<<@randyholloway6895 says : JACK UP JOE IS ON AMPHETAMINE SULFATE BETTER KNOWN AS ADDERALL or he been hanging out with hunter again !!!! GOOD DAY hi my name is joe😵‍💫.🤔🤣🤣🤣>> <<@H1GHD3FF says : American will never show our hands, but handshakes come from somewhere>> <<@acerrome9672 says : If the British and all the NATO country Know all about these that Russia has more fa...r advance weaponry against its adversary, why they keep Pushing Russia into the verge of Fighting it??? As President Putin Once said to that british journalist, "...you claimed all you people in the west are 🤓 smart, what makes you think we are stupid or idiots??" He once said. He is so very Right. The west possibly do not even Know President Putin insulted them in double tripple boom. In the first place they think they are smart, in the second place they the west is Not do smart after all as they are Dumn and they think all their assumption are correct. Anyway Russia will Prevail in all of these, as Russia Never Initiated this War. Thank You Borzzikman Sir every time. You are the most Great Truth Seeker.>> <<@damnu8089 says : to win a war you can not use bombs ,,,,,,,,,>> <<@NeoOfTheMatrix-mi1bs says : How do the alleged leaders of a suspected far-right coup plot, to topple Germany’s government in 2021… and the current US Republican Party, tie in to Putin and Russia?

The group, the far-right Alternative for Germany Party, plotted to overthrow the German government and install martial law, but was exposed in 2022. They planned to storm into the parliament building in Berlin and arrest lawmakers, according to prosecutors. They also allegedly intended to negotiate a post-coup order, primarily with Russia, while seeking their support for the coup. The defendants include the highest-profile suspects in the alleged plot, among them Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss, whom the group allegedly planned to install as Germany’s provisional new leader; Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, a judge and former lawmaker with the far-right Alternative for Germany party; and former German military officers.

Federal prosecutors say the group had drawn up several “lists of enemies” to be used in the takeover of regional and local authorities, and that Reuss tried to contact Russian officials in 2022 to win Moscow’s support for the plan. Is it a coincidence, that the former US president, along with his allies in congress and the senate, have been showing increasing support for Putin and Russia, over the past number of years? Cheering them on against Ukraine, threatening to withdraw from NATO, and vowing to abandon NATO allies, if they don’t pay.

Is it a coincidence, that Russian warships are now 90 miles away from the US coastline... less than 5 months away from the presidential election?

Could it be, that the former president plans to succeed… where the far-right Alternative for Germany party failed?>> <<@edwardyetemian8474 says : You girls are very beautiful .but I can’t understand one word of what are you saying.>> <<@DatHoodCook says : Criminal Biden is NOT the President of the U.S.>> <<@coyotesimplelife2366 says : Ukrainians,no,breim,only,smoking,krak>> <<@coyotesimplelife2366 says : Bravo,rusia>> <<@Africanman341 says : Fixed your audio,I do have turned sound up to 100😅>> <<@dons3073 says : I’m laughing>> <<@LasloPapp says : НАТО сосет. Солдатики нато никогда не воевали толком. Их гибель будет быстрой. Хотите проверить-велком. Мы убьём всех. А потом пойдём дальше по Европе неся мир и счастье😊>> <<@EdwinPajarillaga-ls4ns says : Naku>> <<@patrickokage9254 says : Due to extreme provocations, Russia must upscale and spread it's military presence worldwide to curb US/NATO expansionists that has become potentially toxic and extremely dangerous dragging particularly African countries to American and NATO proxy wars conditioning many countries fragile and failed>> <<@Mannequinwizard-cx6vw says : BUT WE WERE TOLD EVERYTHING IS FINE AND NOT TO BE CONCERNED HEY YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK THEY WANT US TO BE UNAWARE OF HOW CLOSE WE ARE TO LOSING OUR LIVES---------------------------------------------->> <<@MrThartofwar says : Well it okay for nato weapons to enter Russian airspace and sovereignty? Apparently, so what did nato expect? NATO crossed that line first…..yes?>> <<@Odyssei13 says : Lets go Putin>> <<@jamesdillion8765 says : ruzzia gos home wars over... ruzzia dont want any of NATO cause it will cause Russian people to over throw putin... God Bless The United States of America 🇺🇸.>> <<@angelaranda3920 says : No to nazi !, No to Ukraine !.>> <<@derekng958 says : Ukraine-Russia war'2 backhand in behind is the USA and NATO expanding to Russia's boundaries! >> <<@raybrookevisnorris346 says : Russia has come for some cubin cigars, all is well.>> <<@MSN1701 says : How else will you be able to fire the nukes.....nukes>> <<@uzairisaidin3674 says : WOW......!!!!...This should be interesting......😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@NECAXA81 says : Western media won’t show case this , lies lies to the American people>> <<@Mycol411 says : Americans know they just went down there for some Tang>> <<@josedabidpazgonsales2644 says : The Russian visit to Cuba is a routine and Diplomatic friendly visit. While Biden is a fucking deft CIA's member and Nazi terrorist & racist theft.>> <<@josedabidpazgonsales2644 says : The Russian visit to Cuba is a routine and Diplomatic friendly visit. While Biden is a fucking deft CIA's member.>> <<@fisophia1734 says : Allahuakbar 🤨🤨🤨☝️>> <<@xciiae69 says : US FENRO LEARN>> <<@silvanamoore6450 says : They just passed the bill on Friday to draft our 18-26 year old sons……>> <<@moneymaker6204 says : AMERICANS ARENT SCARED. We’re living our daily normal lives. On the other hand Russia should be scared. Most Americans are armed and dangerous. American citizens can arm the world with weapons. We aren’t worried not one bit>> <<@geoffsullivan4063 says : This is such a drama queen channel ! 😂>> <<@FredricHensley says : The world is sleeping, all world governments are incahoots with each other>> <<@Jesse-vj5px says : HEY GOVERNMENT QUIT USING TAXPAYERS MONEY TO GANGSTALK INNOCENT PEOPLE>> <<@gbipit1 says : We’re not scared so let’s get it on!>> <<@sportsfanivosevic9885 says : No such thing as NATO air space. NATO is not a country.>> <<@LeoneSolurson-t4y says : Grab your popcorn 🍿>> <<@claydo299 says : This happens often. Not uncommon at all. Calm down.>> <<@Mike-sr6gd says : Let's get ready to rumbleeeee>> <<@jimmieervinjr.431 says : Today is 6/15/2024>> <<@jimmieervinjr.431 says : Did she say “.. is the 11th June 2024.” ??>> <<@ObtuseGoose2 says : Such a fear mongering channel>> <<@gecko197101 says : Blatant US aggression, no longer with any plausible intermediate proxy faction. Russia will cut a deal with the handlers of the western oligarchy. US will accelerate into their 100 year economic and social decline. While BRICS will be green-lighted to flourish if they accept the poison pill of fascism.>> <<@CharlesLakain-os5pl says : Why r Ukrainians civilians dying n being bombed by Russia which the world doesnt talk about . Is it a Russian genocide world should reconsider instead the world shakes and echoes too much at Israel which is fighting for its survival. Its a clear sign of the last day's profersies of the Bible . Christians lets pray for Israel and peace around the entire world.>> <<@poetauthor4952 says : NATO America Presidents are purposely making wrong decisions.>> <<@poetauthor4952 says : Yep these United States Cowards think this is a Game>> <<@jamesreid8638 says : No nesd to worry: The US Coast Guard in now, available for this occasion to rescue Russian Sailors when their equipment fails. We will protect them as guests in the Carribean Sea. 😊>> <<@HillaryVusi says : ❤much love for Russia>> <<@dasig3010 says : Russia is checking if NATO still has their balls attached between their legs. HAHAHHA>> <<@seppohannunen7020 says : US / Babylon 😭💧🌊>>