<<@taylorshelp5046 says : They are literally foaming at the mouth.>> <<@veev2561 says : Hillary at the Tony's in ny last night, keep seeing her in ( moo-moos) she's trying to do the black thing, Jamaica. Guess no ozempic for her, and no more pants units she was famous for>> <<@veev2561 says : Today's show, having that pastor on in mich, the black church will be the ones to help americans see what God is doing against evil forces>> <<@darlenegoodall7797 says : Trump is the best....>> <<@kathrinnicholson8342 says : HEARD ALL THIS BERORE/NOTHING NEW HERE? CAN"T FIGURE THIS NOW DEMS??>> <<@PhuongDo-dc2yj says : I would like to see Vivek debate with Kamala !!!>> <<@PhuongDo-dc2yj says : Happy birthday my President Trump !!!!>> <<@ericneron7353 says : The Spanish Americans went through the right procedures to live in USA. Now with Biden the immigrants are rubbing their jobs>> <<@TerryWhitley-kw7gb says : Every state in the USA need to vote for President Donald Trump in 2024! And send a message to the Democratic voters saying you all can vote for President Donald Trump too>> <<@genarasaritacotrera7011 says : Secretario autin.correo>> <<@robertray5851 says : A McGovern election?>> <<@garythompson8851 says : TRUMP 24❤️❤️❤️🗳️🗳️🗳️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@spicymayonesa says : The loveless marriage between trump & Melania is obvious>> <<@paulhenrycnd1 says : Unbelievable disappointed with fox interview with Riley Gaines today the hard corrections from Arthel echo's CNN media manipulation and live edit. Attention to detail one thing this was something else. I expect more.>> <<@CynVee says : Hispanic Americans are Americans first! Black Americans are Americans first! White Americans are Americans first! Asian Americans are Americans first! President Trump is America and Americans first! Trump 2024>> <<@BillRoy-q3f says : go Trump 2024>> <<@patriciagriffith2167 says : New surprise will be the millions of illegal immigrants who will take the bribe to vote for tired, worn-out-his-welcome Joe.>> <<@seanreardon8212 says : Biden is making it impossible for kids living in their moms and dads basements to get a house or an apartment cuz it's too expensive these kids wait for Mom and Dad to die so they can take over the house which they don't have to pay for anything that's the only way they can live in today's society>> <<@genedowns3484 says : When you see politicians waving their arms and preaching to the choir you know the jig is up🤣 🇺🇸 Trump MAGA 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@richardmineer7163 says : You keep saying media these people are not the media their political activists>> <<@jamesparker3189 says : We need to revert to hand counted paper ballots, that require identification and the last four of one's social. The last four of one's social eliminates the possibility of voting in more than one county or state. And we also need to limit highly vetted mail in ballots to Americans classified as disabled or living abroad. These measures would eliminate the vast majority of avenues for cheating. Biden would not have won if these measures were in place. I personally see him as an illegal president, put there via a coup of our electoral process by democrats and their well funded allies, which included China, the media, the FBI , our corrupt justice system and even the CIA. It was a coup of our 2020 election for president. It is proof an election can be bought, being very strong reasons for said changes.>> <<@Robert-nv4pf says : Just came back from the grocery store. My God…heaven help us if joe biden wins reelection. It’s just freaking ridiculous how much it costs us ppl who actually pay for their groceries to live.>> <<@edarozarena5209 says : Our President Trump is down right the Best Ever ❤!!!He is all over the country campaigning. You just feel it, America is waking up Then look at Biden, he can’t Even campaign!!!! Cause he doesn’t even know what day of the week it is, and he doesn’t have jack to show for his time in office, but compete disaster! Trump 2024 MAGA!>> <<@KatharineShaw-z8u says : It's either Back to the future with Donald Trump or Groundhog day with Joe Biden.>> <<@pcarlson214 says : Some voters of course are going to respond to the "Devil Trump, insurrectionist" speech. The problem for the Dems is that they already have that portion of the electorate. Trump on the other hand is winning over many moderate voters, youth, people of color - not just solidifying the voters that he already had.>> <<@Packhorse-bh8qn says : He's not the President any more than Obama is the President. This is not a monarchy. We don't give lifetime titles.>> <<@vickispleas5911 says : Lies. We are strong. And we fight for right>> <<@JanetWashburn-v5o says : Happy Birthday Mr. Prez!!!God Bless you ...stay strong...>> <<@lancer3089 says : Joe Biden is dead and buried. Pretty sums it up for the corpse. Those that are thinking about cheating better not in 2024. Cause if they do their off to jail!>> <<@mongolloyd8310 says : The only thing Biden can fill to capacity is his depends!>> <<@pinkgirlsuzi says : I like that Trump reminds us of his first term successes because he knows there are people who are thinking about voting for him, who are listening. So since they probably only listen to the Leftist media, and need to hear the truth.>> <<@archiehendricks6093 says : Yep they know time is up, and going out whinning>> <<@roydavis2242 says : What those who like the idea of no taxes on tips have one thing that they need to be reminded of, that Trump follows through on his promises. That was evident in his first term.>> <<@heatherhall7899 says : No tax on tips is a good idea. It not only gives working people more money in their pocket, it eliminates a lot of hassle and work for the IRS, which is charged with auditing people who get tips, and it eliminates a lot of paperwork and hassle for employers.>> <<@iidreddiipsn4720 says : So how does the no tax on tips work for Doordash and Ubber drivers though as they depend on tips as well.>> <<@Factchecker321 says : Pathetic liberal COMMUNISTS want to keep America divided. They thrive on hate.>> <<@a.m.m.5898 says : No black friend's?>> <<@LordThomasRoy-wy8lf says : We are all Americans first. This is the Melting Pot people. We are all immigrants. But we are Americans first!>> <<@davidblick2192 says : Never vote for democrats anymore, ever.>> <<@JeffBrody-w5j says : People forget that Trump is a genius at campaigning. People show up as curiosity seekers and leave as fanatics. He doesn't need a teleprompter; he just talks and responds to the crowd. Biden, on the other hand, is a basket case. He was saved by COVID-19 which allowed him to hide in his basement and not go out and shoot himself in the foot every day. And he had a complicit press who "followed the rules" and didn't make him ask questions in real time. And still doesn't.>> <<@suzanneheritage says : Trump's birthday bash, among his up-side-down flag followers. Did Trump hold the Bible he is peddling up-side-down, too. Trump wants to turn your American democracy up-side-down with his dictatorship.>> <<@jeffery6966 says : TRUMP 2024🇺🇸>> <<@a.m.m.5898 says : I will choose cutting taxes over the right to my own body choices. I never wanted kids but with trump I'll be forced to do so, thats ok, as long as I dont have to pay taxes on my tips! For men, your condoms contraceptive will be banned too! Make sure you get your republican menstrual monitering app ladies, its Free! WHOA! Ultra MAGA!>> <<@a.m.m.5898 says : Where are all the black Americans????>> <<@CaseyWard-v5b says : HEALTH CARE CAN NOT SUSTAIN MILLIONS IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME WERE ALL DOOMED JUST BY HEALTH CARE ISSUES>> <<@jonbell1193 says : Folks, take the time to actually read some of the IRS Codes. I believe that in Section 61, you'll find about 15 forms of income that are taxable for revenue purposes. You know what you won't find in that list?... Wages, Tips, and Salaries. There are only two forms of taxation that the Constitution provides for and authorized Congress to enforce. Direct tax, and indirect tax. Direct tax is easy to understand. The Constitution does not garuntee us the right to land ownership, so our property taxes is basically a fee that we pay to the government who allows us permission to obtain something that we have no inherent right to, and in that vein, they reserve the authority to take it from you for whatever reason, ie Eminent Domain, dig? An Indirect Tax is a tax on an activity that you may freely choose to engage in. Go buy a gallon of milk at your local grocer, that exchange is subject to an indirect tax, why? Cuz it's not an activity or right to pursue guaranteed under constitutional provisions. You can own and milk your own cow and never step into a grocery store and ever pay a sales tax on milk. You are legally allowed to own one hundred automobiles. The moment you drive one of those vehicles on government roads, you need their permission in the form of DMV registration fees and drivers license fees. They are all exise taxes paid to the government in exchange for engaging in an activity that is generally considered illegal per the Constitution, or at least the twisted interpretation that the IRS has shoved down the throats of an ignorant population. Is your labor your property? Are the few dollars that you've managed to scrape together your property? Why do you need a Marriage License in order to get married? Because marriage is againt the law in America and if you wish to engage in that activity, you must first get the permission of the government jwho will allow you to break the law provided you give them cash. From a completely legal standpoint, a license is paid for in exchage for the government's permission to break the law. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are Rights that are secured, NOT GRANTED by men, within the Constitution. We do not pay ANYONE for those basic Rights. The Guy who created us describe those Rights as Inaliable, a gift, and part of our being and intrinsic nature. The money pigs that took control of our federal government near the turn of the last century, wedged themselves in between the common people who were productive and managing their lives as producers for the sake of their families and communities just fine, and the elected representatives that were supposed to protect the interests and liberties of their constituents. Both corrpted players realized that there was a whole lot of available cash being left on the table when responsible citizens saved up for the future and their potential prosperous future investment possibilities... In the middle of the night, way back in the early 1900's, while this nation was sound asleep, a handful of congress people enacted the Federal Income Tax without a House vote. At that moment we all became consumers rather than the producers that the fabric of this nation thrived upon for so long.>> <<@MikeSheldrake says : Did anyone else notice that the MAGA lunatics where pushing a very dangerous narrative at Trump's Club 47, West Palm Beach birthday celebration. Apparently, America is not a democracy but a constitutional republic. Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier...>> <<@sarzozasarzoza2890 says : Trump will triumph!!!>> <<@ummmidontknow says : Notice how your “side” of politics is always saying things like “pulling their hair out” or “they were so mad”? It’s because upsetting the other “side” is as far as you guys are willing to look. You’re the news version of the guy in the giant pickup truck with Trump flags waving out the back just hoping someone will say something so he can argue with them. It solves nothing, it only hurts us. Policy, being a decent human being, preparing for the future, it all doesn’t matter, just upset the liberals. I’m just happy I’m someone who can look beyond that at the bigger picture, it’s just a shame people who can’t are allowed to vote.>> <<@johnnytoobad7785 says : "Call out the instigators Because there's something in the air We got to get together sooner or later Because the revolution's here..." 1969 -- Thunderclap Newman>>