<<@unutilisateurdeyoutube1256 says : China offers good and cheap products for Europeans but they prefer US alternatives while they are just cow milks for them. What would you prefer?>> <<@AccountWithDumbThoughts says : You can’t keep a flailing domestic industry alive artificially via tariffs. If they wanted a strong EV industry, the West should have invested in productive assets rather than paying out dividends to shareholders for two decades.>> <<@stefanmaslaczyk1259 says : If Europe uses tariffs as the way to compete with China it will just fall behind.>> <<@zhongguojiayou2675 says : It makes absolutely no sense for EU to push for this EV tariff. They're only doing so, just so EU companies can seel more to China. Well, China shouldn't think about losing out business with EU, they can always sell to other countries in the global south anyway, which amounts to more than 80% of the global poppulation. The EU, US, UK, only amount to 15%-20% of the total global poppulation, so it isn't gonna affect China all that much in my opinion. So China shouldn't overlook this as losing too much business. However, this also shows that the EU, also have arrogant foreign policies, which are not independent from US foreign policies. Because NATO as I know, is also a tool used by America to control the EU as well, with Russia facing the brunt of EU weapons on their doorstep.>> <<@yeska62 says : the european tariffs make no sense. it is a panic move trying to hide that they lost the narrative and don't know what else to do! 😅>> <<@len2063 says : Countries with domestic car makers will only accept a low market share of foreign EV.>> <<@petercua6158 says : Always politics & their own interests.>> <<@bertanelson8062 says : Many European makers of EVs are in China, so they have tariffed themselves!>> << says : Pot calling Kettle here.>> <<@jorgi6335 says : As an (extremely rare…) communist in Norway, it would be devastating if von der Leyen & Co. (i.e. the ruling capitalist class) make Europe join the US’ trade war against China. But I’m confident that China, sooner or later, will outperform and outcompete the imperial core in the West!>> <<@Bruno10189 says : When it comes to economic and foreign policy the European ruling classes are doing what the US tells them to do ,China should think and act accordingly instead of just reacting, it's just common sense!>>