<<@XY-rh3if says : These countries are Autocracies? What do you call the US that's backing all the dictators of every nation in the world, including engaging in racially motivated official murder of its Black Citizens using its White Police Officers to accomplish the dirty job under the guise of self defense, fear or mistake, is that what you call a democracy?>> <<@YuriIvanovAM says : Should I walk nacked Again???? Entrophies and Entalpies War an Sex are the same guys..... Why are you so VR?>> <<@deanmohamed7575 says : There is no free speech in the US either - police attacking student protestors>> <<@diepauandrana8862 says : Cuba fuck usa>> <<@laiJony says : The more you belittle Putin, the more we like him. He is one of the few political strategists in the world, while the United States only has two old men with a combined age of 160, one who likes to lie and one who has intermittent dementia.😂>> <<@saleemhaddad2162 says : Your American leaders don't give a shi** about you and the American people or America, they are using you as a fuel to fund the wars they are conducting to steal the wealth of other nations to fill their pockets. Wake up people.>> <<@orionlong5292 says : The only thing I am learning is, President Putin's showing to the world Americans are just cowards. They attacked Iraq, Libya. Putin want US to use their weapons against them to see what they are made of.>> <<@amandimisse2339 says : #CNN AMAN PM ETHIOPIA NOW ANNOUNCE TV WORLD NEWS RUSSIA PRESIDENT PUTINE NOW AMAN WORLD LEADER MILTPLAY>> <<@NasKenyannaMorton says : He few fuck us raw , hell no>> <<@frankchipindani416 says : Americans must be Walk up and be alert for any possible attacks from Russia.God bless Israel and America>> <<@William-dn3xz says : Im with Trump fuck this Ukraine syndrome draining U.S funds. Either ground troops to help Ukraine kick out Russians back into Russia or let Russia have it.>> <<@jenniferpittman2678 says : BULLSHIT.....they coming>> <<@حمدعليالقطراني says : 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪💪💪💪>> <<@ginakenyon5373 says : Russia is here by invitation of our Government. Oh shut up about your lies on Russia. The only interference to our elections is by our own Government.>> <<@ginakenyon5373 says : Lies lies. All lies.>> <<@steverimnac526 says : The ships may be an escape route for Trump if the July sentencing for his first criminal case is not in his favor.>> <<@ciao0301 says : Honestly I think Putin has been even too patient about it. My hope is that he will be even more patient but NATO really must back down on this before it ends up in a point of no return.>> <<@ahrentiewater7450 says : No free speech dang there just like America>> <<@machadologic says : Lok>> <<@martensonlee8815 says : No this guy is lieing. That's not how thing have went !! Ukraine is a scam on the tax payers.... Why do you think of a politician's son's world over there working.. pelosi son.... Joe's son.... Getting rich off corruption..... And they still are !!!😮😮😮>> <<@martensonlee8815 says : Putin is no joke ! Russia warns and warns and warns. But he will do what he says... Russia is not week and meens what he says.!!>> <<@Justin-j6u says : Maybe not his warships floating above,but really the message of those that are also very nearby underneath is really what is the main concern.>> <<@dirklouw1428 says : The same messages you the usa and nato did to the whole world. You usa and nato are the world's biggest terrorist organisation>> <<@timeclock3969 says : Ukraine should not use American-made long-range weapons outside its borders. Using them in Russian territory is not a good strategy.>> <<@RC-ki4wb says : I like how they always have to say 'nuclear' submarine just so they can slide in the word 'nuclear' to make it sound more spooky and threatening 🙄. If diesel electric submarines were still used would they say 'diesel electric'? No, they wouldn't, and guess what? These days, since the 90's, they are all nuclear.>> <<@kevinmargavitch649 says : He sent two P.OS, along with a gas staion and a tow. The real message is he's weak AF!>> <<@night_owl7492 says : The United States are getting us all killed if they keep trying be hero’s… all I want is everyone be happy peacefully life>> <<@night_owl7492 says : I think Russia has no other options so… yes he will nuke, my guess within a year or less>> <<@The-King5six2 says : Sound like Pearl Harbor to me>> <<@mand7985 says : The people in the USA not that smart>> <<@mand7985 says : Wait what war the USA won>> <<@crazyhandshands9028 says : Russia is playing poker and the west is playing drugs 😳.>> <<@Marco-m4n says : Probably trying to steal the election again>> <<@metalmutt7391 says : NATO is so ancient in war based ideology. WAKE UP !!THE PEOPLE DO NOT NEED OR WANT WAR OR TO DOMINATE ANY OTHER COUNTRY OR SUPPORT OUR TAX DOLLARS FOR WAR OF ANY KIND OR KILLING . The political system is full of good people manipulated by the real controllers (WEF)>> <<@MuhammadUmar-lq3kr says : Third world war is coming if the leaders un sensible>> <<@JanellaBacchus says : US intelligence agencies constantly fabricate false stories with the intention of demonizing China's foreign policy, misleading international public opinion, and inciting hostility towards China.>> <<@-rx3wy says : Are you people actual idiots. Go on, keep listening to the C.I.A.>> <<@appcity8608 says : A hypocritical and shameless country that specializes in spreading rumors and lies to create unrest in the world is still shamelessly pretending to be a saint in front of the world and thinking that it is a great power. The United States is just a symbol of shamelessness. The reason why the United States is great is simply because the United States is shameless enough.>> <<@timjames456 says : Remember when Russia tried to pull this stunt with JFK?>> <<@donaldmetzger8238 says : To that aim, it behooves the masses of Americans to retain their anti-dictatorship trumps... which the media is portraying as evil, but which keeps millions of people from being wiped off the planet.>> <<@adamguild2478 says : Lol...they can't even beat Ukraine .. are looking for fat ass Kim to help...This war would be a joke.>> <<@meekymango says : America 🇺🇸 strong 💪 we have the best military 🪖 in the world 🌎 fuck the bull shit respect to alll our troops respect 🙏 🫡 America 🇺🇸 no matter what Americans are not week we are all alllllll strong we own yes sir 👏 👍 best beautiful country ever 100 % they just jelly>> <<@markcasler7924 says : The United States submarines followed those ships and those Russian subs right to Cuba...>> <<@CalvinMorris-cf8jk says : I am happy you reporters at CNN have E.S.P or we would be up a crap creak.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Putin already knows that NATO and the British want a conflict in the East. However, it is worth remembering that the Russian coat of arms is the double-headed eagle.>> <<@hamidparck7927 says : Je pense un message pour vous je dois donner un bon message pour toi que je vois pas le temps que je veux parler avec un justification je sais que je veux parler avec Putin Putin vous êtes un homme que je vois pas le temps que je veux parler avec un fils d'éducation qui va rester à la mer Méditerranée je veux parler de ça que je veux parler de live faut que je voye donné un mot pour vous Trouville il y a pas une femme gwin il y a pas une femme tout ce qui semble les femmes qui sont sexy et vous avez une femme qui va prendre un gel qui va rentrer dans un pays islamique vous avez donné un mot pour vous allez Aïcha qu'il va sortir dans un prison je veux parler ça>> <<@hamidparck7927 says : Je pensais message bonjour puis-je pas donné un beau message que toi que je veux parler à qui je veux parler avec citation équipe a parlé de 6,6 cl que j'ai pas donné toujours tout et funky ma piscine Steve tous les fonds de fou crois que je mens pas de ça je m'en parler mais vous avez déjà les insultes justifie qui va faire un livre pour un passage à la Buisse que je m'en aller de vous de fou croyais que je m'en bats les sentiments c'est pour ça que je vois pleurer que je veux rester comme>> <<@genrcflyer says : Erin once directly asked Putin if he was a killer, heliedandsaid she was “a beautiful woman.”>> <<@miguelslots7067 says : Putins game os chess is totally smart and his winning the game ☝🏼😎>> <<@miguelslots7067 says : I’ll be on Russia side and all others before this Hipócrates ☝🏼😎>>