<<@PeterRudesindus says : The Dr Octopus reactor.>> <<@planje4740 says : - то је јако опасан уређај "овуда све ради на прицип "волтажа магнетизам" "свјетло" - и тада "реметити томе циклусе" није добро ///кад вршите те експерименте "обавезно погледати што се и напољу изнад, испод и око тога дешава" _ - сунце не ради на тај принцип //нико не зна како то ради //нико никада није имао појам о томе - и од тога су старе цивилизације "имали смишљали закључивали" неко божанство направило то - не можеш се тада бавити науком гдје ти основа експеримента оно што и не постоји _ - глобално затопљење на земљи равна плоча //како то ријешити када си машио читаву реалност "постојања" - на сунцу се дешава фузија али на земљи равна плоча ///како икада ишта направити када си и ту промашио реалност постојања _ - да сам ја ваш лидер или да сам оженио кинеску жену и тада она ваша "краљица" "увијек је забрањено нешто градити само зато што можеш" - него - а што ће се десити са тим али сутра некада - зашто то треба - колико нас то кошта ///и онда када имаш добре планове а "она прегледала" тад вели може иначе не може //једино као приватник имаш паре и прави што хоћеш а онда само ако није опасно за друге>> <<@amarjeetchhanga3928 says : Don't play with creator ( God ) It will be dangerous for you.>> <<@MusicLovingFool1 says : So? You all thnk this is a positive thing? Smh...>> <<@Robert.Chauval says : BRAVO CHINA.. and all the scientists and engineers working on this project. Slow and steady progress in a very difficult technical arena yields real breakthroughs. Well done from New Zealand>> <<@krzysztofsawa2132 says : I love all these fibers around device. Do they measure bending of spacetime during fusion?>> <<@krzysztofsawa2132 says : My Antigravity Engine Concept: 1. A tokamak reactor is used to create a plasma of fusing atoms. 2. The energy released from fusion reactions is utilized to strengthen the magnetic field around the plasma. 3. This enhanced magnetic field accelerates the plasma to near-light speeds. 4. At these extreme velocities, the plasma reaches a new state of matter, analogous to the state of matter present at the event horizon of a black hole, where added energy manifests as additional mass. 5. This new state of matter generates a significant perpendicular force. 6. When the tokamak is charged with this 5th state of matter at a specific point, the resulting perpendicular force exceeds Earth's gravitational pull. 7. The system, entangled with the 5th state of matter, disconnects from Earth's gravitational field, effectively achieving antigravity. This concept represents a potential unification of quantum physics and general relativity, offering a novel approach to antigravity technology>> <<@youme1414 says : Go China!>> <<@ZenLH says : 👍👍👍👍👍🇨🇳💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪>> <<@WerIstWieJesus says : The humanity makes big technical progress. Now we need also progress in charity.>> <<@SV_astro says : Thumbs up China 👏👏>> <<@johnchristopherdelegero1728 says : NO NEED FOR NUCLEAR FUSION, IF YOU WANT I HAVE THE TECH FUSION AT ROOM TEMPERATURE WITHOUT THE NEED OF A NUCLEAR REACTOR AND CAN BE EASILY DONE IN A SIMPLE ROOM.>> <<@felixjordan3514 says : Yes, as China become stronger, it should start contribute to humanity.>> <<@noname-fn6cp says : 👍🏻>> <<@473weasel says : This is the way.>> <<@rodkeh says : China has preformed miracles but Fusion will never be one of them! Fusion is fake science based on Einstein's idiotic theories and fusion is not what powers the Sun and it will never work! The Chinese like the rest of the world has been conned into believing in Einstein's stupidity!>> <<@rongwu-sj9ws says : In 1958, the Soviet Union completed the world's first tokamak device. In 1990, on the eve of the Soviet Union's dissolution, they gifted the T-7 device to China. In 2024, you come across this news. I will always believe in idealists, and I will forever be moved by great endeavors.>> <<@daytrader-iy5yb says : Another serious problem with Boeing 787-9 ??? A British Airways flight took passengers from London toward Texas only to return to where it departed, making them endure more than nine hours in the air. The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner flew across the Atlantic Ocean and had just crossed the Canadian border when it started backtracking... The airline did not elaborate on the issue. Several news outlets reported that it was related to the engines.>> <<@sbkarajan says : Does the Sun fusing hydrogen into Helium? Notice that the average density of the Sun is 1.4 g/cc Hydrogen or Helium isn't that heavy.>> <<@catonpillow says : Keep innovating Сhina, never stop!>> <<@canismajoris3910 says : What exactly is the breakthrough??>>