<<@ralphmogridge8364 says : "Slam, slam, slammity, Slammy Talking heads are hilariously misleading the public while accusing Bowen of misleading the public!!! I see your UK "news" licence is up in 2026, who knows how you got one in the first place!! 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Sapphiregirl3 says : I think there are a few in Labor who think they are god....small 'g'.>> <<@Lowlife-w3u says : Anyone solved anything in the comments section here!>> <<@Sapphiregirl3 says : Ohhhhh chris, you will NEVER BE GOD you silly man>> <<@emerson-lf7ow says : 0:33 Chris Bowen what is that ? looks like he ran out of hair dye 😅>> <<@John-kl3ue says : Got a head like a twisted sandshoe>> <<@vincentburrowes9243 says : Currently in the USA, the decommissioning of a Nuclear Power Station has to be completed 60 years after the cessation of operations. It can be longer if the process is required to protect Public Health or safety. A 50 year break is required for radioactive decay and 10 years is required to dismantle the facility. This is a very costly exercise. A renewable power station does not require a complicated process such as this for decommissioning.>> <<@vincentburrowes9243 says : Don’t know the cost of 10% Nuclear Power – vote NO to Nuclear Power>> <<@vincentburrowes9243 says : Dutton’s idea is Nuclear Power for 10% of the total electricity supply. How are we going to generate the remaining 90% of our total electricity demand? Renewables are going to have to do the heavy lifting for 90% of Dutton’s Nuclear fantasy!>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : What do you expect from hot air Bowen,,,he has screwed up everything he has ever done in politics,, like when he was immigration Minister and let 50 000 asylum seekers come in to Australia under Rudd/Gillard he has no brains and credibility,,, only Albo would employ him!!>> <<@lylehooper6986 says : Looked up braindead in dictionary, and there was a photo of Chris Bowen with half the "Lanour" front bench with him....>> <<@peterschaefer2946 says : bowen a silly flog>> <<@MARILYNABBERTON says : Ppl forget that these fans need 4-5 knots of wind before they can start to turn. The amount of hot air coming out of his orifices would have them turning constantly.>> <<@addLADN says : Please Australia, get rid of this man!! He is the worst minister in the worst government we have had. He says HE wants Australia to be a renewable energy superpower. This is the most idiotic view running us into the ground. Then he says Peter Dutton hasn’t done costings on a nuclear power station. Well we have thousands around the world to model from and it is a fraction of the cost of Labor’s energy policy. Labor have not done the costings on this renewable energy pipe dream AT ALL. North of a trillion dollars on repeat is what we are getting with this energy minister. This must include the bankrupted businesses due to the most expensive energy in the world. Chris Bowen needs to go and then get on a plane out of here.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Coming from people who think Trump is god, utterly meaningless.>> <<@freethinker4991 says : Scott Morrison outed as 1 of the 6 referred to the NACC by the Robodebt RC. Lock him up.>> <<@Objectiveansthensome says : At least 3 Nuclear Plants for Queensland .. Remember Dutton was also talking about "Small Nuclear"plants as well.!!! But the TAX PAYER has to pay for them... So Dutton is full socialist on Nuclear ..only Labor is pro free market on energy>> <<@Objectiveansthensome says : Fossil Fuel Lobby is BLOCKING the efficient renewables that would lower energy prices .. !!! The ones that we would use in a free market if there was NO NET ZERO... the Fossil Fuel lobby wins by doing this cause it forces us to spend the money with them !!! LNP are run by the Lobby ...... costing Aussies thousands>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Bind and gag the Rowan Dean fool. Shut up the idiot Sky News climate denialists. We cannot afford nuclear power or nuclear submarines!!! And when does the UK care about global boiling??🤮>> <<@stevenrichardd says : Green energy pump storage can be used to energy proof the whole of Australia. Why are Albo and Labour destroying coastlines and local communities when they don't have to? 😢😢>> <<@stevenrichardd says : Albo and Bowen have decided to destroy the Illawarra. Forever. Park the wind farm off Sydney from the Eastern Suburbs all the way up to Palm Beach. Labour would never do that to rich people. Instead Labour is attacking a working class city by destroying its coastline forever. Labour has abandoned the working class. It's a huge FU to all the working class in the Illawarra. Also the Illawarra is the local beach for all of south western Sydney. They are wrecking the coastline for millions of people. All of south western Sydney. There are plenty of other green energy options we could do instead of wind farms. Options that don't destroy the Illawarra. Why wreck the south coast 😢😢😢😢>> <<@alanknowles5963 says : Can't wait to see this clown kicked out of politics>> <<@Fuzcapp says : Permanently blowing wind - accurately describes Chris Bowen.>> <<@Fuzcapp says : Permanently blowing wind - an accurate description of Chris Bowen.>> <<@Cheesebeanie666 says : Bowen is a perfect example of how rock bottom we are for politicians. Blokes a total spud–achieved zero.>> <<@peterharvey4151 says : What a bloody mess this country is in with this govt, and Bowen is must be sacked immediately>> <<@thatsoutrageous1961 says : He is God backwards.>> <<@scottwarner1017 says : Why would sh-t like this from him surprise anyone.>> <<@HLsab says : Seriously , how did this buffoon ever get to this position ?>> <<@mclanaford2957 says : Bowen is full of hot air. It is coming from his behind.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Add a bit of sugar hahaha>> <<@DJ-yj1vg says : The wind only blows about 2 out of every 5 days. So 40% capacity. It always amazes me at how someone can be so proud of their own ignorance.>> <<@FranciscaAVior says : Breaking wind more like it …>> <<@kellyco4139 says : Bowen truly is a delusional little man>> <<@BillRen-nl5mx says : Labor=false teeth brigade ahahaha>> <<@markbehr88 says : Total goose.>> <<@derekmottley3656 says : Ecclesiastes 6:9 😂😂>> <<@barrymatthews3677 says : I know the guys an idiot>> <<@stuartproctor6642 says : bowen , the brains of a house plant>> <<@Robert-u5l9z says : Chris blowen has no puff>> <<@colinthompson7584 says : The worry is the obvious corruption of politicians in this false energy agenda.>> <<@John-kl3ue says : Bowen is like Biden and Obama ! Bowen is Australian puppet Albo his Puppeteer!>> <<@StevieSurname-kg3hq says : Bowen the moron....>> <<@clydesimpson1462 says : The biggest problem is leaving the next generation to remove, recycle and replace all the wind and solar infrastructure, this is perpetual tax for our children.>> <<@_hold_the_line_ says : Australia is already carbon negative because of all the trees and ocean we have. Labor is making us destroy our environment and pay for the Chinese and Indian pollution. Sneaky bastards they are.>> <<@ralphtavitian8471 says : This man is idiotic person biggest loser in politics I honestly think all his life was a loser and still a loser always will be a loser with no direction always talking Shit 💩>> <<@meba109 says : MORON !>> <<@Navigator-apex says : I surely hope we will have a different government next year because this IDIOT is destroying Australia!>> <<@rockbiterhd says : He is the perfect example of a politician no idea of how it is>> <<@BobLachal-il3yz says : The real problem is that he has no idea how stupid he is!,>>