<<@joeyrinard6997 says : And biden is being black mailed .>> <<@iouel says : Putin has detained and put American Citizens on trial for funding the Ukraine, after HE MURDERED THEM; Trump calls him a "genius"...are you still supporting HIM?!!>> <<@pep590 says : Biden caused all of this. He is swimming in Ukraine and Russian blood.>> <<@pep590 says : The Biden Admin wanted this war and trying to do a regime change. All these deaths on Biden's hands.>> <<@tbnobs says : Don't worry we're safe democrats are at the fore front of pushing the draft for women Biden starts 2 wars now he wants women to serve good job joe I'm sure the woke abortion loving college girls will run to the armed services>> <<@RogerDosethee-bg8rw says : If we in Putin backyard then we should expect that from him>> <<@ВячеславАгафонов-з2я says : In our own hemisphere. There is no limit to arrogance🤣🤭>> <<@Restored_2strokes says : She’s dum “what does this mean” . Obviously the news anchor hasn’t been following anything about why Russian is in Cuba.>> <<@fonsecahebo says : Boomers in cuba ?>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : I would have done the same thing. Putin Media boat oaring the feelings of past fears😂>> <<@CharlieFlank says : We need to be better at home then we need to be better neighbors technically speaking Russia is our neighbor and yet we dont look at them at all in that way same as Mexico....sadly>> <<@CharlieFlank says : If i was Russia id build bases anywhere that would have my forces especially Cuba like the we have done>> <<@DustinAdamsJustice says : biden is too busy eating ice cream and spending that money laundering kickback before he dies laughing the entire way at you to the grave.>> <<@intotherabbithole1943 says : I think Biden is definitely not capable of dealing with this but then again you have Trump supporters that are taking russia's side they are not our Friends neither is China neither is any of these other countries that wanna have dictators.>> <<@Tỳkheo says : America stops sponsoring and sending money to one-party dictatorships that do not have freedom, democracy, human rights, and are socialist like China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Korea. What do the people of Laos enjoy when they fall into the hands of the communists?😢>> <<@rodgermunson3178 says : Every man and woman needs to arm themselves and now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@SunFlower-1221 says : Obama/Biden sold America, betrayed America>> <<@SunFlower-1221 says : This is no exercise and American military needs to be on high alert. PUTIN is doing the same thing he did to Ukraine and then attacked them. These Russian warships and submarine is not normal. Why do you think Putin went to meet with Chiyipin. They have plans and America needs to be awaken and not distracted. Cuba can become dust. They should not be in the middle. Venezuela dust. WAKE UP AMERICA. VOTE RED ACROSS THE BOARD AND SAVE AMERICA>> <<@stevehatten209 says : Breaking news from the White House !!! President Biden welcomes U.S. citizen to Cuba to take a walking tour aboard the Russian fleet including the Nuclear Ballistic Submarine. Biden stated, "Come in man the Russians aren't out to eat our lunch...they're good people.">> <<@thembashibase3770 says : Gone are the days when the US invoked the Manroe doctrine while violating the security interests of others at the same time>> <<@thembashibase3770 says : The US has is military assets all around Russia. Why complain when Russia sends only 4 war ships to only ond US neighbor.>> <<@REktSigMa says : All you folks in comments are nothing but Lawless people. Donald Trump is nothing but a Lying thief, and soon to be a convicted Felon of 34 charges. Putin over there making demands to Ukraine telling Ukraine to get off their own land like some kind of manic. Completely Delusional, Lawless, just like all you folks.>> <<@sujeegajanayaka2628 says : Biden mental out>> <<@Slicksterization says : I Don't Thin'k.k.k.' Joennnoccchio'$/$ Remembers "'The Cuban Missile Crisis"'...!$!$ When President Kennedy Conducted a "'NAVAL BLOCKADE"'...!!! OFF THE "'RUSSSIAN'$/$"'...!!! DENYING THEIR(RUSSIANS MISSION) TO "'DEPLOY"' MISSILES THAT WOULD HAVE "'TARGETED"' UNITED STATES, But then again we know "'$leazy Joe"'...!$!$ He's going to Claim Hi$ Grandfather had a "'Cigar Factory"' & "'Tobacco Farm"' there just outside the Suburbs of HAVANA...!!!(COMMENTATOR - IN - MI$CHIEF)...!!! Hmmm...!!!>> <<@Chris-bb2cb says : The USS Helena, a fast-attack nuclear submarine, surfaced in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba>> <<@Chris-bb2cb says : russia's PEACE plan for Ukraine.. give us more land and we'll stop KILLING Ukranians... putler thinks that's fair... what a complete psychopath... can't believe the russian people are going along with this.>> <<@ShdwGmng-qe8hp says : Why america militatism is priviledge t hv 800 usa bases around the world>> <<@tonydagraca7951 says : With each passing day, Ukraine's resilience grows, nurtured by the world's unwavering support and compassion.>> <<@edwardwilliams7349 says : Just to let people know they set up several patriot missile batteries on miami beach off Collins Avenue that section of the beach is closed down>> <<@tedtan6449 says : Bid3n makes a dangerous president. An ungodly man. You know them by their fruits.>> <<@sacweldingsupply9980 says : Make sense now Democrats want Russia to attack Florida>> <<@kaydaddio4255 says : You guys are so right I need to pay attention of the Russians otherwise we're going to have a nuclear fallout>> <<@jesusisgodislove9912 says : American bases surround several countries. What's the big deal when they do it back? Don't be a hypocrite 😊>> <<@tychodragon says : Biden doesn't want WW3 before hes long gone and shows weakness on the world stage>> <<@stronglight5528 says : biden will think its normal when Russia is ordered to fire too>> <<@melindamara8802 says : Proves Congress is guilty of treason!>> <<@LeechyKun says : I bet if Russia sent a tanker and a tug boat MAGA would be super scared of Russia while clutching their pearls.>> <<@Cowgirlhat-zx8mr says : "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind" John F. Kennedy>> <<@NicoleHaynes-b8v says : The United States of Israel is ignorant>> <<@Gaily1 says : Q: makes no sense if you love your country… A: don’t worry, we don’t.>> <<@keithallen5795 says : I had visions of nukes. My sister was with me. The maples trees looked dry. Late summer. Giant fires rolled over the sky. My sister jumped to the ground. People all looked up. Some ran. 30 people had this vision here.I'm on Long Island. Looks like they hit all around big cities.>> <<@fluffydoge2869 says : Kennedy would have them gone, Trump would’ve never let this happen.>> <<@fluffydoge2869 says : Kennedy would have them gone, Trump would’ve never let this happen.>> <<@cashnova4839 says : You guys are done‼️‼️>> <<@cyberdinosaur145 says : If that nuclear sub was sinking and the nuclear reactor was under water but approximately 10 yards away there was a shark, do they get irradiated or jump towards the shark?>> <<@CalenNusk says : In other words bend over spread them cheeks>> <<@CalculadoraR says : Joe biden does not give definitive solutions, only short-term solutions, the war drags on because he prefers to pass the responsibility to the next president>> <<@twienbuerger says : Sucks if adversaries are in your backyard doesn’t it? Ask Russia they know how it feels, what goes around comes back around>> <<@stevenwendellnelson8861 says : Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged 🙏 "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god or object and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen." 🙏 Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏>> <<@kouavang5928 says : There are wars in the world all because we have weak U.S. president. President John Kennedy back then never allowed any Russia's nuclear missiles this close to the U.S. This shows how democrats has weaken the U.S. since President Kennedy.>>