<<@ursularyder-yv5pd says : How do these scammers know which old people to call I mean she's just got 40 Grand to put in there wow>> <<@Raymondcross-u8w says : Scammer payback,>> <<@80bbygrl says : Thank God for the woman who saw her and called the cops. She is the true hero. My mom had a scammer claiming to be the IRS and was threatening to arrest her. She was hysterical. I lost my mind on the guy. Mom didn't know any better 😠>> <<@dominicmassaconi6160 says : Joe Biden has destroyed America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ>> <<@jeremymcpherson7334 says : She is stupid for trying to send the money you should have hung up the phone call the bank back and verified first I don't feel sorry for the people to get scammed out of their money without doing the research first>> <<@gdaddy5193 says : Thanks to a stranger who noticed what was going on and stepped up. The frustrating part is these scammers are overseas and can't be touched. Often the local law enforcement is paid off to look the other way.>> <<@morianzomorianzo3126 says : Update please>> <<@martyhatfield1625 says : These scammers that pray on the elderly should be locked up for life!>> <<@Bnvgf says : Scammers r trash bro>> <<@sarahfloyd841 says : People need to wake up and use there brains! If it sounds fishy don’t send money>> <<@marty3729 says : Proud of our men and women in Blue! 100%!!>> <<@tonywestover9610 says : The lesson of the day is that if the person sounds like they're from the other side of the world wanting money it's a scam Don't put any money in anywhere keep them on the phone for an hour that way they get flogged by their boss for wasting time>> <<@ingridbergman-vz7go says : This is happening to the elderly way too often.>> <<@PAULSNYDER-y9j says : That scammer's accent sounds familar.>> <<@chiefjigawho1901 says : Usual suspects>> <<@robertdavids8525 says : F India for allowing most of these scammers to operate from !!!!!>> <<@evildoervoltaire666 says : I recognize that scammers accent , easy tell πŸ˜…>> <<@mikieanthony777 says : She needs a caregiver>> <<@shaungravil9455 says : Indians they have office blocks full.of scammers if someone rings you with a Indian or Nigerian accent dont pay for anything with a ccard in a Indian shop or petrol station>> <<@oscarchiquete1243 says : Lock that scammer up too many good Americans are getting taking advantage of us for way way way too long not fair what so ever period>> <<@Worldpeace47 says : Alot of scammers from India. Beware>> <<@HarryNutcell says : Does trump know about this scam ?>> <<@lwinkfein says : Police doing their job. Now if Fox would stop promoting Trumps lies and propaganda, they might gain back some dignity. Fox has lost all credibility.😒>> <<@ValerieBessAkinmoju says : Thank you Officer Well Done>> <<@SusanGarrett-xt8uh says : Thanks to the police department for training their people to know what to do.>> <<@Chris-xz8fm says : Only Democrats fall for this BS. Only a person who votes Democrat falls for this stuff because a Democrat politician is the same thing as a scammer they take advantage of people make them afraid and make them think That they are going to help.>> <<@danielleimone1768 says : There comes a point where the elderly need someone to be a guardian and have power of attorney over their assets. Clearly this woman has reached that point. I sure hope she has family to step in and prevent this from happening again>> <<@johnduggan1437 says : Wow ❀️ πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@m42037 says : Another one of Satan's finest from India>> <<@joedivald1051 says : I hate to sound rascist. But when you hear a voice from India, it's always a scam. Or anyone who asks you for money.>> <<@betsyburns1825 says : Seniors, please don't give any money or personal information over the phone. I'm a Senior and I would NEVER DO THIS.>> <<@75horsefeathers says : Great job to these officers! Y'all warn your family members, friends and neighbors, many dont hear about many types of these scams. Elderly neighbor had scammers assuming her nieces identity w her voice ahout 7 yrs ago>> <<@carbunclegrim3419 says : it should be back the blue, not attack the blue. Give the USA an honest old school GOP, not a MAGA Rino GOP>> <<@brians5737 says : Another dumb Biden voter>> <<@zebrainfart says : I know that voice! And I'm bet I know who called the police. My buddies doing there job better than the feds.>> <<@TeriTurnmire says : I hate people that prey on the elderly. I can only hope I am one of the lucky ones that still have the majority of my mind to tell me when something isn't quite right. I am saddened there are so many people that have no regard for others and do not care what they do to them.>> <<@rachelbuchanan9945 says : These scammers have NO SHAME!!>> <<@HolySpiritwithin says : Evil in the last days will increase and be bold, no fear. Filled with arrogance. Caught red handed by the police and still trying to get the officer to give the phone back to the elderly woman with the cash! Sinister. He may very well send someone to harm the woman just because he didn't get his way. These types of criminals believe they are so much smarter than everyone else and no one will catch them. I hope they find that man and put him in jail!!!>> <<@cindyashauer4177 says : I got a call like this too but too fishy so hung up.>> <<@00060850 says : Somewhere on YouTube there is another channel that would be suing the police office for violating the scammers constitutional rights>> <<@ANTHONYLOVE-gu1iv says : When you hear a "Representative" from a bank with a heavy Indian accent, usually it's a scam!>> <<@novenithatgreat1.9 says : that voice πŸ˜…>> <<@grannygoes says : I live in a good city with great police force!>> <<@alanashley6097 says : Scammers are some of the scum of the earth. They join bad company.>> <<@evelynclover6366 says : "CLOSE THE BORDER!!" "STOP TALKING TO FOREIGNERS ON THE PHONE OR ANYWHERE!">> <<@patriciadillon8180 says : God bless that policeman>> <<@pearlsr1880 says : Despicable Despicable people>> <<@ChineduIsreal-vc1he says : sick about them because they can manuvour your online business and hack what over you have there scammers are great manipulators thank God for this woman>> <<@gregnemchik2223 says : My wife did the same thing to keep her customer from being scammed a couple of weeks ago>> <<@jeffreydillingham7630 says : Way to go, Blue team!>>