<<@RabbityGoodness says : Oh… please click. Click on our story. The world is “bone dry” or “terribly wet” or “insert talking point”..:.:. Oh no…. Some, wait for it…. Foggy. In June!!! 😳 Rain is “incessant” 🤦‍♂️>> <<@tagiscom says : The climate loony emergency is blowing up in Puppet Mass Media and all they can do is say "warmest year on record" even though our winters are freezing. Loving this after almost 40 years of this BS!>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : GLOBAL WARMING ! ENDLESS DROUGHT !! RIVERS & DAMS !! THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED 20 YEARS AGO. IS SKY NEWS NOW DENYING THE CLIMATE ?>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : I love it 🥰>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : People commenting here don't seem to be aware that some people have got stuff to do and want to know what the weather pattern is expected to be.>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Canberra -2 other places around Tasmania is round -1 to 10C daily Learn to read weather all will get better knowing when it will rain>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Why do people complain about the Cold it's Winter how's the temps ffs people are so braindead>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Tasmania covered in snow no mention>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : OMG how dare a News channel report on the weather... What;s the world coming to, it's unheard of... 😊>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Has anyone spoken of the Bilderberg Meeting at all??>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Engineered weather Man Made but cannot inform truth here it's always attacked Who missed me majority of you did>> <<@gibsonlespaul3695 says : Lucky we have the media's gaslighting to keep us warm and dry!>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : Remember the rain that falls will not fill the creeks rivers, dams or potholes.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WUTT" ABOAT" DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF SYDNAYE GETTIN OAT" HURR UMBRELLA ☔ IT'S ABITT CLOAD-AYE 🌥☔️👋🤪🤣frum TADAYE UND YESTURDAYE OKAYE 🌥☔️👋🤪>> <<@Rae-nq2yw says : SKY news now the weather channel. It’s WINTER.😂>> <<@ivareskesner2019 says : Melbourne is no better. We are experiencing an influx of what boffins and scientists refer to as _'a bout of absolutely shit-house weather'._ The type only a fire, agood woman and a bottle of whiskey can remedy.>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Imagine how cold it would have been without global boiling.>> <<@UltraPerception says : 1:44 next to his head u can see its squares made of squares the cloud. see it pixel overlay the map>>