<<@wilburbellw6768 says : I'm so glad to meet him>> <<@stacyjpoliticscommunityfai359 says : WOW!!!!!! He is definitely Due Reparations.....It Wasn't all that long ago. I'm 46 and my Paternal Grandmother was the granddaughter of a Slave.>> <<@justred5164 says : You must continue to speak about slavery! Holocaust survivors are still talking aren’t they?>> <<@tenaguin1054 says : Who is trying to repeat slavery? Maybe foreign persons that have come to this country and are trying to operate practices from their own country. But Americans are not trying to repeat slavery. Please publicly name who is trying to repeat slavery in the US.>> <<@HoneyDippedLife says : REPARATIONS NOW!! THE EYES OF TMH GOD IS UPON THE HEATHEN NATION!! DO SOMETHING PSALMS 83KJV GET THE REPARATIONS PAYED OR ELSE.>> <<@digital1401 says : We need to quit talking about slavery there’s other things we’ve done besides be slaves there’s black scholars black entrepreneurs black scientist black doctors black CEOs Basically everything why are we talking about slavery steel that is not helping.>> <<@maryjackson9816 says : Never forget. Always remember.>> <<@0H9D says : We need to stop holding onto slavery as a crutch because as long as we do it becomes our identity. For me, I am a free woman. For whom The Son has set free is free indeed. Old things are passed away, behold all things are new and all things are of God. In order to accept and receive the new you must let go of the old. You can’t put new wine in old wineskins; new wine must be put in new wineskins. Because if not, the old wineskins will burst. And that is what is continually happens today, black people are continually bursting because they are continually living in the past and by living in the past, you will never be able to see nor live in the present or even the future - it’ll just be a merry-go-round - you’re moving but you’re not going anywhere. Stop playing the victim’s role and change into the Victor’s Garment that The Lord Jesus Christ has provided: He stepped out of Glory, came to this sinful earth, lived only so that He could die a horrendous death for all of us; a man who knew no sin, yet He died for us all and did without saying a murmuring word, because of the joy that He knew that was set before Him - He was accomplishing His Father’s Will (it’s bigger than us). He made The Great Exchange: He took our sin and gave us His Righteousness - once we receive Him as our personal Lord and Savior. Then we are no longer bound by anything or anyone from our past; it is all under the Blood of Jesus - He blotted out all of our sins and transgressions while He was on that old rugged Cross! He is our Lord and we are free in Him because we move and have our being in Him, and He in us. We can’t lose with the news we use😁. We win and win again. So what is slavery, or anything else? No name is greater than The Name of Jesus! Cause every knee will bow and ever tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to The Glory of God our Father!>> <<@evelynbrown9809 says : If moving forward was that simple...😢>> <<@Travis1980 says : Family the Bell family is long & strong 💪🏽>> <<@dakotac180 says : This is why we say to never forget history and to not repeat it. Some people are still very close to such a terrible past.>> <<@ML-1804 says : This country has too much blood on its hands to ever be forgiven or redeemed 🤨🧐>> <<@nefertinaabrams1853 says : #reparationsforslaveryandjimcrow 🔥 #ReparationsIsADebtOwed 🔥>> <<@austinpowers1999 says : REPUBLICANS FREED THE SLAVES>> <<@sistahb5159 says : This insane comment about forgetting about slavery, the ongoing discrimination, terror & oppression is proof of the damage that the US 🇺🇲 has done to American Descendants of Slavery - the institution (ADOS). This Black man would not say this to Jewish people, Japenese Americans, Native Americans etc... NO! Just American Descendants of Slavery - the institution (ADOS). He just proved the the US 🇺🇲 objective of specific oppression towards ADOS to make us a permanent bottom caste.>> <<@not-much-but-enough says : How about the ottoman occupation of White Christian Serbia that lasted 500 years in which every white Christian was by default a slave. Tens of millions of white European christians were taken and sold by the ottomans all over the world. For example by the law of that time a black muslim from africa was allowed to enter any Christian home and eat and drink for 3 days the Christians food and was allowed to sleep with his wife. After 3 days the muslim had to leave but then another would come and so on. Noone ever mentions this part of history becausebit doesn't fit the narrative of white European slavers and non white slaves. The 500 years of slavery the serbs suffered under the khalifat was more then a 100x worse then what the blacks in america went through. This is one example among many that easily destroy the narative pushed by the media and education system to devide the poor in America and make it easier for the elites to rule over them. God bless you all.>> <<@EricSchryver-v8o says : As long as nike sells shoes and electric car batteries are made, there will be slavery.>> <<@quintinaabbott8432 says : We still should talk about it, continue to commemorate it, just like they say never forget the Holocaust which took place in another country, then we shouldn’t forget slavery that happened in this country. This country was built on the backs of our ancestors that were enslaved so no we shouldn’t forget nor not talk about it because we still suffer from the system of slavery. No dont hate but teach the younger generation of what happened here in America.>> <<@CopperJedi says : Where did it say his father was born into slavery... they have no evidence, but all i heard was that his father was a farmer...>> <<@ScottSimmons-fn5dz says : So what.>> <<@Sunseed936 says : To be black in AmeriKKKa is to be a subject of systemic racism, constant terrorism by her demonic police state, and a recipient of her lies of equal justice for all. She is falling but for her sins against humanity, past and present. Her destruction is already upon her as she has failed in her duties before The Most High.>> <<@3jaes says : We wont be free until black people give up Christianity>> <<@Jayme9296 says : Wow, this is such an amazing story. How truly tragic that his father lived a life considered less than human. Who wants to work for free? Yet, an illegal immigrant had the audacity to call black Americans lazy. Wow, that woman ran from her own country, claiming violence and mistreatment. Yet, how dare bp say our ancestors experienced the same thing. How are they surviving in America without a job or able to speak English. Tax payers are taking care of her and all the other thousands crossing the border. Yet, she was upset true Americans that served in the military since slavery and Jim Crow deserve nothing. Yet, native American, Japanese Americans and the J@ws all got reperations. Amazing how hateful many in this world can be.>> <<@guesswho4944 says : They destroyed the records so.they can rewrite history like in Florida where the governor says slavery had benefits.>> <<@abdulshahid6412 says : my grand father was born in slavery , have my oldest sister who will be 87 years old in aug 22nd>> <<@stevensfamilyhomestead9029 says : But we are all born into slavery right🤔🤔🤷🏾‍♂️>> <<@moremelessyou6525 says : No! We'll NEVER forget how we ended up here in America, and on the backs of whom America was built, to advance to the world power it is today; And was NEVER PAID! We will NEVER forget how those ppl were savagely mistreated, separated, murdered, SA'd, Lynched, fed to alligators for bait, treated worse than animals for 400 years plus. We will NEVER forget the ppl who were withheld from education while they worked fields and built infrastructure for America to become more industrialized! We will NEVER forget how these ppl were called derogatory names, especially Ni**er, or how their motherland names were changed to their then "owner's" names in order to show who's property they were. We will NEVER forget how our women had to nurse maid the white woman's children, while made to forget her own, while it remained malnourished. We will NEVER forget how many of us died for our "freedom". We will NEVER forget how we were segregated and when we built our own towns, they were flooded or burned because of jealousy and hate! We will NEVER forget because we ARE still feeling the residual affects of racism EVEN TODAY!! We will NEVER forget those who suffered IMMEASURABLE unnecessary cruelty just for the color of their skin. We WON'T forget because WE are them!!!! We will NEVER forget, just to make others feel comfortable! This is our African American history, and NO ONE can take that away from us! How dare any of us even CONSIDER forgetting? Don't you DARE FORGET!!!!>> <<@Blackfoot100 says : That is what , the former Slave Masters taught Black people YOU WOULD NEVER TELL, A EUROPEAN JEWISH PERSON, TO FORGET THE HOLOCAUST. WE SHOUID HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AND RESPECT.>> <<@amonone399 says : We were never slaves (Slavs) POWs yes, and we are indigenous to the land.>> <<@erikamcfarland8661 says : I was born in 86 my dad in 36 didn't get to know grandparents or to much about them but I know they where from the 1800s my dad s oldest sister was 20yrs older than him mad I was young to think to ask about how they came up❤but it is what it is.>> <<@walterschwab4616 says : Some wasn't free until 1944-1965>> <<@josephmonlouis1073 says : What stories is their to be told what's new>> <<@marvinmcelvin1419 says : Brutha, that is your view and opinion. I am 3rd generation from slavery. We are still fighting that same battle. Stop talkin when are given respect and what is due to us as a ppl>> <<@khanoelpschon1203 says : As far as letting slavery go. I can agree with that, but in order to let go, the debt must be paid. Don't be foolish, blk folks to let America off the hook for what they owe. Because as they were able to pass down generational wealth, black folks handed down generational poverty and trauma>> <<@khanoelpschon1203 says : But the racist Yte America would say that blk folks don't deserve reparations. Whether it's his father or grandfather, an injustice was done, and America MUST mend the wounds of their original sin and uphold the debt.>> <<@nyebots says : The most amazing thing about the story was his father was having children at 76😮>> <<@afuawarner says : Never forget... Eye for an eye? Fair use...https://youtube.com/shorts/ACvxRkXavYA?si=sA_fVD5EnUVn-BQ_>> <<@donwon2562 says : TAKE YOUR IGNORANT SELF UP THERE WITH YA POPS>> <<@donwon2562 says : THE REAL NATIVE AMERICANS DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHO THEY ARE ANYMORE !!!!! SO SADDDDDD AND YALL DID A STORY ON THIS SMHHHHHHHHH>> <<@donwon2562 says : PROPAGANGA PIRATES>> <<@donwon2562 says : his father was never a "slave" TF>> <<@donwon2562 says : what a crock of BS>> <<@bennieparker4143 says : Reparations>> <<@comeagyn says : He doesn't seem 80 something.>> <<@maccarter5189 says : White people are the only ones who don't like to talk about slavery or even think about it. That's because of guilt and it makes them feel very uncomfortable.>> <<@GIJudah1051 says : A Jewish person would NEVER say *”we should stop talking about the hol0cost”* They make sure everyone, especially their children knows AND remember what happened to their ancestors. Our atrocities are still happening to this day. Instead of our elders saying “we need to forget and move on” they need to share what they know with us so we can pass this history on to our children. Regardless of the savagery that our ancestors endured, we have to right to know about every drop of innocent blood that was shed to get us to where we are today. #NeverForget #EachOneTeachOne #KeepOurHistoryAlive #BlackHistory #KnowWhoYouAre>> <<@elliottparker6389 says : Wrong! Keep talking about it. The Jews talk about it. And you can still move forward. I am a living witness.>> <<@ridgesindi6746 says : Do you stop talking about the trail of tears, the holocaust, black Wall Street, the world, trade towers, Uvalde school shooting, Sandy Hook, George Floyd? Just allow them to do whatever they want to us and pretend it didn’t happen or it’s not happening by remaining silent? Black people are still being lynched in Georgia and it very well could be because NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Wow!>> <<@EnigmaParadox-pk4ce says : SOME PEOPLE always act like slavery was "hundreds of years ago and doesn't affect anyone alive today." HOWEVER there are people alive TODAY whose *grandparents* were slaves!!! And in this case we're talking about someone's FATHER!!>> <<@gleethahunte3197 says : Slavery will never be forgotten we have to make sure it never happen again to black people>>