<<@RobertJackson437 says : Well go home and have a rest, stop fighting for oligarchs>> <<@tclanjtopsom4846 says : All military has psychological trauma during war, Putin is responsible for this but its not necessary to report on. Anything to get views.😢>> <<@tclanjtopsom4846 says : Putin the war criminal is responsible for every death in his criminal invasion of Ukraine. In 2014 he started by stealing crimes, then he sent troops into donbass and put russians into all positions of government and law enforcement. Russia is responsible for shooting a commercial airliner down with 300 civilians. 2024 putin announced a 3 day smo, years later with russias military exposed as a paper tiger and heavily depleted. The black sea fleet is gone. Air defence destroyed, give up already.>> <<@tclanjtopsom4846 says : Russia doesnt know or care what happens to their troops, their injured are left to die. This is why 1000s of russians are surrendering daily. Russia is collapsing fast.>> <<@tclanjtopsom4846 says : Russian losses are over 2 million. No tanks left No missiles Losing ground right across the front. Rusdian economy stuffed Banks closed Taxes going up faster than tbe interest rate😂 Putin says.... everything is going to plan😂😂😂😂>> <<@tclanjtopsom4846 says : Im sure the russians have just as much mental trauma, The Ukrainians have been invaded by a hitler wanna be and the people complaining about war are ridiculous. If china invaded us we would fight and ask everyone possible for help. Albo the little biatch needs to get his head out of his butt and help our allies in europe.>> <<@tclanjtopsom4846 says : Russia needs to get out of Ukraine>> <<@deb6538 says : God bless all the soldiers❤>> <<@operator9858 says : mental health in ukraine? they would never have gone to war with russia if anyone in ukraine was still capable of rational thought....>> <<@Emma.Ari123 says : No more money to ukriane! They supported zelensky and since it backfired for them now they are against it? Such a sly country! Our money is for our people first!>> <<@zoom777 says : But Ukraine is winning 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@JimboJones-ld7el says : Australia is the next ukraine>> <<@jannaZX says : I think Sky Fake News is slowly switching sides, they were cheer leaders for Nazi Zelensky, now, I'm smell a change of policy ? M I wrong ?>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Hardly surprising, war can do that to a person.>> <<@JsckSzx says : usa/nato have lost the war they wanted in ukraine. now they are desperate. meanwhile sky continue do the propaganda for usa>> <<@serviusm9523 says : Getting kidnapped on the streets and receiving no training will do that>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : This is all the West Fault.>> <<@TheeeeLastToFall says : Ukraine needs a real President.>> <<@lappo2534 says : Yes mental disorders only huh? Gloss over the AFU approaching 600,000 KIA/MIA...>> <<@graham49y says : How can there be trauma when according to sky news ...Ukraine is winning every day in every way and Russia is out of ammo?>> <<@shellyaus says : how about those with stolen organs>> <<@pittuk6500 says : They're fighting for areas inhabited by 75% Russian speakers with more than half population ethnic Russian - before the war, if given a choice they whoud have joined Russia "democratically"...>> <<@zeppy2732 says : And Russia is phucked.>> <<@SorminaEriana says : So saddest news, Jesus give the soldiers of Ukraine to stay strong and always keep in praying for Jesus strength🇺🇦>> <<@lukei6255 says : Especially when they wake up with missing kidneys or other organs...>> <<@UltraPerception says : poor guys>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Hasn't Pootin found the drug addicted Nazis yet? Has he looked in the mirror?>> <<@charliedontsurf4543 says : But it's good for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and Americans who make weapons ,talking about money money ,best money Lindsay Graham ever spent remember so who cares,fuck Joe Biden>> <<@TheClownCunt says : When you get your a$$ kicked for 2 years . I would imagine that would take a toll>> <<@rebeccasmith8567 says : How horrible Does Biden not care?>> <<@seandelap8587 says : And all those that pushed to escalate it have blood on their hands>> <<@fightforaglobalfirstamendm5617 says : It's because they're being sold to their deaths in the hundreds of thousands, for the ego of an autocrat, and so politicians and the corrupt intelligence services and their corrupt politician cronies don't have to accept they are wrong and at fault.>> <<@citizeneveryman6798 says : Maybe they would control their students in 2014 if they had to do it all over again.>> <<@citizeneveryman6798 says : That's what you get when you fight a war that was started based on hate and bigotry. It's a nasty mix.>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : Hope they get better support than the vets in America receive.>> <<@Jamie-uk2zh says : Australians open their hearts and wallets to ukranian veterans 🇦🇺🥰🌍😞>> <<@Skeptical59 says : Well they have Boris Johnson and Joe Biden to thank for extending the war and making Billions for the military industrial complex.>>