<<@thato596 says : Trading relationship between china and australia has benefited australia. australia has made millions. More money will be made as time goes on>> <<@robhappe906 says : Don’t trade with communist criminals>> <<@SagittarianArrows says : Way to go Don Farrell good job Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! A $327 Billion two way trade with China, the Largest combined of next 5 nations put together - Wood Dragon good times roll.>> <<@wayangpok says : Stupid comments from some here. Trade is always good. Think of it like a manufacturer. If you have the goods, you will need to sell them to make profit. Australia and China will always have differences but there is nothing wrong in working on the common grounds and trade is one of these.>> <<@JoeyBlogs007 says : Tragically the world faces the greatest totalitarian global communist threat since the rise of Hitler !!! 😠😠😠 ???>> <<@stephenpercy4643 says : It shows you how desperate the CCP are with that sinking s hole!>> <<@lovechineseforever9434 says : PROSTITUTION>> <<@lovechineseforever9434 says : AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW😂🤣😅😆😁😛😋😮‍💨😷😴>> <<@chopinmack5418 says : Over 70% of the land in Australia are Desert . Australia should try to sell more coal to China , and buy the Solar Panels from them in return . Install the Solar Panels in Desert areas only and generate a lot of cheap electricity so as to enable Australia to become competitive in other industries . Cost of Solar Panels is dropping 10% / year and it is not wise to make cheap Solar Panels locally . Sheep Farms , Vineyards & Cherry Farms can be developed under the shades of the Solar Panels as well, based on experience from China . These will make Australia an independent & very wealthy country .>> <<@ywttw-sc1tz says : given the australian medias fully controlled by USA, still surprised to see many australians are really aware of the fact that australia was dealing with china in favor of US policies. Albo is on the right track now. more farmers are selling their produce to china, more money flowing into australia now. good for australia! unhappy for UK and USA though.>> <<@belindalee6349 says : All information is blocked from Australians about the conditions of the Chinese economy and their businesses. All information is manipulated.>> <<@billygibson2613 says : Legal trade for everyone in Australia very good policy safer for Australian people ❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊>> <<@beauvanderputt4236 says : Our fukn principles are very important too mate and blaming the previous gov and somehow calling this current arrangement with china mature, im sorry but this stinks, and while im here, good on our brethren across the ditch for signalling a wanted aukus alignment, the comments on that story were turned off 👊😎cher!!>> <<@countdracula36 says : Because all countries sidelined China’s trade, we have traitors in Albanese who will do cheap trades with them so that china can build more missiles to threaten the world. Kudos Labour.>> <<@Glory-to-God. says : We Aussies must remain loyal to 🇺🇸 at any cost>> <<@danieltan8734 says : Ausi don't be utilized by USA, Ausi can do more business in ASIA, in China !>> <<@joogie1849 says : Never trust 🇨🇳. They are & were completely responsible for covid. They own 🇦🇺.>> <<@republicanfreedemocratic1698 says : 港英條例後,就沒有香港,只有CCP赤港... CCP赤港化,終必將沒有一個是倖免者,包括勢利短見忘形的邪惡勢力成員它們自己。 After the British Hong Kong Ordinance, there will be no Hong-Kong, only CCP Red-Kong...The CCP anti-humanity terrorist organization has already begun its layout. Looking at the history of the truth over thousands of years and the current reality have repeatedly shown: The CCP anti-humanity terrorist organization and other modern new evil forces have no bottom line in their stupidity and despicable despicable actions, They are vicious, treacherous and obsessive, corrupt, corrupt and parasitic, as well as their deformities and distortions are irreversible. Should not be open to any unprotected tolerance, openness, or even unrestricted exchanges and cooperation with them. Otherwise, it will be the degeneration of "universal truth, goodness, justice and liberal democratic civilization", It is all indulgence, encouragement and appeasement that nurtures them to become more wild and powerful. Moreover, they will be corrupted and assimilated by the evil and despicable, and the evil consorts will grow rapidly and be backlashed. The "so-called reform and opening up" of the "CCP anti-humanity terrorist organization" and "relying on partial shoddy pseudo-prosperity such as theft, anti-humanity exploitation, monopoly corruption, etc", They are all tampering with history, fabricating words, spreading rumors, and obliterating the appearance of numerous crimes against humanity that have continued for nearly a century to this day. CCP anti-humanity terrorist organization from its beginning to the present, He is accustomed to using despicable, vulgar and anti-intellectual words to usurp history and spread rumors, Confusing right and wrong, good and evil, confusing true and false, Disturbing the truth and shouting to catch the thief, heretical sophistry, Taking quotes out of context, misinterpreting them, making irresponsible remarks, anti-intellectual thinking, etc. are all part of their normal behavior, Black money, bribery, bundling, profit-seeking profit-seeking businessmen, politicians, actors and other evil deeds, At the same time, he brainwashed and incited everyone.>> <<@JesM-y3m says : Don't go astray>> <<@thomasrogers9146 says : THE GOAL OF THE AMERICANS IS TO KEEP AUSTRALIA POOR. THE AMERICAN FORCED AUSTRALIA TO PICK A FIGHT WITH CHINA AND THEY DID. AS AUSTRALIAN BUSINESSES SUFFERED AND LOST THEIR LARGEST TRADING PARTNER CHINA,THE AMERICANS REPLACED AUSTRALIAN EXPORTS TO CHINA. AMERICAN BUSINESSES WIN AUSTRALIA BUSINESSES LOSE. YOU HAVE TO BE AN IDIOT TO PICK A FIGHT WITH YOUR LARGEST TRADING PARTNER.>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : Trade is a win win. Australia must not disconnect with the 1.4 bil Chinese consumers. Stay friendly and connected. Don’t let the xenophobic and racist win the day. Promote Aussie wines, beef, lamb, seafood, fruits,holidays, studies, etc….. We in South East Asia are neutral….we love USA and China. We look out for our own best interest …. Nobody wants to be the pawn like Ukraine…..poor and devastated. What a dummy.>> <<@benjaminthame4174 says : In Australia's favour? What happens when China moves to invade Taiwan? Oh that's right , America will be on the phone telling us to stop selling energy and ground based materials along with food to China! Where will that leave Australia? Broke! We need to get all of our eggs out of China's basket!>> <<@jasonwolfe1318 says : Australia has the most Iron Ore in the world. If we don’t sell it to China and instead make steel ourselves, Australia would dominate and the world steel production. Surely it’s better for the environment not shipping millions of tonnes of ore to other country to process.>> <<@BeerGutGuy says : And what happens if China tries to invade Taiwan? Labour will cancel all trade with China? We all know it’s a trap……..>> <<@mencao8237 says : ❤❤❤>> <<@ytn00b3 says : Australian living standard and quality suffered by importing from China>> <<@ytn00b3 says : With China you always lose.>> <<@mikeliu5201 says : Who said this trade relationship has to be in Australia’s favor? Ask yourselves who you are. 😅>> <<@leeschulz4344 says : renewable super power lmfao... no chance not ganna happen we are fools>> <<@xiaoxiajiang says : How could you forget the times China bullying us? Are you sure you are not bribed by China?>> <<@MgWynn says : What are you guys barking about. Australia is not an independent country and never was. Australia is being run by UK. UK is under the command of US. So, Australians have no say in how to run the country. Hope you understand now.>> <<@AhmetTekin101 says : Xi should come to Australia to beg for forgiveness and leniency.>> <<@ArabicReja973 says : China needs to complete the following steps for Australia 🇦🇺 to normalize the relationship with that regime: - release remaining arbitrarily detained Australian citizens, - cooperate with WHO to study further into the Wuhan outbreak, - lift import restrictions on Australian wine, lobsters and beef, - respect international laws in the South and East China Sea, - fix its human rights issues in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, - stop interfering with Taiwan's internal affairs.>> <<@lastChang says : History has taught us: when you make friends with China 🇨🇳, it always takes advantage of you.>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Aussie people spirit confess Australia 🇦🇺 spirit not same as me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is God in heaven is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so first death has no power over life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so first death has no power over superman flesh live and never die physically in day of Judgement so John baptist said testing the spirits so do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is coming as John baptist said testing the spirits so do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is here and do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is there so John baptist said testing the spirits so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is word of Jesus christ so Abraham died and all the prophets died saying these are true words of God so man cannot survive on bread alone but every word from mouth of living God so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth said make sure the world people babies spirit confess their babies spirit not same as me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is God in heaven is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so Jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too advocate is comforter is holy spirit lives forever so first death has no power over life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so first death has no power over superman flesh live and never die physically in day of Judgement is proof me Sebastian yap spirit is God in heaven is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so make sure their prophets spirit confess their people spirit not same as me Sebastian yap spirit is God in heaven is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so first death has no power over superman flesh live and never die physically in day of Judgement so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire is proof me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is word of God so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows me Sebastian yap spirit gives life and me Sebastian yap spirit gives death the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so all their babies spirit sins against flesh son of man shall be forgiven except unpardonable sin said apostle Paul so make sure their Australia 🇦🇺 commonwealth government people spirit confess their Aussie people spirit not same as me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is word of God so me Sebastian yap spirit is advocate is comforter is me Sebastian yap spirit so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire so infinite one God the father opened all books bible book quran book Torah book examined every man woman child souls for deeds lie to their own spirit how to end flesh suffer death dying so infinite one God the father cursed every liar man woman child souls children of devil native language lies and murderer of their own flesh from the beginning so infinite one God the father see there is no lie in me Sebastian yap spirit is word of God so me Sebastian yap spirit is word of infinite one God the father uncut hands so me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is stone rock from infinite one God the father uncut hands grew into man Mountain yhwh rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire is proof me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so Abraham died and all the prophets died so world people babies died is proof man cannot survive on bread alone but every word from mouth of living God so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is advocate is comforter so infinite one God the father asked my enemy babies souls what good is it for my enemies babies spirit to gain world telling lies to their believers and forfeit their babies spirit honour asks jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth asked Adam eve what good is it for Adam eve spirit to gain world telling lies to their own fleshes rotted died became dust so infinite one God the father said man cannot survive on bread alone but every word from mouth of living God so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is me Sebastian yap spirit is word of infinite one God the father asked my enemies Australia 🇦🇺 people babies spirit what good is it for my enemy the Australia 🇦🇺 people babies spirit to gain world telling lies to Asians Africans people and forfeit their Aussie Australia 🇦🇺 people babies spirit honour asked Jesus christ so infinite one God the father opened all books bible book quran book Torah book examined every man woman child souls for deeds lie to their own spirit how to end flesh suffer death dying so infinite one God the father cursed every liar man woman child souls children of devil native language lies and murderer of their own flesh from the Aussie people spirit confess Australia 🇦🇺 spirit not same as me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is God in heaven is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so first death has no power over life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so first death has no power over superman flesh live and never die physically in day of Judgement so John baptist said testing the spirits so do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is coming as John baptist said testing the spirits so do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is here and do not believe them spirits said jesus christ is there so John baptist said testing the spirits so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is word of Jesus christ>> <<@lianghao7128 says : Unlike the United States, China has never actively launched attacks on others' economies. China is a much more stable trading partner than the United States.>> <<@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr says : What a load of rubbish.>> <<@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr says : Australia has too many eggs in one basket. Let’s diversify away from China. Stabilise on Chinas terms. 😡😡😡>> <<@SeeTheWholeTruth says : FUNNY HOW YOUR NEWS FAILED TO MENTION CHINA the "paper dragon" just got SHUT DOWN for attempting to bully again. Seriously.. you people are not getting the reality of China, and honestly? I think theyre paid off stooges. Propaganda is all you get from CCP on this news. Its.. disturbing. Go see for yourself.. China Insights, China Observer, they are in total collapse.. they are the worst failure worldwide at the moment.. and you have no news of it. It is SURREAL.>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Confucius say 'man in nice suit and tie not necessarily a gentleman, nice suit and tie Mr Dutton'.>> <<@lkhxlt7689 says : If the colonial minds have been free from superiority, then the question of who is who in rank in China will not arise.. Still got this suspicion of CCP that's governing the country and simply create fears of national security for no reason, for a country like China that has not involve in any war for century. 😊😊❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@Tpry says : Never rely solely on China. Never trust CCP-China . Trade but never be dependent on China.>> <<@raebenning6453 says : The junk goods also contribute greatly to our landfill problems.>> <<@davmac6148 says : We are too dependable on China, we should make Australian made shoes, Australian made cars, Australian made motorbikes, Australian made batteries, Australian made EVs....the sooner the better, but this is something labor will never do.>> <<@ILDG86 says : The very nature of Trade is both parties gain. There is no such things as “In Australia’s favour “>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WUTT ABOAT DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DA CHINESE OAT'S UND-HIS CUPA TAYE ☕️👋😲>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : Excellent interview. Don Farrell spoke distinctly and clearly, and showed how level headed Australia now is in regard to China, unlike with past Coalition governments that trashed the relationship with Australia's biggest trading partner. It is worth noting that that China has expanded its GDP (Gross Domestic Product by an average of 9.5% per year for the past forty years. In contrast, America's period of fastest economic growth between 1920 and 1970, was an average of 4 % per year. In context, economic growth in the Western world from AD1 to AD1829 was 6% per century.(Source: The New China Playbook - Keyu Jin - Professor of Economics - Harvard University)>> <<@ChingWong-b9w says : Sell everything to China at prices higher than the market. Be smart to make money! Don’t sell Australian goods cheap!>> <<@petermarsh4993 says : Our relationship with China is not symmetrical. Chinese can buy Australian property whereas Australians cannot buy Chinese property. Restore this gross imbalance and we maybe then have a fair bilateral trade situation. Albo hasn’t tackled China on its military incursions in SE Asia and its close attack on our Navy divers and Pilots. He cow-tows to China and this soft talk is merely meaningless platitude.>> <<@ChingWong-b9w says : CCP has never repented or been punished for its crimes against its people! If you think China is your friend then you will have blood of victims of CCP on your hand!>>