<<@np2917 says : Australia have largest Uranium reserve and Australian is not using Nuclear power plant... It is foolish... Like asking Saudi Arabia to don't drive petrol car. Or asking German people to don't use Mercedes or BMW.. Country must use own resources to prosper own people.. 😇 With electric car electricity demand will go 25X in Australia. If is it expensive then Vietnam, India, and other countries can afford.?.. 😇>> <<@snipermama777 says : Forget the Paris agreement it’s a lot of rubbish!!!! Who the hell cares what the rest of the world thinks of Australia 🇦🇺 we need to look after ourselves no other country in the world is going to look after us. Wake up Australia 🇦🇺>> <<@ronaldwarren1267 says : The Chinese have these reactors basically in kit set,they set it up you already have the fuel up and done and safe before you know it cheaper than the subs which you'll prob never see>> <<@nhmooytis7058 says : My dad always said he’d happily live next to a nuke, the next week was Three Mile Island. He toned it down after that 😊>> <<@rickslaven3564 says : The foundations were well planned by outside countries years ago to get nuclear power in Australia for one reason they want accessibility to our uranium. It's coming and it will be controlled by China. China is building 150 nuclear plants in the next ten years at a rate of 4 years to build from ground up each plant. The Australian government being manipulated with aligning with Energy companies with Australian names but Chinese owned power suppliers who want Australian Uranium and its right under our noses . Heritage nsw needs to ask itself about who they protect its not the true custodians and knowledge holders of country .>> <<@S.Carrick says : I'd much prefer nuclear plants, each on one spot surrounded by trees etc, than thousands of klms of wind turbines slathered through destroyed bushland habitat, and black thousands of hectares of solar panels with their heat rising into the already heated atmosphere..>> <<@neilbeauchamp1924 says : I have a Coal fired power station within 2 kilometers and I would love to see that converted to Nuclear. All the infrastructure is there already so it just comes down to changing the method of heating to water to make steam to drive the turbines.>> <<@matty3221 says : Why would you plqce a plant near a coast or wqter system, other than to be able to use the ocean to ran off contaimonated water (poluting our ocean/ecosystems/tourist attractions), staff accessibility etc? Japans failed reactor is still bleeding radiation into the ocean and they came get close to stop the reaction bcos is to hot for even machines! Better to take advantage of our vast deserts were water can't run into waterways and waste can be disposed of safely. Extra cost to ran the power inputs but worth it in the long run.>> <<@carbonite1999 says : stop listening to fools who think its going to be built next to them . or the waste buried next to their property ..>> <<@shanekay8278 says : I would take a power plant over win turbines taking over the coast and farming land>> <<@shanekay8278 says : Can they get Bowen the clown to have a debate with this lady. I will say no, Bowen the clown is a protected species by Albo and they know how stupid people with a brain will make them look>> <<@kingey71 says : Happy to have one here too. Less background radiation than is expelled from burning coal. FACT.>> <<@vinceh-r3j says : The blond looks as if she’s got hypoglycemia. If you feel dizzy and or having blurry vision get a blood test done asap and eat candy! She got me a little worried when she was talking she looks nice but a little sick>> <<@gordonmcdowell says : Visiting at nuclear power plant Would definitely be a tourist attraction for me. Maybe not all the way to Australia, but somewhere closer! If I was going to visit Australia, I would absolutely try to check out a nuclear power plant if there was tours available to the public.>> <<@JoeyBlogs007 says : Centralized energy sources, including nuclear power, tend to increase costs and provide a convenient tax base for governments. Decentralized electricity generation is a far better solution. Solar PV systems on every roof, paired with three days of battery storage, can address 90% of domestic power requirements at a lower cost. Nuclear power is one of the most expensive options available. In Europe, wind energy is more viable than solar, while in Australia, solar energy is more viable than wind. A mix of renewable energy sources is often the best approach. Large-scale nuclear power is ludicrously expensive. Small modular nuclear reactors could be less costly if they utilize off-the-shelf technology, but not if they require custom designs. At the end of the day, any approach that further centralizes power generation is a disaster for household energy independence.>> <<@JoeyBlogs007 says : You can have the nuke in your backyard and pay for it out of your own salary. The majority of nations won't meet 2030 emissions targets, no matter what system is in place. Large-scale nuclear will never occur. Dream on. Operational costs are minimal until you have to dispose of the nuclear waste. Modular SMR might have a future, but not in a major way. Renewables and battery technologies are advancing too quickly for nuclear to catch up cost-wise. Battery storage energy density is rapidly improving. Solar energy is falling in price along with wind. Aust is a massive country with a small population and can easily rollout renewables. Nuclear a lot more difficult, as Aust is so spread out, leading to many inefficiencies.>> <<@jamesc2810 says : I’ve even looked into making one in my back yard. Someone has done this before. Google nuclear scout ☢️ sad tragic story>> <<@johnnywarbo says : How can nuclear be banned or illegal in Australia if we already have a nuclear facility at Lucas Heights and we are taking on nuclear submarines, it does not make sense. If the government, the greens and the other parties don't want nuclear then coal and gas will have to stay as there is no way renewables will cut it for base load dispatchable power in this country.>> <<@DavidAllen-qp8dz says : If you think electricity is expensive now. You haven't seen expensive electricity yet The problems will begin if they start cutting corners trying to make them cost competitive. Just ask the French. Just miraculously double the life span of their reactor fleet. So either someone got the original life span woefully wrong or they cant afford to build new ones. I'd put money on the latter.>> <<@gregorymcleod says : I agree I am happy to have 1 in my area.>> <<@aussienscale says : Build one in my backyard, will apply for a job too 👍👍>> <<@harrywalker7980 says : At the rate we are going in 20 years or so, no one will want renewable toxic waste from old solar and wind generators dumped in their backyards due to toxic leaching and other issues we have yet to discover about their adverse impact>> <<@troy6882 says : 30 later some guy figured out electric core engineering vs this joke 😃😄😁😆😅 5 Smile's in the works without nukes.......>> <<@bretwebber7484 says : Wazzup from Hanford site 😊!>> <<@dimitriosfreedom9282 says : We already have a nuclear reactor in Sydneys southern suburb of Lucas Heights even with a ban in place.>> <<@AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc says : Clean energy my arse. Everything shits!>> <<@bobthebomb1596 says : How many industries would suddenly become fans of "Storing nuclear waste in their back yards" if dry casks came with heat exchangers allowing them to be hooked up to process vats or greenhouses? 24/7 heating for the cost of the electricity to run a circulation pump.>> <<@BigFerg-hf6uv says : " a bit misleading" Yep that sounds like Albo alright>> <<@allenknapp3416 says : Yep i will have one too>> <<@newshound2521 says : Sure you would smart rs. As if you dont have access to reliable energy now>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : well what's going to be more expensive build a nuclear reactor and run it for 80 years or wind and solar 20 years pull them down and make it all agein 4 times you will have to do that of a life on a nuclear plant>> <<@bobbritten5673 says : I will have a coal powered power stations in my back yard with technology fitted to reduce pollution to zero ,How a bout That , a hole lot cheaper than nuklier power at this point .>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : no workers all our builders are in Dubai Singapore God knows where put here becouse this councils take to long to get builds up and going>> <<@stancraigie601 says : If we get Nuclear why would we need any 'renewables'? Save the environment and wildlife!>> <<@Gungho1a says : At least your suburb wouldnt get greemies and enviroanarchists. Thats a plus.>> <<@bytemecommunications says : Well that's the guarantee we've all been waiting for... ALL nuclear reactors in Jasmin's backyard then!>> <<@lokai7914 says : Some experts? The federal government has NO CHANCE of doing so!>> <<@Stllno says : Bring it on! Let’s get with the program to ensure reliable energy production that doesn’t rely on the sun shining, the wind blowing or the water running! Nuclear brings with it many associated technologies into the country. Batteries - pffft. Watch en burn!>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : How about existing power station sites for nuclear power stations... what am I missing here?>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : Absolutely imagine the jobs and income stream filtering into any town. Win-win there.>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : BUILD ME A SMALL REACTOR IN MY BACK YARD PLEASE>> <<@patryanlrd666 says : Lived basically next to one on Lake Norman North Carolina no problems. They’re forgetting Ai is going to need a shit load or power.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Meanwhile, whilst the West returns to a 17th century economy, the Chinese are seeking latest generation of Russian Reactors that run on depleted uranium. Thousands of years of supply already in existing surface storage. Have fun with the windmills.>> <<@gregberzinski3996 says : Better than having junk metal fans and wires spread all over Australia>> <<@TwoToneTonyLee says : If it had to be In my town and have cheap electric bill Ok let’s go>> <<@anthonytheiss1296 says : Let's forget recently albo did a deal for nuclear subs we take used uranium to store in SA but can't build a nuclear power plant because of waste 😂 Wtf and on-top of that we have purest uranium in the world cheaper to refine and better quality not dirty like 1950s style , the shit they claim even our coal is clean and pure over the rest of the world but our coal gets the 1800s standard of burning reactors like wtf it's a joke world staging bullcrap from our sellout government>> <<@JimboJones-qn4wd says : Labor WON'T lift the nuclear ban because doing that, they would lose the green's vote. Without the green's vote, Labor would NEVER get into power. On the other hand, the Liberals and the NP are all in favour of nuclear, so if they get into power, the BAN WILL BE GONE and we can get a MOVE ON WITH SENSIBLE, STABLE, CO2 FREE, LONG TERM, NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION!!!>> <<@Wombat-y7t says : The UK just signed on to rolling out small 300 MW reactors manufactured by Westinghouse….>> <<@turnyourbacktoit says : Give us one in Port Macquarie. Great jobs !>> <<@jefftysoutube says : Hinkley Point, the latest partly completed nuclear power plant in the UK, is already at an expected 25c/kw hr. Add the Australia tax on top and this comes out as rather expensive. Someone needs to do their homework before this drags the coalition down. Just keep to the cuts go immigration before jumping the shark with another bonkers nuclear proposal!>>