> <<@davidwinokur2131 says : Criminals do criminal stuff because they don't know any different. Then, when they get caught, it's your fault.>> <<@JamesBroadwater says : Hahaha>> <<@AmericanBlackEye says : *"Do you love me now daddy?" Trump family try to cope with DJT*>> <<@TruckerTales-ub3ih says : Totem pole problems.>> <<@Dat_Sun says : This is poor reporting and inaccurate. The guy's actually innocent and has deep ties with the community.>> <<@freedomrings.0007 says : Even without a suspended license. Driving while on a zoom call is next level stupid.>> <<@DyllonMcDonald68 says : So does this become a Constitutional matter.........>> <<@Sinner-sv2pi says : Mr. Harris' action makes "Dumb & Dumber" look like Brain Surgeons....>> <<@skipstalforce says : Seriously, guys. This was old news that was settled days ago. The guy's license was not actually suspended. It was a simple clerical error.>> <<@psb5221976 says : take this down. fake news again. poor guy is innocent. this was mistake on the courts. stop dragging this man through the mud!!!! pitiful journalism. this was exposed days ago.>> <<@qcripplethesavage1019 says : Can someone take Illhan Omar out of Minnesota please? I’m begging you, we don’t need her>> <<@qcripplethesavage1019 says : What an idiot 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣>> <<@GizzelleBrookes-vs5ec says : Common sense is not common.>> <<@torrencemonroe1233 says : This was GOLD! 😂>> <<@princesspiplaysbass says : Except his license was not suspended.>> <<@earukeyser says : You cannot make this stiff up. Only in Michigan.>> <<@edwardroecker6015 says : He was rushing his wife to the hospital for one and two, a government public servant screwed up the paperwork and his license should've been reinstated before this hearing. If you, your significant other or children needed medical attention and you had a suspended license would you wait for an ambulance or take them to the hospital yourself? Source Here's the Deal>> <<@westonmakesdrinks5362 says : The look on this fools face. Priceless lol>> <<@peppolobuondelmonte says : Calumny crew.>> <<@katybal2018 says : Dumb as a box of rocks. Bet he was driving a BMW tho>> <<@thomasdexter9646 says : Maybe you should have done your homework before posting this report... It turns out that the guys license wasn't actually suspended, but only suspended on paper do to a clerical error by the state... This man spent 2 days in jail before it was taken care of... You just defamed and insulted an innocent man... That's what I call lazy reporting on your part in my book...>> <<@bobbymele9057 says : A stupid is a stupid does 😂>> <<@eileenmccarthy8507 says : People are stupid>>