<<@FredReese-s5e says : Well George you managed to give Fox News a boner. What a disgrace for you as a Democrat to go against President Biden. No matter how batshit crazy Donald Trump Acts says or does the Republican Party stands behind him 100%. As a Democrat you might want to try that for Joe Biden. If you can't do that shut your mouth you and others running their mouths for one bad night will be responsible for Donald Trump winning the election. Take that to your grave scumbagf>> <<@torturedsoul8066 says : I think Clooney's wife is a spy. An agent of a foreign power. In 1991 I received a safety briefing for those with security clearances prior to the ground attack in the Gulf War. A full bird colonel told us there were women who would seduce a man to gain access to the government through him. I think Clooney's wife is one of those women. If Clooney were to move to a non - E.U. or U.S. territory where they would NOT have access to government elites she would leave him? I think so. It is because she has an agenda and if he cannot full fill that agenda she will try and find someone who will. When you hear pro Palestinians rhetoric it is agents of a foreign power speaking. They do not represent a people but rather the government of Gaza. They are unregistered agents of a foreign power most of which are not here legally. sorry dude.>> <<@ed2335 says : Clooney has no shame. Pitiful>> <<@donnasmoak9065 says : Hollywood need to back off>> <<@randymiller9181 says : all these actors have 500 million or more they do not care that biden devalued the dollar by 27 %>> <<@dinodiciolli7519 says : That’s funny people are gonna take advice from an actor George Clooney, who does not reside in the United States😂😂😂>> <<@steveveyg8750 says : You may have a little bit more money than us George but there's more of us than you and your Hollywood elites>> <<@LynetteFloyd says : Clooney looks really old and gruffy. Thought he had plastic surgery done awhile back. Looks like he needs to keep up his procedures.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Clooney still thinks women are after him? Best joke yet. Who wants a man who cannot think for himself. Clooney likes how the democrats are kissing his B*’t! Very egotistical and arrogant….coming out again. Clooney backs terrorists now? I guess he is henpecked by his wife…..joke is on him.>> <<@restoreamerica1558 says : I lost all respect for Clooney & Roberts and although they are decent actors are forever banned on my watch list. It’s one thing to vote for who you want, but another to pretend that Biden is capable of leading this country and pushing it using your popularity. This is having real life consequences for people being murdered by immigrants who were murderers before, the crazy policies that are pushing the world into WWIII and our country into bankruptcy. And the constant Lies we are fed by this administration. Neither will make another dime of of me! They are shielded from the consequences most people are not!>> <<@officialduckburgartgallery1811 says : Laughing hyena has landed george clueless is not a celebrity he’s a has been I’d rather have a bad dream then watch one of his movies>> <<@freedomtoday743 says : Clooney should go back to Italy and take his wife with him. The ICC is a joke.>> <<@c.sharifranklin2900 says : The Biden Administration is Cancerous!>> <<@bmax43 says : Whew. What a relief to know that one of the top military experts is on the job. Thank you, George.!>> <<@rbollozos04 says : Now she’s been to Europe......>> <<@rockahbilly76 says : De Niro. Clooney. Streisand. These are Slo-Joe's saviors.>> <<@davidcleveland-yv6my says : haha....what a couple of entertaining mean girls. ...or bevis and butthead.>> <<@David-955 says : Oh please. trump snaps his fingers and the whole gop just bends right over...>> <<@sabrinazalar8667 says : Who tf is George Clooney? This is getting real old.>> <<@BigHunt206 says : Clooney is not happening, 😂 Trump 2024!! 🎉🎉>> <<@theresaward118 says : DO NOT FORGET CLOONEY IN ITALY ON A BOAT IN THE LAKE WITH OBAMA AND A UOUNG 7 TO 8 YEAR OLD GIRL ASIAN HIDIND LOW ON BOAT>> <<@ur8up2jabberwocky79 says : HOT AIR AND A BIG WIND BAG, GEORGE CLOONEY, YOU GOTTA BE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH AND THE WHEEL TO VOTE IN A PROVEN CRIMINAL AND SOMEONE WHO COMMITS TREASON AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE HELLYWOOD DUMB OR DUMBER, YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!>> <<@ur8up2jabberwocky79 says : GEORGES WIFE FILED CHARGES AGAINST NETENYAHU TO BE TRIED AS A CRIMINAL....UH HUH>> <<@ilkethatsound1451 says : George of jungle clowny and julia hobert. We would cancel them but they already cancled. Look at the shape los Angeles is in. These rich criminals want the worst for us. They want poor to stay poor so they can be richer.>> <<@saraplush says : They can keep Kamala! This administration is a joke and embarrassment!>> <<@Ro-oot says : Democrats are traitors>> <<@Sevsu-bw4hu says : YOU DUMB IDIOTS! WHAT IS IN THE ZURICH/SWISS... MR. CHARLIE.. YOU ARE TRULY MORAN! DID YOU KNOW THAT PUTIN'S ENTIRE GOLD IS IN THE SWISS BANKS SO THE TRUMP, HIS FAMILY AND FEW BILLIONAIRES THEY DO HAVE SWISS ACCOUNTS.. OH.. SUCH EMBICILES YOU HAVE MR. LACHLAN IN FOX NEWS! MR. HURT! TAKE A COLD SHOWER! IT IS WILL A GOOD WAKE UP CALL! SIT ON YOUR BOTTOM TO SEE WHICH BANKS TRUMPS ARE TRYING TO GET THEIR CASH OUT OF THAT PLACE! LOL>> <<@leeniekatk says : I have so many actors and tv networks i refuse to watch.>> <<@marthaball8029 says : What were Clooney and Obama doing in that boat?Anyone. . .>> <<@nancysmith4848 says : I agree with Amal Clooney. I am republican. The extermination of Palestinions is an ugly look. Desmond Tutu once went to Palestine and said it was worse than apartheid in Africa. I, speak for many, who believe that supporting this atrocity will lead to retrobution from countries that hate us. My heart is saddened, that many Christian zionists are lead to believe , from the commentaries of the Schofield Bible that lsrael is entitled to do evil. The man who wrote those commentaries was not a biblical scholar, In any form. He was paid by early zionists and was an ctual criminal, having served prison time. Jesus said to love. I would follow His teachings. The truth is coming out about the situation, in lsrael, just like Ukraine. Now, that the draft, is reinstated, l have no wish for American youth to die for either corrupt country. We have so many problems here. Our economy is going to turn down more, with the advent of losing the oetro dollar. I am 72 years old, l remember Eisenhower, as a little girl. I remember my beautiful brother dying in Vietnam. I remember race riots. I have never been so fearful for our country.>> <<@VR-gx5tc says : Boycott these movies from these actors that make millions they sit in there mansions and do nothing for Americans>> <<@julieo6266 says : Clooney ain't nobody no body answers to him or anyone from Hollywood>> <<@dg9265 says : Oh, look at Hollywood the kids sniffers need Hollywood protected. That’s why they pay a lot of money for Joe the sniffer. Keep those borders open. Keep Hollywood happy.😡😡😡😡>> <<@vickilockeby3172 says : I am done with Hollywood! Julia Roberts can go to H-E-LL and so can the rest of the elites following this propaganda! I pray they all feel the wrath of our wide open borders SOON>> <<@isaconner932 says : OH! My goodness the cackling Hyena is Left behind! What a Disaster this Regime Administration is.....😡😡😡>> <<@juanitamorin9987 says : Another dumb actor who support Baby Biden Clooney and his wife don’t like America they need to go they love high inflation>> <<@blackrhino3442 says : Clooney is just like De Nero. Out of their minds.>> <<@jadepetri2726 says : UGHHHHH... I CANT STAND CLOONEY ANYMORE.>> <<@carlfrye1566 says : Lol, he called Obama, not Biden.>> <<@tyhoang1319 says : He is a very democrat and a radical ones so does Julia Robert along with Mr Obama. I just want to know that how they survive if world war 3 happens . I know how Ty>> <<@alphycollens1959 says : Clowny mite be rich but that doesn’t fix old and irrelevant 🤣🤢>> <<@chrissparks8220 says : George I used to like you how could you support this old man he has made America worse than I can ever remember I am 70>> <<@mlnags2829 says : Hillary STILL WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT! This is the democrats BIG PLAN to win…Dump Joe or just stop treating him and watch him die and have Hillary take over. Look out Dr Jill your legacy is gone.>> <<@mlnags2829 says : Clooney family appear to be destructive to the U S Constitution. Joe is a good dog!>> <<@Rufustboone says : Kankles Ka’mala would get down the Air Stairs faster on her knees>> <<@aeolianharp1363 says : Does anyone care who gets Clooney.s vote>> <<@sarelvanderwalt7134 says : Who is this Clooney???>> <<@sharonsmith4328 says : Clooney is a trader to the USA just like joe biden and his democrats>> <<@terrylandess6072 says : C'mon man, we know the only time both of Biden's feet leave the ground at the same time is when he goes to bed. Jumping isn't possible for the 'big guy'.>> <<@johnbarrett51 says : Heels up in Zurich is scary>> <<@johnmac333 says : Last I looked , Looney and his beard Amal are not politicians .>>