<<@TaterFarm says : I guess we “haven’t” seen it all… this crap is beyond the pale…. Do They want you to disappear yourself or what?>> <<@jdemartino5896 says : BE GONE "PAIRISITES ">> <<@jimz508 says : How long before this is available on Amazon? 😅>> <<@mrwonderful2142 says : These leftist clowns are destroying my state 😠🖕>> <<@kathyrogers2065 says : Why would any sane or reasonable person teach children to use Fentanyl rectally? A very sick and illogical Democrat.>> <<@pbattis1 says : Maine has lost its way.>> <<@FKCENSORSHIP says : Where's all the methheads all like you mean I didn't have to use my toes this whole time? 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@FKCENSORSHIP says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just ...... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@stjbananas says : 😂 Keep voting for your filthy, beloved democrats.>> <<@rkujay says : Well now. This ought to fix everything... /s>> <<@dominiqueroy9512 says : I'm so ashamed to be from Maine. Thus is disgusting>> <<@55points says : When you realize we have not yet begun to hear it all yet. These people are paid to dream up total filth and disgust upon the people with taxpayer dollars and huge salaries that most of us will never get in our lifetimes. They are ALL liberal elite college grads who have useless degrees that no one will hire them for. So the dems create jobs out of thin air and pay them exorbitant salaries wasting money meant for nothing of any merit. .>> <<@KnockYourEggOff says : What??? Is this insanity real? Sounds like a great time to stop paying taxes!>> <<@stevenorosz1518 says : How about no fentanyl>> <<@matthiascarlos814 says : What>> <<@inmyopinion6662 says : Is it any wonder that Democrats run Maine? They've made it legally impossible to stop voter fraud.>> <<@christophercotton5115 says : Maine off the rails>> <<@chrisbailey9377 says : Big Steve has villain eyebrows...... 😆 At least he isn't boofing.>> <<@jasonjohnson7150 says : Hunter probably told Daddy to get the Crack Kits, you know, so he had plenty for himself.>> <<@jasonjohnson7150 says : Go figure that they like it up the ASS!>> <<@joanduff6472 says : Names please who have approved this>> <<@timbrady6473 says : Did the woman on the right look as though she was needing to break out her works and get a quick boof herself?>> <<@carlmontney7916 says : This goes to show you how deep the mass Insanity runs in our governments. Local, State and Federal are brainwashed. Plus even worse is we're paying for it!>> <<@apoeticsong says : Leave it to Maine. BTW EWWW>> <<@jeremywhitt7009 says : But those evil plastic straws are the real enemy 🙄>> <<@CoyoteBytes says : Is it just me or is the democrats faction invested in making everything worse? Helping people continue using drugs isn’t a justifiable government program by any practical measure.>> <<@gregbirger5810 says : You know you're living in an upside down clown world when a joke punchline becomes an actual thing. Sad.>> <<@intoalivinghope says : It's in the exact same mindset as going along with a person's trans madness. Instead of putting in the time, sweat, and tears to get in the trenches and help these people with their emotional and psychological problems, they'll just hand them a needle or teach them how to do butt drugs or affirm their "gender" so they don't have to deal with them.>> <<@rickoom3081 says : Yikes>> <<@deletingaccount says : I barely recognize America.. the country I was once proud to be a citizen of has broken my heart. I am beginning to hate this country!>> <<@greensage395 says : The Tax-Payers of Maine need to Sue!>> <<@johnaberm6177 says : Yeah I've heard about the infamous butt rocket but back then that's what women were doing with meth😮😂🤢>> <<@liap1293 says : They're insane.>> <<@RatDog84 says : 😢>> <<@deansynan7424 says : Thank you for revealing this hard to fathom why they do this.>> <<@deansynan7424 says : satan's agenda acted out by satan's children. Pure Evil>> <<@themeek351 says : This is demonic! In the name of Jesus Christ get out of our world!>> <<@mikebridgeford1628 says : Pharmakeia>> <<@farmerjoe1801 says : Maine has been going down this road for a long time…it just hasn’t been getting as much attention as the others. The state of Maine is completely socialist.>> <<@napoleonsmith7793 says : Maine has always been insane.>> <<@jeffd3660 says : It seems there is no end to the Democrat lunacy>> <<@jcampb4 says : Aiding & abetting illegal drug use and potentially drug overdose murder.>> <<@christaldaughtery2849 says : Look who runs Maine. Is it any wonder?! Protest!!>> <<@maialynda says : She's encouraging very risky behavior. A tiny bit of Fentanyl can kill you.>> <<@Jomama02 says : I don't think you should give that advise to anyone and i don't agree with giving them needles at all!>> <<@eddysgaming9868 says : Facilitating drug use is more likely. How many Americans has fentanyl killed already? Yet another gift from China and Mexican cartels.>> <<@amisunshineraee9796 says : Public health expert ,indoctrinated lies>> <<@tammyjohnson258 says : This is gross!>> <<@pammelfiteno2972 says : What the heck>> <<@inmyopinion6662 says : Not surprised it's coming from Maine. Voting for a Democrat is gay. Don't be gay.>>