<<@yaladdingcc3750 says : πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Žwelcome criminal>> <<@respectothers9680 says : Well done>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Sad that people have to put up with Andrew "The Bogan" Clennell doing a Gru impersonation with English that sounds as if he was conceived in a Torana! Up your game Sky News!>> <<@homers7777 says : Wonder if he'll drop in and give dan andrews a HJ>> <<@iggy5347 says : China do trades trades trades The US do war war war war>> <<@MrLinklot says : You call that mf a "leader"?>> <<@2Bros-OVO says : Dont forget china called Australia gum on their boots that needs to be scrapped off on a rock>> <<@dixonpinfold2582 says : 0:33 Plenty Wrong greeting her immediate supervisor and instantly setting herself to the task of gleefully shining his hinder part. Australia should stop messing about, place massive tariffs on imports from China, and direct the money to building those submarines faster.>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Hope talks go well>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Boofhead will tell him to jamb his solar panels up his arse, Australia will no longer kowtow to chinas bullshit climate change lies.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Since 2017? Doesn't seem anywhere near long enough .>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Will Albo be wearing his custom made Mao outfit>> <<@innocentbystander8038 says : Come to work out which bits he's going to own.>>