<<@huko4266 says : Corporatism = Communism with a 🌈>> <<@ianenglish123 says : The LNP with the likes of Taylor, Canavan, Dutton and Joyce have always been in bed with corporate lobby groups. Groups like Murdoch's Press, Glencore, Reinhardts Alinta to name just three that are obvious.>> <<@huko4266 says : Vote with your electricity bill.>> <<@cleverscout_5687 says : Look at this “TERRY” _>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : The basics explained very simply to the hard of hearing.>> <<@2018wrxaddict says : Governments ARE corporations.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : Creeping? 😂 Where have you been the past 30 years?>> <<@AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc says : Was going to be obtuse and txt “Oh Really?”. So I did. This entire energy fiasco is obtuse!>> <<@childensstorytime says : Please remove the CCP and trades not within Australia. Communism is China. The more you trade with Communsim China, as you would say invest, is meaning they have more control over our own way of life. Australians need to be very for Australia 🦘 as the more Australians are nade to feel whatever in regards to Australia 🦘 its a lot easier for the China Communism Party to take over our country. No one talks about this but the more another coubtry has in another coubtry in regards to investment more control they have over the government and thing that happen. Eg Social Misinformation bill. Defence, immigration stop. Take care of the Australians.>> <<@chrisyoung9194 says : “creeping corporatism” .....led by News Corp. and the Murdochs! Unfortunately, in Australia, their position is not creeping...it's blatant one sided drivel! I believe that News Corp want a one party state here in Australia.....which will mean, no opposition whatsoever against the LNP!>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Nuclear power brings down electricity prices by 75% in Finland.>> <<@scottfrance1400 says : Hes not stating that we don't have an energy problem nor a weather problem, we have a greedy government problem . That's why power bills are high , they raises the prices with a bunch of made up b.s about climate change to give them the excuses , while you can bet money on it they were all invested heavily in the coal market . They've tried to push the clean green approach, no doubt was their next investment opportunity to create more wealth for themselves and now its nuclear . Their greed knows no bounds. They have caused a housing crisis while they all heavily invested in the housing market . Everything they do, they no doubt invest heavily in and then push the narrative to achieve their ambitious wealth goals . They cry oh the world is flooding buy the land we invested in . Oh there's an energy crisis , Coals going up greenhouse emissions have to come down invest in the solar market we already invested in . But there's more we have options because we have become so greedy we invested in multiple markets . Try the wind farms we previously invested in. Try the electric vehicles we invested in previously ,intact let's starts pushing the objective , we need to blow 2.5 million on some electric car charger stations outside of the parliament house to really try and enforce this goal . But once we made our money , we've created an even worse toxic problem , we can invest in the pharmaceutical companies pushing out the drugs for all the cancer patients . Woohoo money money money>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : The *****MISINFORMATION CC DENYING CHANNEL******>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Creeping Assumption. Remember when Peta said she wouldn't rest until Dan was held Accountable 😂 what happened peta?>> <<@SwingingVoter says : Not as expensive as unreliable, renewables that need replacing every 10 years.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : BUTT WUTT ABOAT DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD 👋😳>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : 🇦🇺 government Bureaucrats Satanist brainwashing and robbing population anyway they can... St.Thomas>> <<@daz7122 says : More like entrenched corporatism. "roughly one hundred years ago, the free market began to be replaced with corporatism" Nothing new here people.>> <<@eb2505 says : Call it what it is, facism. Governement in bed with business. Unelected business leaders controlling our destiny.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Please the government is a corporation thanks to Goth Whitlam signing Australia over that would be the lema declaration>> <<@tlb2970 says : PWC, ASIC, ABC AND MOST OF THE ALPHABET, including the GOVERNMENT are all corrupt>> <<@Iygfdsvnkyf says : Sky supports corporatism...so do our governments>> <<@WilliamCooper-l6f says : Nuclear is a very dangerous technology. Not only is it extremely expensive to build, it is expensive to operate and expensive to deal with the waste. In Germany, they are worried about a nuclear waste dump leaking radioactive material into the earth and poisoning the water. In far eastern Russia, there is a nuclear power plant leaking radioactive material into China 1,600 times greater than the upper threshold limit, that has forced an entire city to be evacuated.>> <<@GeorgePapadopolous says : Losers.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : FASCISM BY STEALTH 101. ... "THE MERGER OF CORPORATE & STATE" OR "CORPORATOCRACY " <-- MUSSOLINI>> <<@Chad.H. says : Fresh migration numbers : the australia population is growing at a pace of 13148 per week! Or around 2 arrivals per minute. This is the promise the sleez gave in his infamous speech in December last year to bring migration down. YET AGAIN ALBO KEPT THE HABIT OF NOT ONLY LYING BUT ACCUTALLY DOING THE OPPOSITE TO WHAT EVER HE SAYS.>>