<<@caroliner2029 says : Good man, Colin. We share your righteous indignation. You just got going on all of the things needed to be said, and the allocated time ran out. The Lord God of Israel bless and strengthen you.>> <<@012345678982877 says : Liar>> <<@pirateluffy7365 says : America!!!! What happened to the whole "We dont negotiate with terrorists" thingy? why are you forcing israel to take a peacedeal on behalf of hamas....>> <<@pirateluffy7365 says : and behold, these hamas cosplayer will keep demanding ceasefire without even knowing that hamas rejected the deal....>> <<@F3arlessWarriorMindset says : 4:02 as expected, UN doesn’t want to call out Hamas for its war crimes, so it lumps Israel together with Hamas. It’s weird that UN questions and scrutinises Israel so closely while it enjoys a cosy relationship with Hamas. 😡>> <<@ethanrichardson126 says : Hamas is the problem Hamas provoked war with Israel 🇮🇱 to please the Iranian handlers>> <<@addya2095 says : Lies>> <<@P_Photography_O says : Stop supporting those who support Hamas. Do not buy/fly with Qatar (Airways), Turkish products, South Africa products, etc>> <<@isaceesay3870 says : The world knows that the arab world and the west are the problem>> <<@bachirejjilali124 says : Problem houwa nta a3chiri...ma3rftich tchad l3ssa mne lwste>> <<@DavidWilliams-nj5cn says : We need to publish the original transcript of Sinwar's interview otherwise the WSJ article will just be labeled more "Western Propaganda">> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Sky news not biased .>> <<@Qoonutz says : Only the protestors in all US Universities think it is Israel that is the problem.>> <<@johngardiner5206 says : Corrected headline....".ALL Arab states know Hamas is trouble!" Thats why none of them will accept any Palestinians (within which Hamas would hide!) into their territory.>> <<@Billfye123 says : Epstein wasn’t Palestinian lol>> <<@aisha6yearsold says : The so called “innocent Palestinians civilians” are keeping hostages with Hamas kids around!>> <<@martinatheuns says : ❤️🇮🇱❤️>> <<@phunnyrao says : LIES: thy name is Jewish SKY NEWS.>> <<@olddirtyb4st3rd says : I wouldn't wait for the UN to come to senses. This entity is a mirror image of a mad world in which most countries are in some way or another bad: dictatoraships, more or less failed states, pseudo-democracies. They are all in need of a scapegoat. Combine this with all the judeophobe bias, and furthermore with a fascist/supremecist culture that calls itself the "religion of peace,"™to which almost 1/4 of all humans adhere to, that wants to subjugate the whole world under a caliphate and does not tolerate any once conquered territory to be wrested back; that promotes a "holy" death cult to all male of fighting age... Better not count on this bunch. Instead always have a very strong army (with unconventional capabilities at the ready), a very good secret service. And all the supporters should put their money where there mouth is and donate to the IDF, to Keren HaYessod and buy israeli products.>> <<@josephgee143 says : ALIJAC = AIPAC = EPSTEIN.>> <<@josephgee143 says : DON'T TRUST BLINKEN WHOSE FATHER WAS BESTIES WITH CHRIS MAXWELL AND EPSTEIN.>> <<@Djeisjsjsjoowiosls says : 1948>> <<@valeriewhyte9379 says : So let Israel take care of Hamas and Palestinians turn away from them and don’t let them hide amongst you>> <<@David31567 says : Why would Hamas give in when no one pressure them. I just hope Israel stop listen now and go all in now and tell all to F@@k Off>> <<@agarron says : Qatar supports, finances, aids, abets Hamas. Co-conspirators the ICJ simply ignores. Palestine died Oct7th and now there's not gonna be any side by side in peace with Israel, ever! Palestine is recognized by Ireland, Norway & Spain. They can walk their talk and take the Palestinians. Not 1 Arab country will take any Palestinians.>> <<@RiyadAssili says : Israel is the Problem, Not Hamas>> <<@senderralock7490 says : Hamas doesn't care about the lives of humans in Gaza, their aim is victory and evil ways of living>> << says : Hamas is just the arm of ALL the Muslims that want to take Israel from the Jews. Islam is the problem. Ever since Muhammad, Muslims have always been greedy for land and power.>> <<@BOLDBANGER says : both sides are insane.>> <<@Wtizreal says : Israels treatment of Palestinians created hamas israel views of palestinans as sub humans and they keep sending settlers to take more land Palestinians win by existing and surviving Israel is a nuclear power funded by the US the most powerful country in the world yet still they cannot defeat palestinans even with the 17 year blockade>> <<@SeeTheWholeTruth says : So.. now they imagine they are of their own "world" hmm? CLASSIC. They can stay out of my world, with their problems then.>> <<@shilpapatil745 says : Nessary sacrifices?? Why is he hiding in a bunker then…>> <<@MizrahiChick says : Hamas is the problem . Hamas could have allowed the four rescued hostages to leave , instead chose more war. Israel has already " pulled out ", in 2005 !! Why is the world screaming at Israel when Sinwar is making martyrs intentionally ??!!>> <<@jayden7818 says : This is media?! Pathetic!>> <<@jayden7818 says : Where’s the Arabs to speak on these lies?! Mainstream garbage media!>> <<@MrGoGetItt says : We can heard the feedback delay from the microphone broadcasters. Why does that still happen over broadcasts? Why aren’t these as fast as phone calls?>> <<@jordanmannis23 says : of course they know that Hamas is a huge problem, but as long as Hamas is in the spotlight, they aren't that's why they don't do anything about it.>> <<@hannacook859 says : Hamas also refuses to return ALL of the hostages They demand Israel surrenders and gets nothing>> <<@veritas_sweden says : Why does US authorities keep talking to terrorists? Is there a point in talking?>> <<@johncatto5019 says : I would be very interested to know what the people of Gaza actually think of hamas, Israel and the war. The fighting will continue for decades if it is not finished now.>> <<@yaelwebber900 says : Blinkin with his progressive old fashioned ideas doesn’t understand the Middle East,you’re pushing Isreal to give humanitarian aid,you’re providing them with weapons through Egypt what motivation do they have to stop>> <<@philsurgenor6386 says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKzx-NSV6VQ>> <<@paulmorgancollings7833 says : Oh, didn't like my comments then?>> <<@godadoptedme says : Hamas wants to kill Jews until there are no Jews left on the planet. Anyone who does not see this is ignoring the facts.>> <<@Civilized-e3x says : What shameful news....>> <<@donhurst8459 says : as Biden would say "DON'T">> <<@Civilized-e3x says : If hamas is the proplem why the coward arabs didnt end the palestinian issue before creation of hamas1990 😅😅😅>> <<@TheOriginalMcJunior says : “They do understand that Israel has an absolute right to self-defense and that Hamas has to be dismantled.” If the modern state of Israel wasnt created under influence of the British then Hamas would never have existed. Nice way to shift the blame. Nevertheless Hamas is not helping the situation either. Both parties are to blame.>> <<@nikkster01 says : much of the rest of the real world knows that Isreel is the cause of the problem and we know the ever murky group (Hi) AiJAC would say that anyway This isnt a proposal its accept what we say/want/do or die because Nutterman wants perpetual war and no jail time and Biden is in Nov US Pres. election trouble and none of this explains the West Bank daily carnage either>> <<@buyukvegucluturkiye8032 says : *Everyone knows in the world zionist ISRAEL US is a "PROBLEM" but it doesn't serve their interest* *Everyone knows in the world zionist ISRAEL US is a "PROBLEM" but it doesn't serve their interest* *Everyone knows in the world zionist ISRAEL US is a "PROBLEM" but it doesn't serve their interest*>>