<<@IstopIstop says : terima kasi semua enak itu kita semua damaai bersatu bisnis lebi dekat pergaulan persaudaraan kita salam semua ❤❤>> <<@RobertLim-lb2wb says : Unlike Australia new Zealand realises that it is aasian country in an Asian region and 10000 miles from Europe it does not need to fight Europe s or America s perpetual wars new Zealand has to look after it's own interests and security with it's Asian neighbours new Zealand should not be fighting the colonial wars of Britain and America>> <<@defaultname9766 says : Becarefully of chameleon>> <<@kckoay6211 says : There is no denying that since the Second World War, Washington has been the main cause of flashpoints all over the world, directly or otherwise. It is also the major stumbling block to the harmonious coexistence amongst nation states as well as the smooth flow of international trade. In order to stay as the global hegemon, Washington is doing all it could to artificially divide the world into two major blocs: those aligned to it, and those it portrays as adversaries. Unfortunately, members of the G7 are still living in the shadow of the United States — playing servile and allowing themselves to be manipulated and exploited. Absurd as it may, Washington is still latching on to the delusion that it can keep alive a unipolar global oder that allows it, and its vassals, to dominate and to impose their will on the rest of the world. The inconvenient truth is — the day where the United States and its vassals can go around bullying everybody has come to an end. The balance of power has started to tilt towards countries led by Russia and China, and they are not aligned to Washington. For example, China’s economy stated in purchasing power parity, is already about 30% larger than that of the United States. To top that, being the world largest manufacturer and consumer, China has overtaken the latter as the world largest trading nation. “The United States — and its old allies — will continue to be a smaller part of the global whole, and this will constrain their ability to support and defend the liberal international order. Today this American-led era of liberal internationalism looks increasingly beleaguered. To bet on the future of the global liberal order is a little bit like a second marriage — a triumph of hope over experience,” John Ikenberry (who was attributed with inventing the grandiose term, liberal international order) appears to concede in his 2018 opinion piece.>> <<@harbinger6562 says : Good afternoon Everyone ❤️🇨🇳🇳🇿🦾😇🕊️👋>> <<@esplace3023 says : So often in China, my NZ passport has opened doors which in turn adds to my pleasure in traveling around China. I really hope fellow Kiwi’s take up the 15 day Visa free offer, China is an amazing country, very affordable, and wonderful people.>> <<@koa818 says : 👏👏 very good for two country>> <<@yvonnefurniss138 says : Well done New Zealand. You are thinking of the future of your country and its people!👏🏻👏🏻>> <<@samanthaw4955 says : 👏👏👏👍>>