<<@GatoMourmourikos says : Switzerland, by order of Ukraine, invited "selectively" 160 countries and/or entities out of 195 countries to the so-called "Peace" conference or otherwise a break away short holiday fiesta. By the way, not all of them are recognised as countries and/or are members of the UN. i.e. Cabo Verde, Timor Leste, Council of Europe, Ecumenical Patriarchate, European Commission, European Parliament, Kosovo ( a place that it unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia the same way the Eastern Republics of Ukraine and Crimea did. Out of 195 UN countries 70 signed the joint declaration imposed by the west. This is 35%. Btw 3 countries, Iraq, Jordan and Rwanda have already asked for their signatures to be removed from the list. Perhaps more will follow.The Swiss organisers admitted that they added their signatures by "default". Believe it or not the tricky process was that they gave delegates a communique in advance and if you do not specifically inform the organisers that you object then it automatically means you agree! Considering the enormous efforts, propaganda, manipulations, monkey process and temptations the west has put into this it can only be seen as a huge failure. FYI and those manipulating everything and anything with their unstoppable propaganda.>> <<@lw1zfog says : 🇨🇭= the head of the dragon>> <<@badaasaab6694 says : "Summit for War!" Switzerland held a summit to affirm the west's continuation of war in Ukraine (at the cost of Ukrainian deaths, in 100s of thousands), so as to don a garb of approval of 90 countries in the world.>> <<@nostradamus9608 says : fputin&his bots! Slava Ukraini! 💙💛 🇺🇦🇺🇸 ✌>> <<@pengkun2237 says : If Russia don't join the summit,The meeting is meaningless>> <<@milanodovic says : Now let's have a Palestine summit without Izreal>> <<@RhettButler-ny7ob says : In a gruff voice Little Hitler says to the world, "Giff mich morrrre money. Make mich rrricher.">> <<@msannethrop55 says : Wow, pot calling kettle black......ukraine is no innocent in this incident........>> <<@OnlyOneKich says : Puppet continues to throw Ukrainian people into the fire 🔥>> <<@jamiequamina8810 says : Zelensky is no longer Ukrainian president he is a comedian a clown and a corrupt joker rhat is responsible for over 600,000 Ukrainian because of his masters in NATO countries headed by USA and NATO>> <<@alberthenriette8976 says : That's a piece of meat 🤪>> <<@paultsjan6047 says : The Switzerland Peace Conference is not a peace conference. It is a charade as well as an exercise to creates a fictitious unity that the world support US-led proxy war in the Ukraine conflict against Russia. This “so-called” peace conference is just an excuse to try to promote US propaganda war to demonize Russia. It is a meaningless peace conference without the participant of Russia. How can the Switzerland Peace Conference proceed without inviting Russia as a stakeholder and active participant in the Ukraine conflict? There should be equal participation by all parties, and there should be fair discussion of all proposals. The US is the devil. And the devil imposes evil and wickedness. The hypocrisy of the US is in the present form of US hegemony. The Ukraine conflict is being instigated by the US and the US-led NATO in the proxy war against Russia in the geopolitical risk and shift in power in the region. The US is a warmongering country and the US invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 to imposed its hegemonic power in the world. Mike Pompeo who served as director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2017 to 2018 and as the 70th United States secretary of state from 2018 to 2021 has famously said that the US cheat, steal and lies to suit US interest in a public forum. The US strong-arm tactic to enforce full compliance to US interest with regime change has been the modus operandi all over the world. The US is creating chaos and instability to other countries as well as with military interventions to ousted the government of the day. This is why the US historical amnesia about the rapacity of its rule and interference on other countries is so deplorable. The US is using its allies like Switzerland to creates an impression that Russia is the devil and the US and the West is the savior with the fictitious Ukraine peace road map.>> <<@mariarenatakoszta says : Call it what it is... a fundraising event for zelensky.. So stop calling it a 'peace' summit>> <<@mikel.p8859 says : If Putin reaches out, then every normal person should start to hear all the bells and whistles that this good intention of his is a mess. So fuck Putin!!>> <<@abbeystump says : War Summit to weaken Russia and protect American resources in Ukraine.>> <<@YenzikovALCherasLegend says : He is not longer the President of Ukraine. BlackRock about to run Ukrainian and hopefully Frozen Russian Assets in Swiss and EU Banks will turn over to their management. Switzerland goes NATO ?>> <<@VeronicaMoreno-qd8yh says : *Corrupt 🤡 Zekensky.*>> <<@POLSKA39 says : swiat musi zmusic tego bandyte zalenskiego do negocjacji zanim bedzie za pozno ,zalenski doprowadzi do 3 wojny swiatowej tarz juz atomowej .precz z zalenskim>> <<@RudolphoAqui says : Peace loving putin only needs to surrender and stand trial for his war crimes to end all this madness>> <<@rinoporcu6241 says : The Zelensky show is all bullshitt, so much corruption and Treason and this little Twat is a Thief and is a front for laundering taxpayer money from all around the world, A puppet for the CABAL and the USA BIDEN CARTEL.>> <<@JOSHUAKACHANA says : Too late for Zelensky.. how long are you going to run Ukraine not being president>> <<@JennyNaude says : International Money laundering meeting.>> <<@hotwheels70 says : Bill will sign the ukraine army up to ndis.>> <<@Mike-Twins-lover-d2h says : Kuleba is with him. Usually he has Andrei Yermak with him too. Don't see him here.>> <<@tatianatarasova1706 says : clown>> <<@Рамис-ш6о says : Не было бы НАТО, не было бы войны в мире вообще, все жили бы дружно. НАТО это зло👹👹👹👹😈😈😈😈>> <<@deewhite3764 says : Zelensky you are a clown a puppet of nato and the american president how can any one with common sense believe this peace summit propoganda all parties including President putin especially him have to be included Mr Putin has every right to defend Russia's sovereign borders from any enemy dito>> <<@Nw-n6w says : How is this peace?? Summit approach is not peaceful but provocating. It is not helping in resolving conflicts and misunderstanding. Your end result - Wars. With "S">> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : WAR as a business model " Rothschild & Co's Global Advisory business is proud to have signed the Ukraine Business Compact, a statement of international business support for Ukraine’s recovery... " cue Blackrock>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : did the ghost of kiev attend ? or the heroes of snake island ?>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ZELENSKY THE GREEN SEMITE IS THE HIGHEST PAID ACTOR IN THE WORLD.>> <<@eb2505 says : They probably want to know when the next shipment of their ultra expensive drug made from young homosapiens is going to arrive.>> <<@arthurlevin says : You mean citizen Zelensky who is acting President after preventing an election and then declared Marshel law which allows him to remain in office indefinitely without the Ukrainian people having any say in the matter. Right.>> <<@-donkey_696_ says : Fuck Ukraine, not one more effing dollar for them ,this Canadian is sick and tired of our tax money not being spent on Canadians or in Canada>> <<@ruthjilani4760 says : Amherd and Cassis must resign! They have humiliated Switzerland and Wasted the peoples tax money. They have made our Country look corrupt And moving away from the rule-based order. This is not a Peace conference This is to make Zelinsky an eliminate President to look legitimate. Zelinsky Is no longer the legitimate President of Ukraine according to the Ukrainian Laws. Our Foreign Minister is helping him to be part of this corruption bypassing Ukrainian Law. There for he needs to resign. This is the most dangerous Moment for Switzerland and its Neutrality since the second world war>> <<@zeusall-righty9653 says : He's not the president.>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Cocaine summit.>> <<@LouSimpson-vn5wn says : Ukraine is a new state bought by the usa 🇺🇸>> <<@jule3480 says : How many hundreds of billions has been handed over to Ukraine with zero accountability??>> <<@JsckSzx says : usa/nato have lost the war they wanted in ukraine. now they are desperate. usa ands its vassal do theater in switzeland for the media and meanwhile sky continue to push the messaging>> <<@Tekton177 says : Illegitimate president Zelensky addresses fake peace summit in Switzerland. There I fixed it for you.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : ZelenSKY once again dressed like professional beggar!!!>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : the tin rattler appears.>> <<@PlaYer-sn5or says : 澳洲派谁去?>> <<@alansaxton5412 says : Don't you mean former president of Ukraine Mr Zelensky ~ even the Ukrainian constitution no longer recognises Mr Zelensky as president.>> <<@RB-pc5di says : Where is Russia in this summit?>> <<@troig43 says : SLAVA UKRAINE! 💛💙👊>> <<@lalaland-ol2gc says : Somebody PLEASE take zelly to St Vinnies and get the MORON a proper SUIT, SHIIRT and TIE.>> <<@michaelthomas366 says : Please Peace!>> <<@malcolmmiyasato6591 says : ZELENSKY IS A LYING PIG, FJB IS A BIGGER LYING PIG, HOW MANY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SONS ARE DOING BUSINESS WITH UKRAINE? HOW MUCH MONEY WILL AMERICAN TAXPAYERS KEEP POURING IN TO ZELENSKY’S BANK ACCOUNTS? HOW LONG BEFORE AMERICAN LIVES ARE LOSS FIGHTING IN UKRAINE? HOW MANY AMERICAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ARE MAKING MONEY OFF THIS WAR? DO THEY REALLY WANT THIS WAR TO END? WHY DOES FJB WANT TO INSTITUTE A DRAFT FOR 18-26 year olds?>>