<<@garyjohnstone6422 says : Start with the fact that Socialists are innumerate. Nuclear for Australia Founder William Shackel says a “majority of Australians” support nuclear energy. A new poll shows that 55 per cent of voters are in support of a move to replace retired coal-fired power plants with small modular nuclear reactors. We must have base load to prosper. SMR reactors are the trend globally & are specifically designed to burn waste to near 100% completion. 2/3rds of Americans are in favour of nuclear power and 20% of the power is already ex nuclear. Nuclear does have an especially valuable trait in that it produces a steady stream of electrons without emitting greenhouse gasses, providing reliable baseload power. Safety is an overblown issue. How many deaths, a couple. Unlike conventional reactors, they don’t require any integration to the grid for safety, Nuclear is the largest source of clean power in the United States, generating more than 800 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year and producing more than half of the nation's emissions-free electricity. This avoids more than 470 million metric tons of carbon each year, which is the equivalent of removing 100 million cars off of the road. In 2019, nuclear plants operated at full power more than 93% of the time, making it the most reliable energy source on the power grid. SMR`s are specifically designed to burn waste to near 100% completion. Opposition to nuclear is ill informed and always from the Left. A leftover of the Cold War when they did Mother Russia`s bidding.>> <<@TheRoswellCode says : Labor has a short half-life>> <<@desertwind666 says : The power going up now is also a result of liberal leadership? Nothing on electricity for ten years in power… this is the result. Now they want to make it even worse!>> <<@desertwind666 says : The problem is Dutton is motivated by being elected first and serving the people second. If he was proposing it as an addendum to what’s already being done it’s a potentially reasonable proposal. But no he goes ‘these labor people are useless wankers, bin everything and make it all nuclear’. Which is not even what he is proposing but that’s the thing politics first leadership distant second total disaster if he gets in charge.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Fake news on two levels, Bowen delivered a full costing of renewables projects and its one tenth of Dutton and Skies claims. Fact check it. Secondly billions of dollars of private investing has entered the industry, so only a portion of the infrastructure is paid for by the taxpayer. No one wants to invest in nuclear.>> <<@anthonygioia888 says : Onya Kylie, Penny, You both know all about it!!! 😅😅😅😅 That’s why Dutton has you all running scared!!>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : There are HUGE holes in Labor’s costings for renewables You have to include grid modifications… which they are not … This will price renewables right out of the market Also to replace base load with renewables you need 7 to 9 times the capacity for renewables to do the same job … This alone means their costings need to be 7 to 9 times their costed price…. This obviously prices them WAY higher My request is they tell the TRUTH in the real costs>> <<@letmelickbud says : She is a disgrace for supporting hamas>> <<@MARILYNABBERTON says : Does anyone believe anything the wong says?>> <<@mersinalou7397 says : Australia can always ask how much other countries have paid for nuclear reactors but they cant ask how much any country has paid to convert to solar and wind only because no country has done that for good reason .. lets just be sensible and reject Labor's bs for good.>> <<@nealkent says : You nailed it Dutton with nuclear base load energy. As for the Labor/greens parties... you are finished. You have been lying, decieving, delving in insider trading (corruption) and pilfering taxpayers dollars on white elephant projects. Good bye the pathetic Labor/greens parties.>> <<@kevinbrown2445 says : Common sense is out of the window with Labor. Issues are Housing, Immigration, Inflation Cost of living,>> <<@gail9906 says : Lets Vote People! Time for an election! 😁❤️🇦🇺🦘>> <<@dancinguy99 says : Facts will see Bowens lies will run us into over three trillion in debt, then there's the ludicrous ever expanding costings for replacement, maintenance of Bowens no idea pre failed Fantasyland rubbish he's lsying onto generations to come. Labor idiocy and gross failings, as usual>> <<@michaelnunn1805 says : Do not blame Andrew Gile. It is the cabal of idiots in his department that messed up years ago and are frantically defending themselves by these idiotic schemes such as direction 103>> <<@kathleencook3060 says : Labor always attack "the man", became they can't win an argument on Rational Policies!!. Same old strategy!!. Gaslughting.>> <<@kevinwong3722 says : Labour just spent 1 billion dollars on a US company and NDIS shorten man for job, yep in since inception and still a major stuff up. Go go Albo your team is doing a stellar job>> <<@michaelsamuel7812 says : The climate will change when also Bowen and Wong piss off to China and stay there ,>> <<@womabrad says : Peter Dutton‘s government can’t come soon enough for Australia>> <<@shanesmith6815 says : Handsome boy gets to polish Xi's knob without leaving Oz>> <<@papadonkus says : Meth on Paul>> <<@mclanaford2957 says : Penny our power bills will be much less under Peter Dutton. 👏👏👏👏>> <<@mclanaford2957 says : We Australia must pull out of the Paris Accord asap.>> <<@rodneymarsden3003 says : The so called renewables are not so green. We know this! The Liberals have to look after our farmers. Labor has no desire to look after our country folk. We need to keep our coal power stations going. Penny Wong needs to go.>> <<@Larry-go8bg says : The whole world is moving forward in leaps and bounds with renewables and Australia is doing its part but Dutton appeasing his climate war denier base is political opportunism at its ugliest. This will backfire and keep the LNP in opposition where their corrupt arses belong. Your dealing with people who cant think outside the circle they're standing in let alone their own lifetimes or spare a thought for their children and grandchildren when they become the richest pricks in the graveyard welcome to the shallow short sighted world of conservative politics and media.>> <<@marktanska6331 says : Problem Dutton has is the "main stream media". They will not allow rational discussion on this matter or any minority issue>> <<@barefootbandit1 says : The climate always has and always will change Anyone around the age of 50 should remember the hole in the ozone layer scare campaign where we were all going to burn to death? Be warned younger people it is the same scam by the same people using different words to scare you so they can make trillions of dollars for their secret societies.>> <<@troy6882 says : Singing up for bankruptcy at some stupid buggers idea on wind power o propetual motion family 🥱🤮. Thats 64.75 a KWH Ozzie ComOnMan.....>> <<@troy6882 says : Hay dug for a billion i could have half Australia on new generation turbine generator systems green electric to start up on micro steam did you know gas turbines to a Hundred Mega Watt has no gear or torque converter to cut likely 1/3 that total year gas used to a smaller fan turbine to that same weight add that gear to 4 electric gear load at a kilowatt output using 850w add gears 650/700w put 4 together get a grid viable option to a kilowatt output?????or super state cores not one in the industry my My it says the gauss at n42 2x2x0.5 from 2700g to over 5000 to 7000g go figure smart education smart??????>> <<@chuckselvage3157 says : Penny Wrong>> <<@nevillemills9517 says : The illusion of choice, they both serve the same master.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Mine in WA just built a huge renewable engineering infrastructure. That's how unreliable renewables are hahaha 😅>> <<@AllanBassett-o1w says : WONG, WONG, WONG , WONG, WRONG>> <<@LouSimpson-vn5wn says : Aussie trump Dutton yes MAGA.>> <<@wikindog says : Paul, you persist in promoting the idea that the only viable minority government would be a Labor/Greens coalition (perhaps at Rupert's behest?), but what about an LNP/Other coalition? I understand your point. However, it's crucial for the public to recognize that corruption permeates all levels of government, and we require at least one term to apprehend the wrongdoers and permanently seal any loopholes. Following an overhaul of the AEC, a democratically elected party could return to a parliament that is more transparent, digitized, and cleansed. Sometimes, things must be broken before they can be mended.🤠>> <<@raymondphillips3102 says : I've said it before these clowns that are pushing this agenda for clean green energy should have their properties disconnected from the electricity and gas grids>> <<@Ds-lq3tc says : Every thing is cheaper under Albo trust me his word is his bond>> <<@garyjones4001 says : Aussie trump is what we need>> <<@testedtrue7693 says : don't forget all the other issues that destroy our environment caused by renewables. Mining minerals, no plan to dispose of after use by date, destroy environment and farmland with wind turbines and ocean environments and wildlife. trillions of dollars spent that will have to be replaced in 20 years with no solution for the waste and no one accountable except the taxpayers>> <<@testedtrue7693 says : Like anything else that come out of Wong's mouth, this is ill informed or misinformation. Along with her opinions on Palestinians and solutions in Gaza. As a career politician and a socialist she know very little about the REALITY of living in this world and having a go off the government teet>> <<@evil17 says : Solar and wind is good for 10-20 years if it doesn’t encounter storms, cyclones, lightning or meteor strikes, bushfires, dust, ash, birdshit or hail in the meantime while also slowly declining in performance, it also requires another 28,000 kms of high voltage grid infrastructure worth billions, and storage in form of $18 billion dollar dams (Abandon Doomed Snowy 2.0 & new Qld dam projects) and $1 billion dollar batteries like the one that can power Adelaide for 7 minutes, how many of them do we need to power Australia for 1 day? Nuclear can supply 24/7 high density, stable, reliable power with minimal operational personnel and maintenance for 80-100 years without any of this extra renewables infrastructure. Nuclear can also perform other heating duties as a sideline, desalinate water & create Green Hydrogen, if thats is what you want, energise and improve power hungry steel manufacturing industries, and it will reliably keep the lights on, unlike Blackout Bowen’s trillion dollar Renewables Agenda & waste of money. China has built 2 of the latest design, safe 1600MW thorium reactors for approximately $19 billion dollars over seven years, the first took 5 years & has been operational for over a year and the 2nd to come online in the next year, that is 2 reactors producing 3.2 GW power in 7 years at a cost of $8.5 billion & $10.5 billion. (source: Nuclear for Australia & Australia Nuclear Institute) These new Thorium reactors can reuse up to 95% of nuclear waste from other reactors making it much safer for storage for 2-300 years instead of the thousands it remains active for and have a very small amount of waste for storage anyhow. Seems to me we could have a lot of these with the predicted Trillion dollars of taxpayers money Labor wants to spend in the next 5 years on unreliable, unstable, intermittent solar, wind, dam & grid structures taking up thousands of acres and damaging farming & protected national park areas. Forget net zero & Paris agreement for now and go for nuclear, it’s the clean way forward for a strong energy future we will need to grow more industry.>> <<@baldrick6071 says : Dutton is NOT walking away from climate action! He’s simply more realistic of what’s achievable without damaging the economy!>> <<@daveid6244 says : Penny Wong hasn't a clue Talk crap and thinks labour is so great your leader is a failure go back and look at how Australians are liveing now>> <<@NenneSez says : REFERENDUM>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : "No Policy Pete " at it again flogging his big mining sponsors LNP backroom deals!!>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : Big of SkyNotNews to finally slip the word opinion in at the start of their little video!!...but it should be on the tail of their brand. SkyOpinion. Get the news right out of there!!!🤣🤣>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : More lies out of Bole cut Wong>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : Climate change is one Big Con>> <<@deathbysalt2382 says : Ahh penny, the master gaslighter. She’s insufferable>> <<@GregDalton-bb4ul says : Penny Wong , is just Wong,Wong, Wong>>