<<@JOJOA88-to8ym says : 3% jews makes a person just human with Arab Ethiopia European Egypt iranian DNA not pure jew.is she planing to get free home from palestain?>> <<@rafaeldias9097 says : I also discovered my Jewish roots through geneology. I'm from Brazil, and my ancestors also fled from Portugal back in the 1500's. In addition, I took a DNA test and it shows 12% Sephardic Jewish.>> <<@demiansolis says : I am Mexican Jew born into a Catholic family. When I was a child I quit Catholicism. I never felt a connection to Christianity. Some years ago I discovered that I may descend from Spanish/Portuguese conversos. Many small towns in Western Mexico were founded by Spanish Jews by the end of the 16th century, when the Inquisition was implemented in New Spain. It has been a very long and difficult journey to come back to Judaism. When I converted to Judaism I was born again. I am a happy man.>> <<@Evemeister12 says : Israel's existence is basically 2000 years of persecution in Europe being paid for by Palestinians.>> <<@MajidMagi-fj5ux says : The Jewish people in Israel are not โ€œSemitic Jewsโ€>> <<@truthseeker-nv6ny says : Jews will not replace us>> <<@AmericanBuying says : Same thing happened to my family born in cuba>> <<@thelionsclub4912 says : I would never convert in the Law of Flesh and Curse. Christ redeemt us from it. Inquisition or not, self Justice of the Inquisition was wrong. https://youtu.be/w9YwlMp0Ssw?si=PlvVje1Q__L4h2l3 Stay at Home and read the Scriptures. If the sermons of today's official churches no longer mean anything to you, I would leave an official church as a Christian Jew and listen to the words of the disciples and apostles of Jesus Christ. 1. https://youtu.be/88RZ51nMDJc?si=PiF2Cvos6erCeEzJ 2. https://youtu.be/pb2jBzF8yPU?si=tYf9354fjoRKfBJk 3. https://youtu.be/M2B_EcEcax0?si=0RhnH7uzT7ivBMnk 4. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL13olcTgRJT_D-OXJ3u90AP5RncUvFKRI&si=FY0vCqO-08Ay198- 5. https://youtu.be/IiUzpvGJ-sg?si=K0oUdQGgU7OgxVrW 6. https://youtu.be/fCFJhI69Zk8?si=qpLI2_W_aQEMHKg2 7. https://youtu.be/3wAqMdUx_Wg?si=qvJVpqXFxb8ltIST 8. https://youtu.be/iAUDWyg_knw?si=tHOqSy3VhzA5Sb_b 9. https://youtu.be/W-bii08pQqk?si=qWWJYDnfAix98CcJ>> <<@body2811 says : The ethnicity is called isreality (decent of prophet isreal),there is no such thing as ethnic jew>> <<@xhorxheetxeberria-td1hu says : This woman is truly disgusting. She's anathema. She will receive judgment and be dammed. Jesus said he who accepts me will be saved and he who doesn't will be dammed. It's crystal clear.>> <<@xhorxheetxeberria-td1hu says : The fact she gave up Jesus is disgusting. She's a traitor and will go to hell unless she repents. Being Jewish means you think you are the only chosen people. Christianity offers everyone salvation.>> <<@xhorxheetxeberria-td1hu says : If you are a converso you should give thanks that Jesus was brought to you. Who cares if you got there because of forced conversations. You have Jesus now. There is no salvation with Jesus Christ period.>> <<@sergeramon7261 says : 600 hundred years of inquisition? False ....not even 400...please do not exagerate ...and remember thay MANY jews converted into christisnism on a voluntary bases. Inquisition arrived into Spain only at the and of the 15th century (indeed it was the last country in Europe to put it in place while other European countries already started long time ago). Kings in Spain (in particular Isabel) did the best they could to stop the entrance of the inquisition in Spain: Jews were in general well treated in her kingdoms. And if Queen isabel finally accepted inquisition in spain was only and excluively because it was an imposition BY THE POPE. For those who love the "Spanish black legend" just to let you know tbat the inquisition was a FRENCH invent and came to Spain from other countries. It was NOT a Spanish invention.. also to say that before tne (late) entry of the inquisition in Spain, thousands of jewish converted into christianism without none forcing them and became conversos due to a free election....this is to be said and sorry for spoilling the party.>> <<@jamesbluntjamesblun1 says : I'm just amazed how the White's can wake up one day and claim they have Jewish ancestry and wake up another day and claim they are Native American like Elizabeth Warren and then another day wake up and claim they are gender fluid Transgender and demand that he /she be addressed as they, them, thou, . Me being a person of colour and no special ancestry or leniege am forced to watch this video cause of YouTube recommendations ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.>> <<@Worldisblessed says : I had a huge Mexican family at a chabad find out from a dying grandmother that the emtire family was Jewish and converted during the Spanish Inquisition. The entire family officially converted back and like ive countlessly have seen.. were the most amazing devout Jews. This is what is so sad about this war.. im part Arab in my geneology (sephardi) and i feel at home with Muslims I share DNA with.>> <<@kath2ndrew says : My maternal ancestors were kicked out of Spain when Columbus sailed, went north and ended up in Ireland, and converted to Catholicism! My brothers and I have often wondered about our past, because my mother cooked certain foods in Kosher style, although she really didn't know it! When I was little she used to light candles on Friday, and said her mother used to do it, but had no idea why! She said it was an Irish custom, but when she told me her Uncle Hughy died and her mother covered the mirrors, that was pretty much it!>> <<@arsenioss7020 says : Jews who believe in Jesus are real Jews Those who claim they're Jewish but do not follow Jesus the Messiah are fake Jews>> <<@Cuprum46 says : How about just coming back to Torah?>> <<@zephaniahblack1725 says : It is impossible to believe that so many of us , Jews , became so stupid in a few generations . Look at those antisemites. Unbelievable.๐Ÿ˜ข>> <<@teenahweenah2608 says : JUDAISM and CATHOLICISM is about religious DOCTRINE of MOSES and the Prophets.>> <<@ericah6546 says : There are also conversos who went north and speak English like my family :) I relate to her sooooo much! I can't explain it but I know she's Jewish as another bat anusim.>> <<@ellobo4211 says : Being Jewish background doesn't mean one rejects Christianity. This program makes it sound Christianity is a disease ..that's disgusting... The Christian faith was founded by Jews..there are many hebrew Christians you need to respect and who choose to be Christian..>> <<@thedude9941 says : Nice story it's a cool thing to learn you have Jewish roots.>> <<@EDW-task8 says : Thank you for showing even more whos had gene sciences for a long time........ who's gonna win? The jews, the blacks or the Chinese? Lol..... you all fighting for who we all came from lol>> <<@Happy_HIbiscus says : ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ>> <<@Fluedutch says : Cringe>> <<@EgyptianOrthodox says : The Spanish Empire did way more for Christianity โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ช than any weak %^@ protestant nation in human history ! jews and muslims do not deserve to own nothing on this planet ! This world belongs only to Christ โ˜ฆ๏ธโœ๏ธ The King of all Kings and lord of all lords ๐Ÿ‘‘>> <<@diegotheservantofgod1826 says : I am brazilian when built my genealogy tree i find out that i am descedent of many jews who were perseculted by catholic inquisition, there was a portuguese jew couple who came to northeast from Brazil persecuted by inquisition and i am descedent from them. Many brazilians have jew lineage and don't know.>> <<@kennym-mb3ll says : Bless her and bless all Israel.>> <<@Gotlev6 says : There are many of descendants of the conversos in Brazil. In fact, many of them have applied to get Portuguese and Spanish citizenship based on their Sephardic genealogy. Nowadays they are mostly catholic though.>> <<@zackmano says : After centuries of forced conversion, torture, and murder at the hands of Christendom, there are so many millions of people who have no idea they are Jewish. The world does not fully comprehend the level of damage done by the Church to the Jewish community. And despite this, many Christians continue to try to proselytize Jews around the world, many times using underhanded and dishonest techniques. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a member of a religion with a history like that.>> <<@kittymi4842 says : Omg wow! This is beautiful ๐Ÿคฉ>> <<@lizberezin2919 says : Facsinating!>> <<@verah619 says : I have loved Israel since my teens but my DNA doesn't list Jewish DNA... My maternal grandmother's name was "Floren" - a Catholic born in Antwerp who fled Belgium to SW France during WW2... I went to Israel several times and upon exiting the plane on my first trip I felt instantly "at home"...>> <<@Jubal.Harshaw says : I can only HOPE that this will encourage and motivate her to continue her journey back to the religion of the One True G-d - the Hebrew G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and not back slide into paganism.>> <<@beesinthegardens says : Many southern Italian Catholics are finding that their ancestors fled the Spanish Inquisition. The name of my fatherโ€™s town is Marano Marchesato. Check out what Marano means in Spanish.. My father always loved the Jewish people and felt close to them.>> <<@terrytzaneros8007 says : Happier as a Hebrew/Jewish Catholic!>> <<@NaProbablyNot says : Amazing story! Welcome home with love! โคโœก๏ธ>> <<@adamodeo9320 says : you just know - you just know because once a soul knows infinity it will return to seek it.>> <<@mrsturnbull4698 says : I am a family historian and am now finding with my own DNA I am getting Jewish Family but think at this stage only married into the line but I really dont know I do agree with her that often now in my old age I feel like I dont fit in to any religion but only the Orthodox Christian and Jewish religion at this stage I dont know so I keep going with my research we see what happens>> <<@albanyreadshalleluyahscrip9946 says : Thats was very inspiring as ive always felt different and the more i learn about the Jews i feel they are family. My family is broken and no one knows its origins, maybe i should make an effort to find out. Jews were dispersed in many directions, often hiding their identity. I dont look like my family and i think Abba Father gave me a Jewish heart. May Abba bless Israel and bring peace to the land and our brothers and sisters there ๐Ÿ™โ›บ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿค>> <<@silvinoperez5956 says : โค๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑโค๐ŸŽ—๐ŸŽ—๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ>> <<@l_kFF says : If tou guess what you see on 3.09 - this is a message that is being shown in Israel where it is under rocket fire. Each line is a town or village that was under fire at that moment when this was broadcasted>> <<@CF201 says : I was told my grandfather family were from majorca and they may have been Xuetas who moved to the mountains of Puerto Rico but my Jewish percentage in my DNA results were only 3% not a lot. But I know my paternal grandfather always was fond of Jewish people. But idk>> <<@toviaskryptonitelll976 says : She is a Jewban>> <<@alexcarter8807 says : *Welcome back!*>> <<@Alan-zj5fz says : Mine is very likely in last names . I also need the Truth .>> <<@Ensinger5784 says : Hundreds of thousands if not millions of MARANO DESCENDANTS in Latin America ! Christopher Columbus Set Sail the Day the Jew Expulsions from SPAIN BEGAN ! Christopher Columbus Diary has HEBREW Notes !>> <<@ALEXANDERELGRANDE-n1e says : Viva Israel.>> <<@channahcastelobranco says : ืขื ื™ืฉืจืืœ ื—ื™๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ>>