<<@sierabravo215 says : This is great progress with our relationship. Sure, there are things to talk about. Constructive dialogue is what we want and respect on both sides.>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : Australia should stop acting as a deputy sheriff of USA . Australia need its own independent policies to look after itself. Asia is very much anti USA nowadays. A win win friendship with China is good …. Look at the rocky relationship now…..tourism numbers from China are way down … Chinese prefer nearer locations and friendlier countries. Australia must project a warmer friendlier feel ….. You want the Chinese tourist to go home gushing about the beach fun’s, the lobster meal, the friendly aussie charm….the cute koala , the exotic kangaroos….etc… You don’t want them to feel unwelcome from all the xenophobic, racism from certain minority groups. Win win is great.>> <<@smallworld1015 says : Look at these dumb bogans, thinking they still rule the world because they're descendants of England. I mean, what does England mean on the world stage now? Basically, a stooge. Heck, even now it's run by someone of Indian origin. Soon, Australia might be too, as they're just too dumb to innovate. Australians mostly dig and sell; that's what they're good at. With China rejecting their poor-quality resources, they're looking to make deals with India. In return, India gets a deal to send their overpopulation to Australia, where they then join the anti-China alliance. But they keep one route open, in case they need to escape when the curtain falls—the inevitable decline of Western power. Really, these bogan trash are utterly dense. If you traveled to China or around the world, you'd see China's power. These armchair warriors are so outdated, they don't realize the rapid changes around them in the last ten years. I genuinely feel sad for these folks as they're now overwhelmed by Indians. Once the Indians reach significant numbers, they can control elections, shaping the country's future—something these Aussies are too dumb to grasp.>> <<@TheKkpop1 says : Simon, You're putting words on China mouth. Oz trade is worsening when LNP took power.>> <<@franknjamen3044 says : U begged for him to come 😅 Puppet or lapdog can't give lesson. Monologue outlet>> <<@JsckSzx says : sky will find a problem with this>> <<@Magnet12 says : He should apologise to all Australian for the pandemic 😡>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Birmo looks even more ridiculous than usual>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : How can the coalition screw up our trade relations again>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Go away Pooh!!!>> <<@richardmaxwell3472 says : And they say upto 200 thousand flag waving Chinese.. they should have told him to piss off.They tell albo what to do and he does it!>> <<@barryessex4591 says : Is this premmier going to bring a bag full of money for abaneseehe can be bribed 😊>> <<@harrysmith8515 says : China like trade and business. I heard China trade surplus in May alone reached a record new high US$82.6 billion. This means China can afford to buy another US$82.6 billions more products from overseas using only one month trade surplus. I heard Premier Li also give free visa to all NZ citizens if they want to visit China. This give China tourism industry more business after China give free visa to major European countries’s citizens recently. New Zealanders visiting Europe and Middle East may get better deal from China airlines by transit in China.>> <<@jdmcamera7456 says : over for what? Then they will take what Australia has!>> <<@lovechineseforever9434 says : AUSTRALIANS ARE NOT GRATEFUL NOT APPRECIATIVE OF CHINESE KINDNESS, SO DONT BOTHER, LET THEM ENJOY THEIR RECESSION>> <<@ILDG86 says : Simon Birmingham: blah blah blah China blah blah blah>> <<@kbaz3720 says : Why don't you put much pressure on the USA hegemony that enslaved the world including you.... because slaves must follow and parrot their Master's wishes. Why did you attack Iraq Syria Libya because your master ordered you..... without China Australia will be bankrupt as it has been for the last 7 years.mind your homeless and learn from China how to eradicate poverty..>> <<@yowten8994 says : Better ask him for the money we had to borrow from the IMF to cover us through covid.>> <<@johnchung537 says : Hey abo I want ur country. Don't be a soft c×#k.>> <<@Moldugas says : CCP has infiltrated. Good luck guys.>> <<@RememberNineEleven says : Ask him would he prefer to live in China or Australia? .....>> <<@GirtByIdiots says : Coming here to collect his pay packet.>> <<@harrysmith8515 says : Australia shall not discriminate China because China choose one party system instead of using two party system. One party system let China develop much faster. Nowadays China is much more developed than India, Brazil , Indonesia or other developing countries. Its streets are also cleaner and safer than most developed countries. Its life expectancy is already 2 years longer than US life expectancy and 9 years longer than India life expectancy . Expressway length in China reach 177,000 kms vs US 76,000 kms and India 4,900 kms. High speed railway length in China reach 42,000 kms vs both 0 kms in US and India. On top of that, China is also number 1 in many fields such as electricity generation, motor vehicle production (30 million per year), steel and cement production, ship building capacity( China ship building capacity is 232 times greater than US ) while it is nowhere 50 or 70 years ago. Take life expectancy of both China and US as example. In 1950 China life expectancy is about 38 vs US 68. After 71 years, in 2021 China life expectancy is 78.2 vs US 76.1( latest figure by CDC , US life expectancy dropped by 3 in 2020-2021 period from 79.1 originally). China expectancy increase by 40 years while US increase by 8 years only. China life expectancy increase 5 time faster than US. Also Look at health care by comparing MMA rate( maternal mortality rate): in 1950 China maternal mortality is 1500 women death per 100,000 birth vs US 100 women death per 100,000 births. In 2021, China MMA is 16.1 vs US 23.8 per 100,000 (the lower the number , the better health care service level) . Infant mortality rate: in 1950 China infant mortality is 195 death per 1000 birth vs US 26.8 death per 1000 births. In 2021, China infant mortality rate drop to 5 per 1000 vs US 5.4 per 1000 birth. And people in China retire at 55 years old on average to access pension. About 12 years earlier than US's 67 years requirement while some countries may not have pension at all. It means an American need work extra 40*52*12=25,000 hrs in his life than an average person in China. It also means an American only has 9 years to enjoy retirement while an average person in China has 23 years to enjoy retirement. And it is not means or asset tested when access pension in China. It means you get your pension monthly even you stay overseas, are a multi-millionaire or have another job after retirement. Singapore is another example of one party system. Its gdp is highest among Asia.>> <<@PaulJames-by2rf says : Don't want him here,>> <<@Michael.Kerkman says : He's only coming to check up on the take over progress...>> <<@williambristow9610 says : Let's let this prick know what Australia ns think of china>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albo will be licking his boots>> <<@ogcheekycheeky6852 says : They haven’t got the guts to raise concerns gutless government>> <<@ianwillans3031 says : Our advice for SLEASY ALBANEASY. Stay in China. We do not want you back in Australia. You are an absolute disgrace.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WATCH-OAT ALBO'S BENDING OVA FOR SHE"SHE"PING HAULERING OAT WHERE'S ME BOWL 🥣 OF CHINESE OAT'S UND-MAYE CUPA CHINESE TAYE☕️👋😳>> <<@solar1Aus says : What to expect?..🐂💩>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : The regional FARMERS OF AUSTRALIA THANK YOU ALBO... LNP made many farmers homeless... lost their families and pets. 😊>> <<@eb2505 says : I suppose he's doing a personal audit of the assets his country owns.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Australia, Chy na's lap dog.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Albo’s superintendent doing a compliance check, ABC interview, visit Dan Andrew’s, order in Australian takeaway to hotel room 😂😂>> <<@greaterbayareahero1401 says : Australia are getting smart. They know they need to keep the business running. It's like Kodak when they refused to sell digital cameras and now they are dead. Australia knows the trend is China and they need to go in fast otherwise they will be left behind like the UK or in other words become irrelevant. Keep the lip service to the US whilst doing business behind the scenes after-all who will feed them? The US? lol>> <<@grantsapain says : Let's see how much Albo can capitulate...>> <<@benjones4866 says : Welcoming the rulers of Australia to Australia.>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : What China will be promoting is the BRICS - Brazil - Russia - India - China - South Africa - trade group. What no-one understands is - U.S. sanctions was the bait trap - Russia and China wanted from the Ukraine invasion. Russia and China had worked out two things - from previous U.S. involvement in world politics. 1. They pushed the U.S. to bring on harsh sanctions. The invasion of Ukraine - worked - for Russia & China. The strategy here is not war. This strategy - was to severely damage the reputation of the U.S. as world power broker - and destroy it's economy. And it's going to plan - exactly as Russia and China - expected. 2. Russia and China worked out - how to break U.S. sanctions. And they also worked out - how to create their own world trade organisation. No E.U. trade deals. The BRICS group is controlled by Russia & China. And of course the U.S. is going to say BRICS - means nothing. The same Washington liars - who got every security call wrong on - Syria - Afghanistan - Ukraine - Israel - green energy - and the list just rolls on. Green energy policy - is why the oil producing middle East Countries have dropped the U.S. dollar as the currency you buy their oil with. The labor loonies in Canberra have the same fake list of policy lies - they are running Australia into the ground with. The labor clowns in Canberra - are the dumbest bunch of people - you could ever find. What no-one understands is. Australian labor politics - is the worst show in town. It's all lies. These people advise themselves. They refuse to listen to anyone else. And the only people they listen to - are like minded fools. This is why - they are a complete waste of time - and - are always - immoral - corrupt - useless. To tell you how dumb and stupid - our institutional media and Australian politicians are. Russia & China now have all the Middle East oil producing countries in the BRICS group. Thanks to idiots like labor and Washington - who said - we don't need oil anymore. As of the 6th of June 2024 - Saudi Arabia - dropped selling their oil in U.S. dollars. That's no more. That's a huge deal. The U.S. dollar is no longer the reserve currency of world trade. Next - the U.S. seizing Russian assets in the U.S. - is also telling the rest of the world you cannot trust the U.S. China holds most of the U.S. government bonds debt. China is selling off those bonds for gold. The U.S. is going to go broke. The huge debt run up by the Democrats - means the U.S. government has to borrow money. China and Russia are going to push the U.S. to default on their government debt. The Democrats have destroyed their own country - their economy - and all the things - that kept world peace. The issue is - the U.S. Democrats - are the dumbest people in the building. The second you treat everyone else like an idiot - and you think you are the only people in the room. Is that very same time - you will lose control of everything you had done for you - by others - to give you - the benefits - you now live under. The other class class clowns - of that order. The Australian labor party. The only group where you entry into labor politics - is based on how low is your I.Q. To the base level of a GIMP. Gimp is an old medical term - for the level of intelligence of the person you are dealing with. And labor has all the gimp's in one room. Labor just love the U.S. Democrats - and are wedged right up between the cheeks of their arse. That's what the clowns in Canberra - can't get through their little minds. Russia and China have worked out - how to send the U.S. broke. And that will cause all sorts of problems in the U.S. - given - their economy will fail very soon. Meaning interest rates to borrow money to run the U.S. government - the U.S. wont be able to afford. The labor lunatics in Canberra - have no idea. They are the dumbest bunnies - you could ever hope to find. Arrogant and clueless - and stupid - no wonder Russia and China laugh at Australia. Could you imagine - between our woke idiot public servants - and the labor gimp's in a meeting with China. The Chinese would be laughing their heads off for decades to come. They would not believe their luck - at just how - stupid labor politicians really are.>> <<@muzzleflash1 says : Albanese is going to intruct the Chinese Premier to immediately close all their coal fired power stations or their will be swift consequences.>> <<@bestestusername says : Is john setka going to meet the chinese visitor before albo? Seems appropriate the leader meets first>> <<@Explorshon123 says : Why would we welcome an extreme human's right's abuser.>> <<@StevenJeffries-g5f says : Albo is aging pretty quick 😂>> <<@aussierob3860 says : He’s only coming here to see how well Chinas land grab in Australia is going. It’s a communist country FFS. Shows where our loyalty lays doesn’t it.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : May be welcomed by the worst prime minister Australia has ever had, Not by Australians>> <<@AF-cg2es says : Please tell China's Premier to ask his country to stop threatening our family in Taiwan>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : China is most welcome 🇨🇳👍>>