<<@YouShouldThink4Yourself says : Yeah, sounds like what they did in Victoria, we were a Liberal electorate and got carved up and 2 areas got included into a Labor stronghold. Our votes are now irrelevant and at the last election the previous Liberal held seat flipped to Labor. Electoral boundaries should not be changed based on population>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Islam invaders>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : AEC are corrupt. THey enrol people without consent, fail to inform those people who they illegally enrolled, and then when the election comes, and those people who were illegally enrolled and don't know that they're on the electoral roll so don't vote in that election, those people get fined for not voting, but they don't get told about that either. Until they go to pay their rego or licence and find it suspended for non-payment of the fine they didn''t know they'd got for not voting in an election when they didn't know they were enrolled to vote because the AEC are corrupt and they enrolled the people without consent. I want my money back.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Seat of Bullwinkle? Do any moose’s live there?>> <<@NateMcCarthy-d4b says : Errr we’re errrr moving the electorate to errrr help labor errrr we don’t really want the errr truth to errrr come out errr>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Labor will do anything to rig cheat state and federal elections they don't get it no one wants Frauds in government>> <<@ricky6864 says : Aec making it easier for them to cheat. We need a overhaul of our voting system... especially the dirty deals done for preferences>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : MAYBE REMOVING THE "OVERENROLED" HUME ELECTORATE WILL JUST CREATE AN EVEN BIGGER "OVERENROLLED" ELECTORATE.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WUTT ABOAT DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DA TORRAYES RIDING DA HORSAYE'S 🏇 TA WORK EVERYDAYE TADAYE UND YESTURDAYE OKAYE 👋🤪>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Folk are becoming more and more sceptical as to the amount of influence, even politicisation, that politicians hold on such quangos as the AEC and ABS etc.>> <<@MirageMages says : 🗣LEMME GRAB A HOLD AND SUPLEX 🔥>> <<@MirageMages says : 🗣RIPPIN HEADS OFF COBRAS WIT DIS ONE 🐍 🔥 https://youtu.be/rek1h4LiPS8>> <<@WitchDoctor-m9s says : Gerrymandering. Manipulation of the Electorates.>>