<<@rockerdude8000 says : I was making more than a sgt with 8 years in working 33 hours a week. Why would this really make a difference>> <<@charliebrenton4421 says : Wait, you lot want to draft every young man (probably to fight drag queens and latinos) but your Messiah is a total draft dodger and disrespectful to the men who actually had the manhood to fight for their country? Republicans are NOT patriots. Patriots for ruzzia maybe….>> <<@felixdekhatt3145 says : NOT voting for trump again, fooled me once shame on the maga cult, fool me twice shame on me, we don’t need a lying convicted felon criminal to be our president, we need someone who will be respected in the world.>> <<@ASMRvibes369 says : 🛑Mothers, Fathers, & Guardians, This political bill is a DIRECT consequence of allowing your child/children to pledge (promise) their allegiance (loyalty) to the flag of the United States of America (corporation), AND to the Republic for which it stands, & singing its anthem. CHILDREN should NEVER be trained, indoctrinated, expected, or required to make this BINDING OATH. Mothers, Fathers, & Guardians, retain & use your spiritual, physical, energetic, & moral rights and authority to EXEMPT your children from EVER participating in this evil ritual, in all schools (public & private), stadiums, & events. Be fully aware, and exercise your rights and authority, now.>> <<@SiMahDan says : The two wars in progress are unnecessary for American boots on the ground. Additionally, the American government, the American military and the veterans Administration have a extremely dismal record at keeping their promises to service members and veterans. And your claim is false that there is less patriotism in America for America. People have wised up to the neocon globalist wars that have zero benefit for America and Americans. 👎 To the mandatory draft. AMERICA and (single citizenship) AMERICANS FIRST let the rest of the countries eat cake including America's "closest" allies.>> <<@scottwade7073 says : Tim Scott for VP>> <<@scottwade7073 says : Demonic Democrats want less military except for their personal lifes.>> <<@barcaman1013 says : Flint Michigan still can't get clean water. Gtfoh stay out of this mess Blk people. Not our problem>> <<@andrewgarcia1459 says : Unity is our strength amen>> <<@abigailrayne4298 says : The bias in the rhetoric is sickening learn how to speak informatively or go start a podcast. Get this trash out of my news>> <<@erinhennessy1393 says : America is good, but will NEVER fight for a Democrat President>> <<@erinhennessy1393 says : The Dems want to launder money while sending your kids to war!!!>> <<@kkmobilehose7684 says : What about the draft?>> <<@fasted8468 says : War is definitely coming. If they need whites to join, draft automatically, and even draft women? Get ready to stand up against the government or kiss your kids goodbye>> <<@pspam4823 says : Does this come with lifetime benefits>> <<@austinshannon4197 says : CELTICS ARE NBA CHAMPS!>> <<@IAmLegendBoxing says : I know he has a white wife. That's his American dream.>> <<@user-anc123 says : Military industrial Complex is pure evil>> <<@infalliblekingbrooks1700 says : It’s not DEI that is the problem. It’s the nepotism and the buddy system. DEI isn’t causing those females to be assaulted.>> <<@LeniBats says : The government doesnt care about americans so why should we care about *their* wars. F Washington.>> <<@knightofwind2929 says : I wonder if it's because Junior enlisted want to buy that new Camaro and need more money>> <<@craigclarke3298 says : Of course the Demonrats are against the raises. It doesn’t benefit them 😂😂😂>> <<@shawndonovan216 says : leave are kids alone>> <<@Peggy-yf5qt says : Of course they are our troups aint foreign>> <<@Peggy-yf5qt says : How about give us senior citizens and vets a bigass pay increase>> <<@theteob689 says : I love how these people never give you out the name of the bill and number :D because if you read it you'd understand that Fox is taking you for a ride... don't be sheep people>> <<@tecumseh4095 says : They should do it like the NFL draft “With the first pick in the 2025 US military draft, the navy selects Ray Ray from Compton, CA”>> <<@jwillstuntn22 says : We are not fighting for you evil edomites. Fight for your own stolen country...Remember!>> <<@hunden8404 says : I don’t see why anyone would join the military anyways. Overpaid welfare queens…>> <<@damienhall9626 says : When I was a E-3,E-4 My family was on food stamps.I was making less than $1400 a month>> <<@johndoe4691 says : Oooooh Ahhhh! You went to Westpoint. So, your family is super wealthy and could send you to Westpoint so you enter as a higher rank than everybody else... 🤮 The guys who didn't go to Westpoint are the ones who have a right to be proud!!!>> <<@Junejune-rb6qd says : America take care of everyone but America>> <<@40acresandatractor says : Why did he not mention Israel billions?>> <<@3Cosmic6Journey9 says : That pay raise is no higher then what ppl were make 5 years ago…. N if your dead you ain’t getting any money>> <<@renaissance18 says : Gears of War LOL>> <<@vidcoball20 says : Pay raise don't mean sh when cost up more than that quit your games>> <<@jumanjiro1 says : Democrats: We don't serve a country who don't care about our social programs. Democrats: DEI over pay raise! Representation! Military: QUiET! You soyboys needs a reality check! Atten-hut!>> <<@orgen666 says : I've always voted red, but this right here is going to make me vote blue. DISGUSTING. To what, fight a war against China? Get out>> <<@KJCharity5268 says : Table the impending Military Draft 🤔, instead ATTRACT THE CHILDREN (every School Year by Middle School): It is now time for Grade School "Junior Reserve Training Corps" (JRTC as prerequisite, even in schools that offer JROTC-Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps). JRTC should be similar to JROTC (simply educational, not a recruitment), yet tailored for the General Grade School population (more than JROTC targets Magnet schools and Preparatory academies/schools). It'll give the next generation a headstart at a patriotic uniform approach to life inclusive of military basics and order. (It leaves a "Greater Good" impact on lives more than life with no exposure to Military Order and the threat of unwanted Drafts.)>> <<@lucasfavaro2951 says : it’s crazy to think that a walmart greeter makes more money than me who’s infantry and could easily go to war for this country 😢>> <<@blackdog7275 says : what else is in the bill????????????? nothing about mandatory draft right????? like Vietnam?>> <<@Iliketobeeducated says : It's interesting that nearly 71% of Americans don't qualify for military service due to reasons yet there's talk of a pay increase as a fix. We've funded Ukraine ahead of addressing our issues, and rolled out the red carpet for foreign leaders while our streets stay neglected. Pay raises often lead to higher inflation, compounding economic woes. Many in Gen Z doubt they'll ever afford a home, let alone feel motivated to serve a country seemingly prioritizing immigrants over its citizens. Gen Z has 4x the suicide rate and I Dont even believe they're capable. I've been to MEPs and I've only seen 2 people who looked military-ready. The rich, who control most businesses, enjoy tax advantages that further skew economic fairness. Meanwhile, controversial policies like gender theory and loose borders deepen societal divides, and drug trafficking continues to plague our communities unchecked. This disillusionment is so deep that some young Americans would rather protest about what's happening in another nation before theirs. It's puzzling that we reward behavior that undermines our society's well-being. I specifically said gen z because the new bill is for men aged 18-26.>> <<@livechartadvisor2358 says : Enough is Enough with these Media puppets ......... The Rothchilds created Israel, The Rothchilds own the federal reserve(united states) “GIVE me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” So said Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty All Americans would be experiencing genocide as well if they weren't needed to be soldiers to help the evil elite invade other nations for their New World Order. Americans need to always be brainwashed thru all of the Evil Elites controlled media outlets. Stop joining their military, supporting Congress and Puppet Presidents.>> <<@alananderson5929 says : About time for the Military to make decent pay for the risks they take. It’s not about Repubs or Dems but what’s BEST for America. Semper Fi🇺🇸proudly served>> <<@brandonstephens1447 says : If you want more soldier to enlist then offer raises!! We need to keep our military strong bc the world is on the verge of war in multiple locations and there’s already proxy wars happening which the west is involved in.>> <<@panfergan says : Blah blah blah blah blah. Stop being such a puppet, Pete. How does it feel being an elitist now?>> <<@A0chewy says : So it’s republicans that want war 😂>> <<@ZebraZebra-yy9db says : I heard there doing it mandatory>> <<@pennance428 says : they really tryna wipe gen z out>> <<@batjuan6670 says : Yeah you choose what to talk about what about the fact now 18-26 year olds are automatically registered for the draft ? Or all the foreign money it gives out?>>