<<@hiltonsue-wah-sing1239 says : His criteria is that you must have absolute and unquestionable LOYALTY to him and not expect loyalty from him in return... Just ask Michael Cohen. and Pence.>> <<@Roy-ii8lr says : Bidon picked a DEI VP. Together, they destroyed America. Trump can pick Micky Mouse, and we'll be better off. Its over you commies😮😮😮😢😅>> <<@marscrumbs says : Tulsi Gabbard looks best in a bathing suit.>> <<@Bigwave2003 says : Good on TV? That certainly wasn't his criteria last time. Trump's other test: It has to be a white guy. Bet on it.>> <<@prakkari says : I say it’s Vance>> <<@casey1756 says : Bidens vp pick was a DEI pick>> <<@e79422 says : None of those guys. I am betting on Tulsi Gubbard.>> <<@rocca350 says : Vivek or Biron>> <<@johnwhitmire9192 says : Ben Carson>> <<@don2006ka says : If vivek is not picked i care a fk if any of the two old loonies trump or biden become president again>> <<@carlrball says : at least it's not based on skin color like racist more on joe>> <<@ipekurian4372 says : Thulsu Gabard or Ramaswami>> <<@worldclass64 says : Rubio would be the the final nail in the coffin for Democrats , he would bring in additional independent votes that Trump would need to close the show . If Trump is thinking it should be Rubio !>> <<@krisdunwoody7037 says : Trump needs a Vice Presidential Choice that is "Black" (to get the "Black Vote"), a Woman (to get the Female Vote), a person with one Parent (or Grandparent) just "Off the Boat" (in the last 50 years or so) to get the Imigrants Vote, but at least one Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandparent that came here at Plymouth Rock to get the "DAR" Vote!>> <<@krisdunwoody7037 says : There is enough Big Political Issues out there, for the need to be having 10 Presidential Election Candidates Debates! Both Main Political Parties Candidates, seems very scared to be in Presidential Candidates Election Debates, but agree to (at least one) so it does not look like they are "Scared" or "Chicken"! About ten are needed, so "Facts Checkers from both sides Political Parties can check Statements made by the other Political Party Presidential Election Candidate, and come back into the next Presidential Election Candidates Debate, and bring up any mis-accuracy, or deliberately "Mis-Spoke" Statements, from "The Other Side of the Debate"!>> <<@mariabloom4051 says : Such a convicted felon>> <<@mariabloom4051 says : Rubio lives in Florida>> <<@mariabloom4051 says : It is not Tim Scott>> <<@cindyt8278 says : Still better than KAMIL TOES>> <<@cindyt8278 says : I’m glad Trump is not picking a woman. We need less in the government and I’m a woman by the way.>> <<@jackieonate3439 says : His vp choice would be the deciding force. So far it doesn't look good. The inly one that nay help would be Rubio. He us oopular people know him ,the ither no one has heard of them>> <<@patj2205 says : NONE OF THE ABOVE WILL SUCCEED IN THE RAT RACE.>> <<@fightingchina2263 says : Only Nikki Haley can help Trump to be President ! If not , Trump may loose the General Election ! Trump only have one more term being President , the VP Nikki Haley can continue his journey to make America Great Again ! because she have 2 terms !>> <<@Rantmas says : 🇺🇸 Donald j trump, Tom cotton what a winning force🇺🇸 😎>> <<@charlielupo4942 says : ROB SCHMITT❤🎉>> <<@soudia9084 says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂OMG and these people actual believe they will be VP? And the media is helping Trump>> <<@Artlife0831 says : So it’s ok that Biden picked a black woman who doesn’t give a damn about black people. She was just a DEI pick. Both parties are ridiculous.>> <<@davidbybee9930 says : wow cnn with the deep fake headlines>> <<@tammyosier134 says : Nope. Who can do the job and take the heat thrown at them by the left. Byron Donald is the only one that fits that criteria. That and he thinks like a businessman. Thinking like a businessnan fared well under Trump the first time.>> <<@TomZart says : CARSON & TRUMP = 2024 ?? America, the abundant, the place I was born I'll cherish till the day I die. Where the bones of past heroes lie buried in the ground Who loved her the same as I. Her mountains are so tall they reach for the sky With prairies where the green grasses grow. There's billions of trees where wild birds nest With creatures that flourish below. That blue gold called water with which we are blessed As raindrops or crystallized snow Changes to rivers and fresh water lakes While the winds of our seasons blow. Some cities have buildings a hundred stories tall Structures of concrete, glass and steel. A statue in a harbor, a present from France Describes how inside, we feel. That flag on the moon with red and white stripes Proves America’s dreams come true. A country of heroes who line up to protect The past, the present and few. Our men and woman who serve in harm’s way Are the armor of what the free world depends on. Without their sacrifice of body and soul All that we stand for is gone. It’s not a priest who gives us freedom of religion, It’s not a reporter who give us freedom of voice. It’s not any judge, lawyer, politician, preacher or teacher But the blood of a soldier that has sacrificed by choice. By Tom Zart! Most Published Poet On The Web George Bush Tom Zart>> <<@CooperJones777 says : CNN tells the truth about as often as Satan does, which - is never.>> <<@BryanClinton478 says : Whoever he picks, I can’t wait to see VP Harris drag them. Just like she did with Pence.>> <<@hgin7451 says : Trump will snake, embezzle, lie, cheat...... the public like most of his business investors/partners who did business with him in all of his defunct businesses.>> <<@dannyleo4791 says : JD is the likely pick.>> <<@elmirasha2133 says : CNN is hilarious 😂 Trump is looking for a good fit for future president!😊>> <<@denisehall4818 says : Trump wants a non-personality.Rubio and Vance are too smart.>> <<@ronblack215 says : Joe obumer is criminal in thief and the so called democrats are organized crime>> <<@ronblack215 says : CNN communist news network>> <<@bigjorge863 says : Desantis>> <<@DebbiePorter-g4b says : Whoever is the biggest criminal is who he will pick. Imo he will pick someone other than who he has shown just to cause an uproar & havoc>> <<@annnguyen2400 says : Again and again,do not go by the person you LIKE , irrelevant.>> <<@kumudukulasekara6684 says : I see an explosion on paternity suits and family court cases, higher poverty rates, housing shortages, increased demands on healthcare and education, less skilled workforce etc. Yes, bring on a total abortion ban.>> <<@tyronejackson2235 says : After the cackling by Camel Toe Harris, need to pick someone good on tv.>> <<@colinfryett8174 says : At least it won't be dumbo Kamala Harris 😅>> <<@henryjeffries2280 says : BENNY HILL FOR PRESIDENT>> <<@henryjeffries2280 says : BENNY HILL FOR PRESIDENT>> <<@journalistedisoncarter says : Hahahahahaha. She said douchey monster. That just made my entire month. Douchey monster; not to be confused with cookie monster. Also? I'm SO over people using initials for their names. ONLY T.J.Hooker and Mr.T are okay with me.>> <<@LayaLay_Duhh says : ⁠Biden got us the first woman VP, first black Supreme Court justice, biggest infrastructure bill, he brought down the price of insulin and stopped pharmaceutical companies from price gouging , lowest unemployment rate, highest stock market, saved us from Covid( Trump suggested you drink bleach😭), record profits of U.S oil, student debt relief, and if I’m not mistaken he gave 7 billion in funding to HBCU’s! Biden is far from perfect, but he’s all for the working class💯💙>> <<@omart8243 says : Poor Tim Scott thought he he had a chance. He should have known that Trump wants a certain look (cough ..."race") . Don't believe me, check what he said about a potential black winner in the first season of the apprentice, "Is America gonna buy a n*88 ** winning?". Check what he proudly said about Obama, "you won't see another black president for generations." Check out what he told his casino manager about hiring a black accountant, " “Black guys counting my money! I hate it..">> <<@Nosugarcoatingme says : Donnie is losing moderate voters faster than a bra in a strip club. Bc Americans deserve better than a convicted felon running this Country.>>