<<@IvaTaiwan says : 😂😂😂😂>> <<@IvaTaiwan-u8z says : Comedian zelensky is fooled by USA..😅😅😅>> <<@raulabobo9845 says : China will not participate for world peace summit simply because they are also a war mongerer>> <<@GerManDique says : Let’s have it clear, Ukraine is invaded because of historical sentiments of the Kremlin and to protect Russia from having another (EU) democracy as a neighbour.>> <<@bobbyoljaca2929 says : They had real peace but kistening to Borus Johnson UK ex prine minister and to USA got to this war so ,,,,too late>> <<@felipellorad9876 says : Russia and China have the same mindset... They want to invade thier tiny sovereign neighbors, Eukraine and Taiwan. Russia is just ahead of Beijing. Taiwan next for SMO???>> <<@branchtobranch5607 says : Please, my friends. Stop trusting the wrong people. Xi Ping is aligned with Iran and Russia. In September of 2013 Russia and Iran made an alliance, publicly. In November of the same year, China joined this alignment because Xi Ping became disillusioned with Barack Obama and his America. These three countries, Russia, Iran and China are absolute allies. Please listen to what I am telling you. This is not a secret as they broadcasted this world wide, with purpose. DO NOT TRUST, Xi ping. He is absolutely helping Russia and will continue too. You do not have an ally with China. China will fork you over to Russia on a silver platter. Really!>> <<@eddiegoodman9267 says : Thanks for the update and views 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Oklahoma USA 🇺🇦🇺🇲>> <<@vosaha says : Russia and China refusing to participate on peace talks just exposed themselves as war mongers.>> <<@user-bc7ob9kj5g says : Ukraine, you are my heroes🏆🌹. God bless Ukraine🙏🏻🇺🇦🙏🏻.>> <<@wesc6755 says : "We accept your unconditional surrender. Stop all sanctions. And drop all war crimes cases" is not peace. If Putin wants peace, he can have it tomorrow: just leave.>> <<@gregorydesleskine3413 says : Those ten points put forward by President Zelenskyy on the Pace Formula are all perfectly justifiable and both morally and ethically good. Any country or person who would deny them is going against humanity in every respect and has ulterior motives. China has a track record of always being a troublemaker where sovereign land rights are concerned, a prime example being Tibet and now Taiwan and the seas and islands around the Philipines. Their human rights track record is exactly the same, they simply don't recognise any human rights.>> <<@davidjones6389 says : Bravo Ukraine! Cheers for Zelenskyy!>> <<@unsalbulent says : 1 Ukraine is not a member of NATO and cannot become a member of NATO until the war ends. 2 NATO is a defense cooperation consisting of 32 member countries. 3 There is no war between NATO and Russia 4 America, England, France and some other small countries do not mean NATO, there are only 11 NATO countries that support Ukraine, they cannot get the whole NATO name. 5 Zelenksy asked for hundreds of billions of dollars, money and weapons for 3 years. He said that Russia lost 500,000 soldiers, its tanks and planes were useless, and if aid was given in 2023, it would counter-attack and take back the occupied lands of Ukraine. Before the war, the population of Ukraine was 38 million. After the war, 10 million Ukrainians left the country. 7 If Zelensky wants to save his country, he should first recruit Ukrainian men living in NATO countries into the army. 8 Zelensky cannot find soldiers, he wants NATO to fight with Russia because he knows that he cannot win the war, because hundreds of billions of euros of money and weapons were wasted for 3 years. 9 Ukraine is a country of corruption. The aid money sent to the country is not given to the poor. Pension in Ukraine is 70 euros per month. While the rich and politicians live in luxury in other countries, the poor have to starve without money and have to do military service and die. 10 Before the election, Zelensky promised the people peace and the fight against corruption, but now there is war and hunger and death.>> <<@JenGM24 says : Whether xhina atends or not the summit will go on🤷‍♂️>> <<@TheRevan1337 says : True Peace, restore the Ukrainian borders.>> <<@RRR-z5l says : The radiology relations is war>> <<@planet_oith says : Xi still got Putin under.>> <<@RRR-z5l says : This is mine i can read the science, Canada.>> <<@chrismichael6048 says : " Everyone wants peace,but only peace that suits each and everyone's particular interests ">> <<@SuzieD-uq9gn says : You can trust China just as much as Russia ZERO......>> <<@russell7489 says : Who cares. The axis of evil is not going to help solve the problem and join the world in protecting rule by laws. Are they 'needed'. No. Simply enlarge Russian sanctions to include all nations doing business with it. In the cold war congress EU didn't vote on every sanction. There were dept and orgs in ea govt who had the power to do so. Russian crewed Chinese ship drags an anchor across gas and telcom lines. Agency might ban all Russian ships from country's ports. If thats already done, maybe the agency freezed all bank and investment accounts over $100g or informs Caymen Islands that unless they do so, all trade and banking connections to the West will be cut off.>> <<@gilgarcia3008 says : China says Russia should participate on equal terms is a load of crap. Russia should end the war unconditionally, and have no say in the settlement.>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : China's "peace plan" is worthless, at it is skewed completely towards Russia. China is not able to be impartial.>> <<@DarrenLine-k4j says : He doesn't want peace either it seems. He is on the same drugs as puka.>> <<@ronaldmarcks1842 says : China's Communists have blundered into another bad decision.>> <<@soutien6703 says : La paix :les russes quittent l'UKRAINE 😉🇺🇦👍🇨🇵>> <<@nelsongabilan6937 says : A china esta ganhando muito dinheiro nesta guerra: comprando petroleo barato da russia, vendendo tecnologia pra russia por baixo dos panos e outras coisas mais.>> <<@harrybruijs2614 says : Who is surprised of this?>> <<@billywoods3337 says : Putin doesn't want peace. If he did, he could have withdrawn from Ukraine.>> <<@anthonyhulse1248 says : Say “No” to Russkiy Mir!>> <<@juanjose9332 says : Slava Ukraini>> <<@ГеоргийКресс says : Украина, в военном отношении, без запада - никто и звать никак. О какой победе можно говорить?>> <<@Freddyworldcitizen says : Ukraine will defeat Putin. But, friends from all over the worlde, please remember to donate in united 24, save life come back alive ukraine and Anna from Ukraine. Slava Ukraine!>> <<@tariredom7615 says : Sjeme fašizma u Ukrajini je posijao zapad.Od 2014 do 2022 ukrofašisti bombarduju gradove u Dombasu.Rusi su upozoravali i upozoravali i upzoravali.... I onda je Putin rekao e sada je dosta....😂 Tražili ste gledajte...>> <<@susannewilliamsson8339 says : Anyone else that's not surprised?>> <<@hankhaney3785 says : Xi is in huge financial trouble, because the CCP thought they could do capitalism thru the eyes of a communist. Millions of Chinese have lost their real estate investments and bank accounts, because of "commie corruption".>> <<@denismorgan9742 says : Just want throw this out there for the Ukrainians, hand grenades can be made from food cans, please remember to eat the food first. 😊If Ukrainians want a spare pass time and can get the equipment to make them then why not?>> <<@mrHBarry says : Thank you to everyone who helps and supports Ukraine. Together we are stronger. Slava Ukraini. 💙💛>> <<@Yechuv says : Zenlesky is stupid to believe that China wants peace. China wants Amercia weapons run out in war>> <<@tonywuanwilliam8476 says : China is a dragon that's hidden its power in the cloud & waiting the right time...💙💛>> <<@sonicboy150 says : In reality, Putin and Xi are the main antagonists because they want to spread chaos, all the more reason Ukrainian Peace Formula is the best, Zelenskyy needs to add number 11: arresting Putin>> <<@daniellabbe916 says : Peace can only be achieved two ways, through dialogue or through a war of attrition. For true peace, real negotiations must take place, but recent history shows that Ukraine didn't want peace when the time came to halt the war before many lose their lives, it wanted war with Russia because it thought NATO would fight along side Ukrainians, but hasn't happened because no NATO nation is ready to war against Russia and risk starting a nuclear conflict. The problem is the west is running the war through Ukraine, yes, Zelensky is a western puppet who's job is to do what Biden says everyday. To this day, Zelensky has no remorse for failed Minsk agreements or for the loss of life Ukrainians deal with everyday. Russia always wanted peace, the only reason why it engaged Ukraine is because of the extermination of pro-Russian Ukrainians on the part of the Ukrainian government. A a pre-condition to the Minsk agreements, Russia backed away from Kyiv and the second Russia was far enough away, peace talks failed because Ukrainians walked away! Now, we are faced with a Ukraine that has zero credibility due to U.S puppet Zelensky's lies, so he has nothing to negotiate with the Russians, the Saudis know it, the Chinese know it and many other nations know it and that's why they won't be attending Zelensky's peace summit! The only way to peace is to elect a new Ukrainian president, one elected by the people, not a puppet installed by the west, but one that has the trust of all peace-loving Ukrainians, so that real peace negotiations can take place between Russia and Ukraine. This is the only viable option, a war of attrition is under way now and risk escalating to WW3 if western nations keep meddling in Ukrainian affairs. Ukrainian politicians somehow feel safe under the western umbrella while their citizens are the ones who have to move away from their homes because it's going to be turned to dust in war, it's their loved ones that are kidnapped off of the streets in front of their wives and children only to be sent to the front lines as cannon fodder. Ukrainians know this, that's why young men who know the truth flee for their lives and sadly, they are shot in the back or blown to bits by Ukrainian anti-personnel mines. This, is what a typical democratic nation is in the west these days, what a farce it is!!!>> <<@Sheddweller419 says : China and Russia have no interest in peace or the rule of law . They are both insincere in everything they say as can be seen by everything they do .>> <<@DC-ux1dt says : No communist wants peace. We should stop working with commies>> <<@VaduzVaduz says : Obviamente el dueño Chino comunista no va dejar solo a su peón Ruso, ademas los chinos comunistas quieren recuperar Siberia es su territorio histórico.>> <<@meso8848 says : to win peace is easy.... stop receiving weapons from west and stop the shelling.. period>> <<@supersasquatch says : Ukraine needs to get real and support the free countries of Asia beginning with Taiwan. China is the muppet master behind Russia.>> <<@jannmutube says : ---- < I expect China's position is determined by their imperialist /communist ideology and their trade agreements with Russian and Iran:: Russia is Now a "Resource Colony" of China /watch?v=g44wnwOaCu0 Iran, China sign strategic long-term cooperation agreement (politico, 03/27/2021) How China, Russia and Iran are forging closer ties ( economist, March 18, 2024) ---- < When Putin says he opposes U.S. hegemony, he means he opposes the current international law of the UN for the sovereignty of states and human rights. Putin's call for a multi-polar system of international law is a recipe for war. invasions of sovereign states, more economic conflict and the end of any objective support for human.rights. ..... As I see it, China and Iran are not opposed to Putin's agenda for ending the current system of international law.>> <<@righteousbyfaithinChrist says : Unless Ukraine is planning on an authoritarian government, why would you want China there? Democracy's ideology does not fit. I pray all the best for Ukraine. Putin's kgb regime is not welcome in Ukraine or America.>>