<<@stewartsherriff2095 says : Indigenous folk are not so called traditional owners. Who was here before them? But I offer a different slant. Untold millions around the world will tell us God created the universe and therefore can only be the true owner not some minority group claiming to be here some 65,000 years ago. Indeed, the Americans were first to land on the moon and place their flag into the ground so does this mean America owns the moon? And that's how ridiculous this native title etc is.>> <<@lionel9588 says : Get rid of the aboriginal flag for a start.have a look at wat there doing to Goondiwindi at the moment and Alice Springs.and none of these so-called reporters never mention the word aboriginal. Amazing isn't it .yes it's the aboriginals that are destroying these beautiful towns .the government just keep feeding them money.thinking the problem will go away.iv got news for them it's getting worse>> <<@raeleneparker4965 says : The voice failed, now plan B grant control of hundreds of thousands of Australian land to aboriginals.>> <<@owainbennett663 says : Don't like the way of life, but loves all the benefits.>> <<@sidah5105 says : It's time for Australians to push back. While state governments, councils, and the Federal Court are involved in decision making regarding native title, they rarely reflect community views because they do not seek our input. This pattern mirrors the lead-up to the Voice referendum, where extensive consultation, funded by taxpayers, occurred solely with Indigenous groups, neglecting the broader Australian population. It was this approach that contributed significantly to the Voice’s failure, costing taxpayers a staggering $450 million. Native title claims are similarly determined within a closed circle, deliberately excluding the majority of Australians, including those whom the native title system purportedly aims to benefit. This is Australia, the government is not making decisions that benefit all Australians. Did you know that half of Australia is subject to native land title? Where are the voices against this utter madness. This country does NOT belong to Aborigines and will NOT always belong to Aborigines. Stop this divisive rhetoric. This land belong to ALL Australians.>> <<@nigelhuevo6114 says : Are they claiming all this wealth on their benefits, or still collecting off the sweat of the White man. Like maggots.>> <<@rinzler9775 says : I believe Australia said "NO", remember ?>> <<@leghunter9201 says : They came down from Meekatharra In a burned-out blue FJ….>> <<@jim-hm3eg says : This is theft on a massive scale this is criminal>> <<@tanyamiller6275 says : Faaaaar out !!!! I'm moving to china>> <<@shanebrowning1904 says : yeah they have received 400 billion in the last ten years, on top of the royalties they already receive plus free university, private schools. When is it going to stop? They have preschoolers now having to say sorry, for what? What did they do? When the original inhabitants were pygmies not the aboriginals who came here from Africa and India.>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : What RIGHT do they have to do this? We Voted NO>> <<@OzSafe1 says : Give the land back to original owner GOD. These indigenous people are no more impostors than us.>> <<@DioSfak says : So who gets it? Who is benefitting from it? Which politician has connections to it? Who is selling what to what? How sneaky these politicians can get from their incredible greed in taking things for their very own self interests and gain and then provide the third party whatever they want so then the politicians can get whatever they want and only the Australian people lose out, including a large part of aboriginals too. Only particular groups benefit from this and most people don't realise that.>> <<@outbackwanker says : WE WILL NOT COMPLY. It is time the aboriginals worked for a living like the rest of us instead of demanding everything whilst producing nothing. Civil War is coming if this BS continues.>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : Everyone can still use the land.Whats the issue?>> <<@VivienneWest-k3n says : Labor party is no longer the Australian population party as they have shown that they turning away both aborigines and China, this is what you call Treason.>> <<@hochung5046 says : When you see Penny Wong, you know there is another betrayal to Australia.>> <<@wendywhyham5220 says : Never was their land>> <<@Joe-jd4pn says : Sell up and get out.>> <<@bobbybayls30 says : I think we need a revolution……>> <<@jenniferharrison8915 says : Absolutely an irrational plan, buy your own land, preferably totally undeveloped land such as you had previously lived on! We worked incredibly hard to build this country from nothing! Billions after billions have been paid already and even more allocated for increased housing and they have title to a great deal of land here already! The rest of Australia needs housing far more urgently, and less demanding dependents! All41.>> <<@jackturpin7828 says : Iy is a scam, tell them to F OFF.>> <<@claytonbigbsy3880 says : What about the dinosaurs? They were here first if I’m correct?>> <<@Selb.one83 says : Claim what? They had no idea about land ownership..they didn’t build infrastructure, homes or even farm the land..>> <<@littletony1764 says : Sadly it is the lefty bureaucrats running the government in QLD and across Australia. The Labor government takes orders from these lefty activists posing as bureaucrats and unfortunately the dopes we now have as ministers are too weak to take on the lefty bureaucracy. So Labor and the Liberals will end up implementing the same policies as each other because they taking orders from the same lefty bureaucrats running them. Vote One Nation.>> <<@debradelarue9717 says : Only 3% aboriginal population, but they get more than 50% of the land. Once crown land given to aboriginals, whites will not be able to set foot on it. Warren Mundine has got this wrong. I think hes been compromized.>> <<@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 says : The aborigine activists will be fighting the millions of foreign immigrants soon.>> <<@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 says : Bloody hell.>> <<@patriot388 says : I am sick of this shit! Get a job and earn what you have! Don't f**king expect something for nothing!"😡>> <<@Home.allways says : China owns more of Oz than the Aboriginals and Australians>> <<@andrewbowers_ says : Whats this talk of aboriginals having their “own” land for housing and business etc. Bullshit! THEY’RE ENTITLED TO NOTHING!!!!!>> <<@THGISH_USOz says : Why is everyone having cry? It’s their Land you scumbags!💀>> <<@Jim-i4j says : Great interview guys…>> <<@dawn-gk2tr says : I had not read the comments before I made the comment below and now I have . Yep , here comes the same old , same old gnashing of the ever angry teeth.>> <<@dawn-gk2tr says : I remember the hyper scare tactics used when the first native title claims were made. We were going to lose our homes etc , etc , etc . I hope that rubbish doesn't crop up again.>> <<@lucasroe2878 says : Why are there now didgeridoo and click sticks in a rock version of Advance Australia Fair, being played to OUR small children in public schools? AS OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM. This woke lefty radical BS is not acceptable in our schools. Especially as there are NO Aboriginals in our local school.>> <<@davidmason2374 says : Good seem they want it they can paye all the cost,paye back the money that there cost Australian taxpayers for all those years ,otherwise it clearly discrimination,let’s take that to the parliament then to the high court,>> <<@Cashewnutter112 says : Wonder how much land tax they will have to pay?>> <<@thelonewolf666 says : WE F%$^n VOTED NO--- ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP GIVING AWAY OUR COUNTRY ALL THEY DO IS TAKE TAKE TAKE 3,278 Aboriginal corporations • 243 Native title bodies • 48 Land councils • 35 Regional councils • 122+ Aboriginal agencies • 3 Advisory bodies • 145 Health Organisations • 11 Indigenous Federal MPs • 12 culturally important Indigenous days • Taxpayers give $33 BILLION annually for 984,000 people (3.8% of the population) • Expenditure per person in 2012-13 was $43,449 on Indigenous Australian compare to $20,900 on other Australians a ratio of 2.08 to 1 and increase from 1.95 in 2009. Australian taxpayers spend at least $100 million a day on direct support for Indigenous Australians every year or $49.5 billion of direct government expenditure every single year. The figures are based on the 2017 Indigenous Expenditure Report produced by the Productivity Commission. Source: Professor Matthew Bennett, spokesman for the Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) and International Barrister with a 25+ year legal career and an expert on international law.>> <<@madmad3624 says : They don’t have the right to own this land>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Most of these activists look whiter than an albino>> <<@chezzachezza7325 says : I always thought Aboriginals dont own the Land ? So thousands of years ago they owned the land very confusing.>> <<@EmpressEnergy1 says : UnDRIP IS dangerous>> <<@gregwaghorn8496 says : THEY NEVER OWNED LAND. THEY OCCUPIED BARELAND ONLY. TO OWN LAND, YOU HAVE TO PURCHASE IT. ANIMALS, LIVED ON LAND AS WELL. WE DONT GIVE THEM LAND.>> <<@brettisabeth3349 says : Utter bullshit>> <<@josephgee143 says : CLAIM YOUR LAND JUST LIKE HOW ISRAEL HAS.>> <<@maroon6555 says : Seems it’s never low value undeveloped land without tax payer funded infrastructure..>> <<@Leosarebetter says : Utter BS, makes my blood boil to see pretend aboriginals getting away with this...>> <<@testicool013 says : Only 10 million taxpayers in Australian the other 16 million support this crap>>