<<@lauralyons9944 says : Biden bringing inflation down? He's the one who drove it up. This professor is a 'tool's. Biden is the reason for the wars! Biden is , moron>> <<@LeighStark-bd9gr says : He has ass burgers ๐Ÿ”>> <<@robinclark9805 says : This man, who is said to be the president of USA,has Alzheimer's and he needs to step down from running in the presidential elections.how are they going to get out of the debate's???๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ>> <<@bethanywhite877 says : Age has nothing to do with dementia. My Grandmother was sharp as a tack until she passed at 94. She lived on her own. Cooked. Remembered things better than I did. Trump is doing great for his age.>> <<@WalkOverHotCoal says : Mutton dressed up as lamb. Joe Biden just showed young voters a new dance move..."frozen on the spot". Both candidates are on the nose. It is a case of "who is less disgusting".>> <<@ArenAurelius says : For God's Sake! Let him use his walker in public.>> <<@melna7299 says : Out of 340 million or so people, this is the best we can do? Really? Two essentially octogenarians? (And I'm one of them so I can tell you a thing or two about the 'Golden Years!') Humanity, as a whole, needs to find a better way to govern itself. With the Internet and the birth of AI, it's possible to poll vast amounts of Earth's population in real time. Not just a vote or a comment on YouTube, but an actual voice in your own affairs versus the very few and the mass media telling you how and what to think. America's oligarchic and moribund two party system is at the root cause of our dysfunctional government and dictators and monarchy's only last as long as they can control the masses and hold onto power. So some young, enterprising, and innovative individual, or group of individuals, needs to write the code for Humanity 2.0! And soon! WWIII is likely to be a game changer!>> <<@kennethblachlyjr3040 says : Inflation down?? More lies!!!>> <<@kennethblachlyjr3040 says : 1:51 speech impediment my butt!!! Stop LYING Sky News!!! This guy has dementia!! No speech impediment!! You must think your audience is stupid>> <<@myrahouse2368 says : He a Wokie perverse president cool people ainโ€™t woke. He lies relentlessly so much so itโ€™s shocking. Speech impediment ๐Ÿ™„>> <<@ESter-hj7vd says : Republicans were giving a chance to pick who they want for Candidate.there were so many candidates,younger too,but they choose Trump,because heโ€™s proven himself,but for Joe Biden,the Democrats never given a chance to select,they want Biden,even though people donโ€™t want him,thatโ€™s the difference between the two,people ages differently,some grow old stupidly,and some remain strong mind,thatโ€™s also the difference between Joe and Trump,one is senile and one is old and smart,..>> <<@CbSd994 says : Trump just now turned 78 a couple of days ago. Joe Biden is 81 now and will be 82 in November (this year 2024), just after the election. Biden is also a stroke survivor and has undergone brain surgery in the past. That coupled with his age is likely the reason his speech patterns are often nonsensical (Receptive Aphasia) and his volume control when speaking is flawed (Dysarthria). Feel free to look it up, you really should.>> <<@erickriebel4366 says : There are a lot of high-level people in business and also celebrities that are well into the the age of 80 to 90 and they are still functional and they can drive a car President Biden does not even know where he is and he could not drive a car now yes he could drive a car for years ago but someone said he got very very old very very quick almost like turning off a switch on the lights he is completely toasted he has everything wrong with him dementia his memory any can barely walk around he is stumbling that is not the age that is condition>> <<@David-d4k9k says : Itโ€™s his mental decline, not his age , you prat.>> <<@peterbravestrong says : What a boring interview.>> <<@charly3575 says : When Trump is being Trump, his ideas and policies are still sensical, fair, powerful and cogent. When Biden is being Biden, babies cower and cry, children cringe and get sniffed, Secret Service get confused and dog bitten, women have beards and men can get pregnant, Chinese can spy and wars can rage, his cabinet covers for his gaffes and lies and cannibals eat their uncles. Iโ€™d vote for Trump even if he were older than the Pontiff nose rubbing, diaper pooping, robot walker.>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO SAY IT IS NOT HIS AGE, HE HAS LATE STAGE DEMENTIA. ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ>> <<@7c8f9x says : SHOWING HIS AGE, REALLY! I WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN!>> <<@raymartin3527 says : Biden is no more than 3 years away from cutting off his water and starting the morphine drip.>> <<@bobthompson-ec4zr says : Did you see Biden rubbed his forehead on the forehead of the Pope?>> <<@pjg416 says : What is this pundit talking about? Inflation rose 42 years high, just because it came down on a small scale, doesn't equate to success. Currently, the inflation for groceries is double digit, fuel is more than 50% now than inauguration day, and there are more examples from consumer price index to production price index. Have you tried to be a home or car these days? Loans with 7 percent or close 7 percent to finance. Regulations against energy industries to explore and develop while allowing sanctions relaxed and then let expire against Iran. What normal year that this current economy would benefit Biden? What evidence....don't cite salary rate or hourly rates? You saw how in Washington State and now in California, those artificial, state driven hourly wage caused less employees and less hours employee or even replacement by kiosk. What are you talking about 2x wars? Reagan had cold war from USSR and threats from Grenada and East Germany. W had 2x wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with 100,000s thousands Service Members in both theaters. Plus the foreign policy and military action or influence is changing no calculus or results by current policy. How many evacuated embassies or consultation much occur? How many funded and developed air bases that we must give up since other countries stayed for US forces to leave immediately.>> <<@XrayMike17plus1 says : How it it that FJB can be a well-meaning older man with a poor memory that no jury would convict... yet still be fit for the presidency?>> <<@XrayMike17plus1 says : It isn't 'age' - its senility and 'karma' - or biblical retribution. True OLD Testament level punishment.>> <<@XrayMike17plus1 says : FJB smells like a corpse. Looks like one wearing makup.>> <<@ThaRealHomer says : Yeah that gives with the two old fartsโ€ฆ weโ€™re trying to move forward and these idiots are on their geriatric death beds.>> <<@stanztman68 says : Not a speech impediment. He's utterly lost.>> <<@josephochoa9744 says : Elder abuse>> <<@saccfa says : "Trump has never spoken well" this guy is an idiot. At his worst he's 10x better than the potato in chief we have>> <<@GhenAurwin says : It's not so much his dementia, it's the shytshow trying to hide it from everyone.>> <<@dudes9ll says : So you have no idea and your just another over paid ass hole>> <<@douca1 says : Elder abuse.>> <<@MsJoybird1 says : Donald Trump is not cognitively impaired! Joe Biden is GONE! Anyone who cannot see that is brain dead! This man is so wrong regarding Trumpโ€™s mental acuity! It is hilarious how the left loves to explain Donald Trump!>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : I love to see the comedy routine when he pretends to be fit and energetic, it's gold!!!>> <<@MsJamieburns says : No. Ya think?>> <<@FDT24 says : Trump already finding excuses for losing the debate. Apparently heโ€™s going to lose on purpose ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@lincolnman69 says : Trump 2024 all the way ๐Ÿ‘>> <<@Brandi328 says : This dude is nuts!!! Next time get a non partisan commentator- ridiculous>> <<@michaelmayhood4286 says : Such a quaint and tactful title! I didn't think anybody talked like that anymore except my mother, FOX news, and the majority of the Republican Congressional officials in Washington! I know, it's for a worthy cause!>> <<@Wild1BillS says : It figures you have some CLUELESS MORON from california making all these claims he has NEVER had to work a real job in his Entire life. WTF where do see that inflation is good. Prices for everything are rising every day and brandon is to blame. As far as the economy being good? Unemployment is on its way up because interest rates are so high. The construction company I work for had over 300 employees less then a year ago we are down to less then 80 and still laying people off. I expected to be laid off in another week because the job I am working on will wrap up this week. And Every other company in the Chicago area is in the same boat. Lots of big jobs are being canceled because interest rates are killing more jobs every week.>> <<@m3cinco452 says : His age is not a concern. Adderall joe will get us into a dark winter>> <<@youngthing12 says : Sorry I disagree heโ€™s been showing his mental acuity for a lot more than 4 years!!>> <<@garyrath841 says : ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธBased on ๐Ÿ˜ŽJoe's๐Ÿ˜Žperformance all future ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธPresidential ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธcandidatesshould be at least 80 years old๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ>> <<@moistfarts351 says : He a corrupt treasonous parasite pedophile>> <<@AMTruckin says : He was gone 6 years ago . ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@IOSALive says : Sky News Australia, great content you deserve more subscribers>> <<@emperordalektardis says : According to MAGA cruds, Biden is senile and ancient, yet at the same time he is a criminal mastermind using lawfare against Trump and using Hunter's conviction to his advantage. So, which is it? You can't have both.>> <<@graemeday8274 says : For anyone to believe that Bidens support is equivalent to Donald Trump, they must be deaf, blind and stupid, unless they're all to embarrassed to show their face's in public. And so they should be !>> <<@richardfox6595 says : Why would the Australian host lie about the stutter Biden never had? He wasn't stuttering when he read "PAUSE" loudly off the teleprompter.>> <<@JerroldGarrison says : Heโ€™s not oldโ€ฆheโ€™s pickled!๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@JerroldGarrison says : Never state the obvious!>>