<<@dias_yOoda says : ce qu'il faut retenir c'est qu'Israël et la politique de Netanyahou vont regretter un jour leur acte barbare.>> <<@JA71280 says : What a hypocrite that guy is. You can be in the army and still be faithful to God. But they are lazy and have been spoiled for too long. God is ashamed of them, for sure. Lazy bums!>> <<@JA71280 says : They need to contribute to society and their country. Instead of being lazy and only study without working and defending their country, that protects them. Not working and only studying, is not being godly.>> <<@jh5174 says : Must protect Israel.>> <<@thomasellner6331 says : What would King David say .>> <<@ciaronsmith4995 says : Iran has won. Leave to Poland. Real estate is cheap there right now!>> <<@auggievu2972 says : These guys have it good all there life. They retire when born...and many still support the Palestinians.>> <<@moebiusdune1115 says : Ultra Orthodox must go to army! Right now.They act like spoiled children.>> <<@willielee5253 says : 🇮🇱>> <<@AhJodie says : Of course, they must not need Netanyahu's son..... who remains in USA....>> <<@lilylilywarrior says : They dont want them to be religious? 😂 Israel army protecting them, if not their population will not grow being surrounded with abdols>> <<@lilylilywarrior says : I love jews but not those ultra orthodox, they are weird>> <<@lilylilywarrior says : They dont enlist in army instead staying peaceful they always make chaos and protests>> <<@lilylilywarrior says : I rather not take them in army, they dont look sane>> <<@vladvlog9677 says : About bloody time.>> <<@anthonybernstein9698 says : It's possible to be both religious and enlist in the army. The IDF takes care of Jews of all levels. There are so many entries in the bible where Hashem and Moshe Rebanou speak about joining the army, going into battle, rules of conduct and engagement, how to prepare, giving a get to your wife and much much more. The Haredi learn all about warfare in their studies, there are volumes written about warfare, Rav Kook said the uniform of the IDF are holy robes, as holy as the robes worn by the high priests in temple times and a special prayer is recited the first time a soldier puts on the holy robes. There are thousands of Haredi Draft Dodgers in Israel, married men with families who do not learn full time as they have employment in the "black economy" working for cash only. Working is forbidden for a Haredi man in full time learning and they can only work unregistered in the Black Economy. They are employed by Haredi companies, and do not pay Income Tax or other government payments for health insurance and pensions but rely on the government for money. Its not unusual for a Haredi Man to send his wife out to work, the girls are taught that it's their duty to be the bread winners while their husbands learn. They also depend on stipends from large charitable foundations for sustenance. It's highly irregular as there are thousands of Haredi men who are not good scholars and do not work long hours studying, instead many men spend many hours doing nothing. It's a bad call but in Jerusalem there are so many Haredi men all coming and going, why aren't more men in the halls learning, there must be many reasons. There are many Haredi men who bring disrepute to the community, and within the Haredi community these men are considered scroungers. Worldwide, the Haredi community have thousands of men who work and learn Torah/religious studies, they plan their time for learning, earning and have a full family and communal life. Only in Israel do Haredi Jews abuse the law to suit their needs. The abuse by the draft dodgers goes against all the tenets and principles of "Torah Study". Lies, theft, decietfullness are all in the top ten prohibitions which draft dodgers are fully knowledgeable of.>> <<@asky6670 says : Disgusting behavior by the ultra orthodox, you can be religious, study torah and be in the army all at the same time>> <<@franny5295 says : I'm gonna keep my comments to myself. I don't want to mess that up.>> <<@gebacle says : prefer to die than join the army? What an odd logic.>> <<@kaliss7192 says : Lol Orthodox doesn't mean you get to be a coward.>> <<@CLGUWS3746 says : It’s about time!>> <<@yourma2000 says : They don't look capable of lifting a weapon anyway.>> <<@MarcoRomanelli-tk6pf says : Bastards>> <<@dulcebisco says : it should be !>> <<@FelixvonMontfort says : As suicide is forbidden in judaism, you have to take your wishes to the battlefield.>> <<@sasquatch7234 says : An Israeli told me about ultra orthodox Jews. From what he told me, they are like the Amish. Except they don't work, and they read the Torah literally all day. They also treat every other religion like it is the devil itself. He pretty much made them sound like a bunch of deadbeats.>> <<@Elburion says : "Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence.">> <<@AmyLLevi says : Am Yisrael, Shema Yisrael…but you must do your part Haredim…maspiyk nu!>> <<@FireCat34 says : These Ultra Orthodox act like spoiled children>> <<@mimijeru4419 says : ils veulent partir bon debarras qu ils partent , tous ces fanatiques de n importe quelles religions ont dois les mettre sur une iles et qu ils se demerdent .>> <<@thejupiter2574 says : Their studying and praying and praying all day is not going to save the country they are living in. If they love Israel and want to stay alive then they must protect the home that God gave them .>> <<@aryehyehudahajzenberg9503 says : POLITICS, PILITICS, POLITICS.... THE IDF Doesnt really want us there..... They dont even have infrastructure to receive all this orthodox jews.....>> <<@PureJoyJoyPure says : Lol! I don't get these ultra orthodox communities and their interpretation of scripture. The Torah clearly says in the book of Joshua to fight to get and keep the land Yahweh has given you. So they think their only societal contribution should be reading and breeding? They took the multiplying part of Genesis very seriously and the fighting part in Joshua not so seriously. OMG! 😂>> <<@orenschulman4554 says : Even if they dont go to combat units they need to do their time for the country they live in.>> <<@iluv2create576 says : It can not come fast enough...they need to contribute to their society and not sponge off of the secular community. This group is being fed and protected by everyone else.>> <<@itsgirlieb5599 says : Its time for the ultra orthodox to join the army..They are also Israelis so its their duty to protect the country....But ofcourse the PM doesnt like it for his personal reasons and intention....>> <<@bailatwerski2951 says : Israel will go down and lose if they actually think that they can force ultra orthodox Jews that are learning and praying into the IDF without severe consequences because it is their prayers and they're learning that is keeping Israel safe and helping them win the war against evil>> <<@VSP55555 says : Orthodox should go to the army.>> <<@Chuck44442 says : Whats theier problem. They the ones that hate zionist too, right?? Dont EVEN support Israel as State should- even exist?? Goofy. And when you visit Levant, they are - ones that are so rude>> <<@abracadabra4800 says : It will just increase the people already leaving Israel.>> <<@generalpurpose6517 says : Yeah we have worthless do-nothings here also we call them Amish>> <<@pacomekafe says : When there is this war of that magnitude for such a small country, no hand should be left off deck!!!>> <<@hedvah1 says : I think you're lying!!!! This bill was supposed to lessen the induction to the army for orthodox because of change in age needing to enlist>> <<@nahuakang says : About time they contribute to the country that feeds them and protects them.>> <<@richjacobs9736 says : Israel you must get rid of all gay pride parades in Israel this is against Jewish rabbinical law>> <<@richjacobs9736 says : If you don't want to fight Don't preach😅>> <<@SuperhumanUnchained says : God save us all>> <<@birgittanachmann2775 says : Everybody in the country must contribute.>> <<@BobvanT says : Wise decision - all hands on deck !>> <<@rakelbenchetrit says : 😅>>