<<@KraszuPolis says : If you question practices they call it racist as well, because it is done by some race group more then others, they will always call it racist no matter what the rhetoric is. Also Islam isn't a race. We should call spade a spade, and the spade is Islam. There is no big party in Europe that is racist in they rhetoric that is all a leftist lie.>> <<@dancinguy99 says : Albo needs jail as a TRAITOR to us all>> <<@floralcouture3763 says : šŸ—£.. JUST END RUNAWAY IMMIGRATION ā€¼ļø>> <<@Nachtschreck1699 says : And why is it "incumbent upon us" to accept so-called "refugees" & "asylum seekers"? They don't need to travel to the other side of the world to escape whatever they're supposedly escaping. This is about economic opportunism. They know that if they show up in a Western country, they'll be given free housing, phones, medical care, & all kinds of ridiculous benefits that they don't deserve. They have no respect for us or our cultures or history. They don't care which Western country they land in, as long as they get all the free shit that they think they deserve. Why don't arĪ±b muslĀ”m countries take in the so-called "refugees" from other arĪ±b muslĀ”m countries? Why don't sub-saharan africans "migrate" to safer sub-saharan african countries? When did african or asian countries ever welcome our people with open arms when there were horrible crises in Europe?>> <<@Nachtschreck1699 says : Why do so many people continue to convolute anti-asslam sentiment with "racism"? muslĀ”ms aren't a race. Asslam is an evil ideology that has been wreaking havoc on the rest of the world for over a millennium. It's not a race or a legitimate religion.>> <<@EricSchneider-u6p says : The cause of this rise in antisemitism can be sheeted home directly to Albanese and Wong who are both pro palestinian and are unwilling to use the law against these vicious protesters. They have presided over the exponential increase in Islamic migrants who bring with them values that are alien to Australia. Albo is a tosser who will be tossed out soon!>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : they are swing to conservative side of the political spectrum now is the time . immigration needs to change focus on compatible cultures to state that Fact is to be labeled Racist well Who Cares when an elected governments and law enforcement that is complicit by its failure to tackle the issues from the very beginning, Sydney Opera House the hatred and the celebrations in support calling for more Jewish People to be Slaughtered Gas the Jews was the Phrase Hamas Filmed Everything the capture raping young women girls murdering them in front of their parents and continued to Rape a Dying Girl slaughtering children babies in their Bed cots on the streets in mosques of Australia see a fracture in this so called multicultural harmony a sick joke fanning the flames of that hatred is inaction by governments greens teals and labor ..Albanese and many others fan boy of Arafat a terrorist Australians are sick and tired of leftist ideologues like labor greens and teals that really aren't Australian don't hold values that support the nations values at the forefront our Australian citizens Christian and Jewish .and allies like Israel that are under attack .on Australian soil . from supporters of terrorists organization Hamas the heads Australian universities labor socialist left greens organizations these groups run down our own citizens and threaten those that oppose their worldview these are the new age Naziā€™s Muslims Palestinians mufti hajj Amin al-husayni sort to aid Hitler in the extermination of the state of Israel and the people of Israel and as it appears the aboriginal activists have joined that.. Anti-Australian ideology>> <<@MTx485 says : Islam is not a race. Muslim is not a race. Referring to the men who leer at you as coming from ā€œtraditional culturesā€ is not helpful to the discourse. Maā€™am, people like you are part of the problem.>> <<@jeffpliskin says : All can say to the followers of baal is what goes around comes around.>> <<@jeffpliskin says : Is there single regular member of the sky peanut gallery that isnt in the chosen tribe?šŸ˜…>> <<@emadmohammed3742 says : Sky is a paid propaganda media of zionist terrorist>> <<@pandemicoftheunvaccinated5367 says : End Zionism.>> <<@alexrenn2479 says : The EU has swung to the right because of economic decline, not immigration. Stop picking on and bullying poor, desperate people.>> <<@AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc says : The antisemites must remember a Curse is put upon those who curse Israel. Take THAT into consideration, before you open your filthy hole!>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : Sky News looking after the Lobby.>> <<@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 says : WE HAVE A SPY šŸ•µļø ON THE PANEL>> <<@PhillipaSilke says : AUSTRALIa s LEFT! WOKE is a TOTAL DISGRACE. DANGEROUS FOR DEMOCRACY.>> <<@PhillipaSilke says : IGNORANT! JEW HATRED RACISM! BIGOTRY! HYPOCRISY. SHAMEFUL. MORALLY DEPRAVED>> <<@huko4266 says : The left are the real racists.>> <<@boblouden6663 says : 100 years ago after returning from WW1, my grand father said that Australia would rue the day it opens the flood gates of immigrantion. 100 years later he was so right.He fought for nothing.>> <<@ladibyrd says : Colonial mentality is defined as the perception of ethnic and cultural inferiority and a form of internalised racial oppression. It's ironic that the left think this way about Israel - These people thinking Israel should be wiped off the map. They're such hypocrites.>> <<@ladibyrd says : No. It's deeper than that. It's not behaviour - it's values/ beliefs. The fundemental Islamists are the snake, the moderate muslims are the grass. It's not the fundementalists of islam that are even the problem though, it's the fundementals of islam, full stop.>> <<@udayanbhanot2509 says : Is the issue ā€œimmigtationā€ or one particular background? You canā€™t solve a problem until you identify the cause. What is the cause?>> <<@JamesHeslin-q8j says : 2 state solution has been has been rejected multiple times, if its accepted now then everyone has died futilely since the last time it was offered .>> <<@daniilkeen6178 says : Israeli and Palestinians will never stop fighting. For both sides it's a business. Only Australia send 1.6 billion to Israel. Only Qatar send 1 billion to Palestinians. I am not talking about help from other countries.>> <<@garyclark6727 says : support palestinian's they deserve our support.>> <<@joek8948 says : Thanks to Australian government, lsIam will rule Australia by 2050, we mass migrated & outbreed everyone. Pork & alcohol will be ban. Women needs to be in burqa. Capital punishment for apostates & blesphemers. Sharia will be law. ā¤ā¤ oh almost forgot 4 wives & child bride too.>> <<@NavitShchigel says : Far left fascists are destroying the world>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : PALESTINIANS/HAMAS same people.>> <<@thevillageyid says : That thumbnail is EPIC.>> <<@Neo_Red_Pill says : Continued prayers for the IDF the hostages and their families and for Jewish people across the world as Christians we stand with Israel bring them homešŸ™šŸ¤>> <<@cameronnoble8380 says : If a group aren't assimilating to our values and culture then it's time to send them back to the shithole they fled.>> <<@MS-sb9ov says : Europe is secretly bankrupt and totally dependent on Global Money. Global Money loves open borders and is calling the shots.>> <<@philmelb1022 says : Hallelujah Labor Greens and teals destroying the country.>> <<@lucasroe2878 says : Not far right, just right.>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : That's right when people come here, leave the past behind that includes Jews your Australians not Israelis you have no ties there.šŸ‘>> <<@SGI999 says : This conversation needs to be had again and again until such problems are taken seriously, Enough is enough and we do not want to get to the point that Europe, Great Britain and the US are in right now. We donā€™t want the violence and hate and disrespect and non assimilation of these nations. Sick of seeing the hate spilling out onto our streets and festering because weak leaders donā€™t want to deal with it.>> <<@jojovalencia8105 says : Hello,,, australian president albaenese and PM wong are 200% antisemite official in your government...>> <<@Jojo-bm4tb says : direct result of "not all muslims are bad" mentality.>> <<@skybellau says : Race isnt the problem ideological identity is. Ideologies cause locked-in-groupthink-syndrome. Intelligence (which is benevolence) doesnt need any ideological crutches AT ALL to be compassionate and think with clarity. Jesus only spoke common sense and primitive minds religionized it.>> <<@donaldrossalexander9388 says : Our Leftist government is killing our country! We need to go far right to find the centre!!>> <<@christopherharrold3045 says : these racial religious cultures will destroy Australia I'm talking about the Islamic .>> <<@notorious4771 says : Thereā€™s anti-many things happening in the world. Why is this one always highlighted and used against criticism? Perhaps to silence truth?>> <<@angelawallismoore2283 says : It's so refreshing to hear some common sense talk among all the virtue-signalling rubbish, hate speech, and feeble bleatings from the political Left.>> <<@phyllisdavies3736 says : Those early videos of Anthony Albanese taking part in demonstrations supporting the "Free Palestine" movement tell the Australian people all we need to know!>> <<@rsr789 says : Islam ā‰  a Race. Islam = a Political Religion. If you criticize Islam you aren't racist nor are you 'Islamophobic', which is a term created by Islamists so you can criticize them (which is a right in Western Countries!).>> <<@deviator43 says : It would take only a few minutes of actual research for the pro-Palestine/Hamas mob to find they are on the wrong side of history>> <<@gregoryellsmore2095 says : The One Nation party has been warning us how this rampant open border policy will ruin our country. You cannot force people to accept "Aussie values" if they refuse.>> <<@RobJones-d4m says : Our Labor Government is not centre left but far radical left just like the Greens. And the Liberals are not much better they are more left than centre right. Both major parties no longer serve the people.>> <<@tracytorbarina9865 says : labor amd greens hate australia , they want to destroy it so they can rebuild their way>>