<<@bernadetteiranshahr4879 says : Crying Baby , u can become a good actress, trust yourself>> <<@deewhite3764 says : ❤you brave angel❤>> <<@JoaoSoares-rs6ec says : i can already here, some people saying all this is fake.>> <<@BoycottYisraeliApartheid says : Shouldn't have parties in illegally occupied land>> <<@MM-my3pc says : This is a solid mom - she is calm, loving and stoic as she stays strong for her son who is breaking down>> <<@lorenabg7632 says : Blessings to this family, may God heals the pain and trauma of this young man and bring the rest of the hostages back home 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻>> <<@markhuebner7580 says : What monsters Hamas are, how can the world justify this? Is the whole world embracing Mohammad? What kind of religion justifies this?>> <<@marie-pascaleleonetti1555 says : Trop d’émotion… merci Tsahal ❤️❤️❤️❤️>> <<@پروینسلطانی-خ5ث says : King reza pahlavi ✌️ 👑>> <<@پروینسلطانی-خ5ث says : King reza pahlavi ✌️ 👑>> <<@BoycottYisraeliApartheid says : How many innocent children had to die at the bayonets of idf today?>> <<@ReformedVicar says : But still thousands of mindless idiots march supporting this behaviour>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Stand For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protection For A Israel Nation People's From The Ultimate Dangerous Enemy With A Their Fighting Spirit Never Surrender On The Patriotic Lion-Heart Inside Anytime Forever , Shalom Aleichem & God Bless To All of You In Around The World ! 😎🖖 Shame For The Islamic-Radical World Especially From A Iran Proxy Alliance ( HAMAS & FRIENDS + SUPPORTER'S ) & The Qatar Government As A Global Terrorist Habitat With The Palestine Donation Campaign On A War-Crimes Money~£audry Financial System , Don't Trust of The Terrorist Country Including Indonesia or Malaysia Government To Always Funding Them Anytime In Every Where 🤐 The ANTI-SEMITISM Is The Also ANTI-CRIST & ANTI-DEMOCRACY Anytime Every-Where Then The Anti Hebrew-Legacy Is Anti-Torah + Anti Bible HollyBook ; 100% Anti God or Anti Humanity In Every-Places Like The Nazi Movement Event History ! 👥👣 Where The Pro Hamas Protestors To Speaking About A Their Palestinian Human-Right Conditions When The Alot Iranian Citizens To Also Persecuted By A Local Government Regime Like *"MASSA AMINI CASE"* To Death From *'Iran Syariah Law Police'* Then Resulting A Massive National Anarchy Chaos In 2023 Past Years Ago Until Now , This Is A Very Hypocrites! Take Alook When The Syrian Regime Leader *"Basyar Al-Assad"* President With Her Ally Friends ( Hezbollah Faction Militias + Iranian Volunteers Batalyon ) To Destroy The Allepo City & Idlib-Town With A Full Damage Inside To Also Including The Civilian Casualties Victims By Assad-Army Attack Since of 2010-18 Past Years Ago __ Where A UN-Council To Making The Cease~Fire Deals In There?? Nothing At All This Is A Very Hypocrites Discrimination Policy !!!🤔🧤 A HAMAS Follower's or ISIS Philosopher's Are The Real Devil Moeslim Radical Believers With The Pure Evil Religious Monster To Just Only One Way Ticket Into A Their Own Heaven Version Like A Pyscopat Behavior Personality Anytime ! 👹☠️😈 A Qatar Government Is The Iran Proxy Alliance To Also Funding Donation Into A Several America College Institute Like The Colombia University New-York & Etch Its A Terrorist Money~£aundry From The Iran Government , CCP-PLA Beijing , Vladimir Putin Administration In Russia & A Pakistan Corruptor Politician's To Will Try Destroying The Freedom Democracy Country Form US Soil In Anytime Every Where Forever ! Why The Global Moeslim Philosopher's To Can't Protest About A Different Islamic Problems Like The Rohingya-Refugees Crisis of A Junta-Military Solution on The Myanmar Conflict or A Uigurs Etnic-Cleansing Genocide In Xinjiang-China By The CCP Regime Policy Since of 1951 Until Now When A Extrimist Palestine-Pro Sympathier To Want Vanishing The Jewish-Hebrew Exist In A Their Ancestor Soil From The Abraham Heritage Legacy By The Massive Hate~Speech Narrative Anything For Them ! 👥🌍 The Israel Nation Exist & A Freedom Ukrainian People's + The Taiwan Democratic Country To Have Self-Defense Right To Again The Olyqarcy Dictator Regime Like A Russian Putin Leadership Tyrant or The Khomeini Teheran Terrorist Ruler + A CCP-China Dictatorship Otoriterian With A Hardest Determination Struggles Effort Anytime Forever Never Surrender For The Truly Liberty Freedom! 🤖🌟😈 *"Shalom Alaichem & God Bless To All of You Anytime Forever In Every Where For A Trully Democracy Values of Around The World!"* Islam Akan Kuasai Dunia Dgn Lenyap kan Negara Israel , Amerika & Uni Eropa Kata Ali Khamenei Kpd Pentolan Hamas Hassan Aliyeh ! Kenapa Nggak Sekaligus Hancurkan Juga RRC-Tiongkok , India & Russia Berani Nggak ? Maunya Islamisasi-Dunia Tapi Sekongkol Dgn Rezim Sosialis-Komunis-Ateisme Yg Notabenenya Anti Demokrasi Juga Anti Tuhan Dasar Munafik Ngaku Calon Penghuni-$urga Tapi Mempraktikkan Budaya Jahiliyah 🌍☠️ HAMAS = HAMA PENYAKIT DUNIA Bukan Kelompok Pilihan Tuhan Mana Ada Sang Pencipta Bela Kriminal Ngakunya Nabi Islam Muhammed Ini Adl Turunan Ismael Anak Kesayangannya Nabi Ibrahim / Abraham Yg Di Klaim Hidup Se Zaman Dgn Nabi Mussa , Nuh & Yessus Bahkan Klaim Adam-Hawa Ucapkan 2 Kalimat Syahadat ; Masak Cuma Etnis Arab Yg Pertama Ke Muka Bumi Pasti Suku Jawa-Kalimantan-Papua DLL Nggak Pernah Ada / Eksis Selamanya Dasar Bodoh Hanya Klaim-Dongeng Tanpa Analisis Sejarah Yg Mendlm 🤨 Fir'aun Ramses Tenggelam Di Laut Merah Oleh Tongkat Nabi Mussa , Golliath Jagoan Perompak Bajak~£aut Dari Filistin Tersungkur Oleh Raja Daud / King of David , Pemimpin Nazi Jerman Yg Membantai 6Juta Warga Yahudi Yg Di Kenal Dgn Peristiwa Holocaust Akhirnya Tewas Bunuh-Diri Bersama Pengikutnya Dlm Perang Dunia Ke-2 1937-45 & Akhirnya Pemimpin Iran Ibrahim-Raisi Tewas Dlm Kecelakaan Krn Tangannya Penuh Darah Sejak Ia Mulai Menjadi Hakim-Jaksa Penjagal Terhadap Warga nya Sendiri Maupun Dgn Musuh Abadinya Juga Baik Dari Dalam Maupun Luar 😎🤲 NB; Mustinya Juga Harus Di Selidiki Aktivis2LSM Asal Indonesia Spt Hussein-Gaza ( MERCY ) Yg Melarikan Diri Ke Perbatasan Jalur Gaza - Mesir Di Rafah Kemungkinan Mereka Ini Kolaborator-Konspirator HAMAS Via Ormas-Parpol Indonistan { MUI-PKS } Yg Ber Ideologi Khilafah Intoleran & Bisa Kelompok Ektrimist Lokal Di Sini Juga Sdh Terjalin Ikatan Kerja-$ama Termasuk Tukar-Menukar Informasi Intelijen Ala Kadrunista Tsb Bahkan Bisa Saja Masalah Serangan 7Oktober2023 Lalu + 250 Sandera Israel Telah Lama Di Ketahui Antar Interen Kalangan Militan Islam Itu Lewat Pintu2Diplomasi-Rahasia! 👥👹👺🫂 Indonesia Ini Paling Getol Bela Eksistensi Negara Palestina Habis2an Krn Faktor-Utama Adl Pembelaan-Total Terhadap Umat-Islam Di Seluruh Dunia Walau Kadang Munafik Standard-Ganda Pas Giliran Pengungsi Etnis-Rohiniyah Myanmar Di Usir Dari Tanah Serambi-Mekah Aceh , Mendingan Pemerintah R.I Saja Yg Ngasih Uang Kpd Masyarakat Arab-Palestina Di Jalur-Gaza , Tepi-Barat , Jordania , Lebanon & Syria Gunakan APBN Biar Cadangan-Devisa Kita Habis Total Ujung2nya Krisis-Ekonomi 1998-99 Terulang Hingga Timbul Huru~Hara Sosial Besar2an Tak Jamin N.K.R.I Tinggal Sejarah Utk Selamanya Hingga Akhir Zaman Paling Yg Nyesal Adl Anak-Cucu Kita Nanti! 🌏🔥 Pake VPN Server Di Australia , Jepang , Korea-$elatan , Taiwan & Amerika-Kanada Atau Uni-Eropa Agar Tetap Bisa Bikin Akun YouTube Lainnya Dgn Nomer Operator Yg Berbeda2 ( AXIS-THREE , TELKOMSEL , SMARTFREN , INDOSAT & XL ) Atau STARLINK __ Indonesia Maunya Thn 2042 Jadi Negara-Maju Menuju Indonesia-Emas Tapi Jika Tetap Bersikeras Dgn Konsep Sistem Hukum-$yariah Akibat Tunduk Total Dgn NGO-LSM MUI Ini Maka Mustahil Ini Akan Terwujud! 🕸🕷 NB;Mustinya Di Selidiki Aktivis2LSM Asal Indonesia Spt Hussein-Gaza ( MERCY ) Yg Melarikan Diri Ke Perbatasan Jalur Gaza - Mesir Di Rafah Kemungkinan Mereka Ini Kolaborator-Konspirator HAMAS Via Ormas-Parpol Indonistan { MUI-PKS } Yg Ber Ideologi Khilafah Intoleran & Bisa Kelompok Ektrimist Lokal Di Sini Juga Sdh Terjalin Ikatan Kerja-$ama Termasuk Tukar-Menukar Informasi Intelijen Ala Kadrunista Tsb Bahkan Bisa Saja Masalah Serangan 7Oktober2023 Lalu + 250 Sandera Israel Telah Lama Di Ketahui Antar Interen Kalangan Militan Islam Itu Lewat Pintu2Diplomasi-Rahasia! 👥👹👺🫂>> <<@shaz3724 says : A MIRACLE!!!!>> <<@fern8580 says : There is now a need for “agents of change” in Gaza. How in practice? A father (a mother) from Gaza for 200 families, paid 200 euros per month, should be the “agent of change”. missions: moderation, respect, identification and ideological reformation for extremists, daily policing,...an important and essential social work for a bright future in Gaza and beautiful new relations with Israel. Incidentally, any distribution of anything from foreign organizations could only be done with the agreement of the "agent of change" having precise knowledge of the 200 families under his care. the change agent is in charge of the "3 classifications" of the 200 families under his responsibility: 1-hesitant families (dongyo) towards Jews is reserved for average Gazans, 2-families hostile to Jews (choktae) are made up of possible subversive elements (pro hamas etc...) 3- Families of Gazans who worked loyally with Jews. source : North Korea's Hidden Revolution: How the Information Underground, By Jieun Baek the cost ? 2,222,000 euros per month or less than 0.5 euros per Gazans per month. For 10,000 change agents each in charge of 200 families The Chinese example shows the effectiveness: 1,000,000,000 Chinese are managed by 5,000,000 members, i.e. one change agent for 200 Chinese>> <<@LeahFriedman-gj9qo says : Hi>> <<@theburr says : Why does his father have a black eye?>> <<@FaithStJohn says : Praying... Sending Much Love... ISRAEL FOREVER. 🙏😭💖🇮🇱💖🕊🙏>> <<@venusab687 says : Welcome home 🙏>> <<@RiRyLove says : God bless Israel 🇮🇱 Stay Strong 💪 Prayers and love from an American Indian 🇺🇸 🇮🇳>> <<@shandisacrey5200 says : I’m so happy they have their son back and so happy he’s safe with his beautiful family. He’s such a strong man. I get goosebumps seeing him in this video. I pray that they get the rest of them home alive and very soon. Knowing the hostages are suffering in ways we can’t imagine is heartbreaking.>> <<@angeline9435 says : WHATS FUNNY IS,ABDOLS TELLING THE HOSTAGES LOOK WELL,BUT IGNORED THE FACT NOA'S MOTHER CONDITION WORSEN,AND IF IDF DIDNT RESCUE THEM,HER MOTHER MIGHT DIED WITHOUT SEEING HER DAUGHTER.>> <<@connortilson7141 says : The only ONE STATE SOLUTION- is a fully inclusive Democracy, with a NEW CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS that’s GUARANTEES Parity of Esteem, -EQUALITY- for all the many minorities in the Levant ! Already HALF A MILLION Israeli Citizens have left ! Thus avoiding a Conscription Army committing GENOCIDE! FFS Netanyahu ‘s kid is hiding in Florida to avoid the draft with his Joint Citizenship !>> <<@israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 says : Being without sunlight for 8 months and being made to be still causes muscle atrophy. And that is just the obvious problem here. There’s also the psychological issues of such extended trauma. I sure hope they recover well and that the world gives them proper time to do so and leave them alone. I also hope none of them see the news. 😢>> <<@tammiecampbell6164 says : So glad you are home. So sorry about the abuse 😢. Its not your fault, you did nothing to deserve it. Your captor has a mental disease. You will survive. Take lots of BIG HUGS and KISSES every night and day and hang on until the fight is over. Then the world can be at peace! We will be here with you all the way in the spirit of Elohim! ❤🕯️🇮🇱>> <<@tiskwell says : #AmIsraelJai>> <<@Jupiterocks says : am Israel chai!>>