<<@andileluvuno4988 says : Сколько отсталых населили злые США своим оружием и лагерями. История о монстре, который хочет всех поджарить, но при этом не зажариться. Ураааа>> <<@gcinumuziwesley3492 says : Russia must build military base in Cuba and Mexico>> <<@alwaysright3108 says : The West is to blame equally? What a joke, they are only to blame.>> <<@casperdog100 says : Russia is just defending themselves from the cabal!!>> <<@ArturQejvanaj says : PO PUTINI KA TE DREJT KURESE BAJDENI 1 NASHTRUS QE FUTE HUNDET KU NUK I TAKON PO FAJN E KA PUTINI QE I TOLERON PO TE ISGMHTE MEDVEDET, AMERIKA ZDO GUXHONTE TA ZINTE NE GOJ UKREAINEN,SE UKREAINEA ESHT BASHKIMI DOVJETRIK, KURESE BAJDEN MASHTTON EDHE KAN KAPUR MEDEJAT E GEJN PROPAGANT MASHTRUSE, POPULLI AMERIKA EDHE SENATEI TA DALOJN KETE MASHTRUS BAJDENIN, SE ZBE HET SHAKA AS ME RUSEIN E AS MI KINEN DPO KIME JONE EDHE TE TJER, JO JO, BAJDENI MASHTRON, SE SEKA FARE TE DREJT NE UKRESIN, PORE FAHE ESHT I GJENERESLVE RUSE, QW SI GEDHIN 1 BO E ATOMIKE TA FSHIN GA HARETEA, EDHE TE VEJ BSJDENI QE BIJE RREUGES, KY MASHTIM KJO FIJRTIN FASHISTE DUHET DALUAR, JO JO>> <<@ВладимирМурачев-ц6ъ says : Слава России, оставить в Кубе наш флот на БД пока НАТО не уберёт свои ракеты от границ России, спасибо большое нашим Кубинским друзьям.>> <<@dontsettlefor500mill says : yes my friend. hurry up and buy.>> <<@ahmedmheta8069 says : That gut got took many books>> <<@joerggeorge9866 says : Russian foward for all>> <<@Notyou172 says : Uraaaaa🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺>> <<@desmondho9567 says : Cuba unsinkable aircraft carrier.>> <<@lawrencewarren3054 says : Big mouths dont make big men big action does.>> <<@run4funs24 says : The subs been in cube for a few days already>> <<@spbjk8642 says : USA is shivering with fear of russia coming to the backyard. Cowards love intimidating others, but when to them, they release big fat.😂😂😂>> <<@righttobeararmsetc.8492 says : Those ships have nukes on or really close to them but let's not worry about that by the time they try to fire them they will be blown up>> <<@righttobeararmsetc.8492 says : Then there can be a east Ukraine and west Ukraine>> <<@righttobeararmsetc.8492 says : Ukraine can make a deal give the four county's Russia ask for and give the rest of Ukraine to Poland for fifty years>> <<@hussainahmadi3894 says : 🇵🇸🇳🇪🇹🇷🇮🇷🇮🇶🇦🇫😂😅👉💩🇺🇸💩🇺🇸👙🇺🇸🐔🇺🇸>> <<@anyanasochukwudi5713 says : We need peace ….hope all these leaders will send their children to fight the war…..not putting ur children in the buncker and living us to wallow….>> <<@beverlymora9091 says : Stop helping Ukraine it's not our problem we have done all we can for them!>> <<@gift7233 says : Slava Russiya>> <<@truth.venture says : End of the super power is around the corner.>> <<@michaeltuppinger1248 says : Macht einfach keine Scheisse! Tötet Keinen, vergewaltigtes nicht! Ich bin der Meister😊! Nicht du>> <<@michaeltuppinger1248 says : Wow thats a amazing Allah Allah>> <<@patrickmckeever2378 says : Russia is fixing to screw itself up fast... America is not gonna be toyed with the way he toys with other's! FAFO!>> <<@NolanCardwell-ht3xi says : We should not let them get close to us. They prove they don't care about life. .they probably won't hesitate to send everything on Washington>> <<@rashidkalam4656 says : I think NEWS should be band. There won't be any tention in the world.😅>> <<@samwheat8348 says : We will most definitely have a limited nuclear exchange within the next 4 months>> <<@bic94 says : The message is that they're safer in Cuba where US weapons cant sink them lol>> <<@chizuanchan2557 says : Russia we love you. God bless Russia 🇷🇺❤🇷🇺❤🇷🇺❤>> <<@magaman5010 says : Sleepy Joe is the master of disaster!!!!>> <<@ViralSpin-ih3ld says : Yemen should be first place rushed hypersonics.>> <<@Bartolinivivalacoca says : What tensions? Everyone is chill Except one loser>> <<@thepinksmokeproject says : Not tensions...egos>> <<@michaeltuppinger1248 says : Russia and Kuba! What for a Power!>> <<@apmartin4748 says : Breaking news Russian Nuclear sub sufaces in St. Louis>> <<@wibrewbeers says : 💀 conflict of nations scenario right here 😄>> <<@fnature4967 says : Sending small ships to Cuba is no escalation this chanel is just trying to escalate all activities>> <<@brendonirwin3644 says : mexico?????>> <<@stormtrooper2170 says : Its just another putin's BS n nothing else. Everyone is tired of his warning n threat accept himself. NATO n US can see putin's bluff that is why they take his money to help fund ukraine war.👈🤣🤣🤣>> <<@wilfredmaldonado7002 says : Stop spreading misinformation it's one Submarine and a few ships and we are not scared they have a right we are all around them and China.they Lost 27 ships in Ukraine They would be smashed if they try anything, stop and try coming over to the US instead of Making shit up>> <<@carlossantana9737 says : Wake up people, this is how he started war with Ukraine. He kept saying it's nothing, then BOOM he started a war, and he's going to do the same to US>> <<@avatardailyfitnessjournal says : its like how a child predator on To Catch a predator says "I didnt mean to do anything. I just came to talk">> <<@coreyf9179 says : This is nowhere near nor comparable to the Cuban missile crisis, and we are not perilously thin to World War III. What a Hyperbolic report 🙄>> <<@karlkizzam4124 says : Russia sending what's left of there naval fleet after Ukraine destroyed most of it>> <<@Laccabayao says : Russian soldier afraid to stay in Russia, they will know what will happend from them, sinking by ukraine army!>> <<@zipperpillow says : Did the Cubans order some potatoes?>> <<@carolinesmith8024 says : God with us God bless America USA 🇺🇲>> <<@cdetrixhe says : Big Deal. Pootler is on his way to death.>> <<@francisty139 says : This is not the Cuban Missile Crisis. In those days, mankind was still protected by the Father. Now that Lucifer is now allowed to touch mankind directly. I would be more afraid of their Four Horsemen Protocol. Everything that is happening now since China's stupidity with the Pandemic is just a trial run. In this Lucifer Order, Elon Musk is the sure winner. Other players like the WEF depends on Lucifer. Who are again the known enemies? Lucifer is simply saying to his assets like George Soros is "Take one for the team.">>