<<@sunnydavidson297 says : When Trump was elected in 2016 I knew people who said they'd leave US. Don't know anyone who did .>> <<@ImRightYoureWrong22 says : Don’t let the door hit you!>> <<@KM-ABZ says : Yes with their tails between their legs....They know Trump will kick Harry out because of his lies on his visa application....lets hope they dont come to the UK..>> <<@dianakidd4219 says : Buh bye. America isn’t an airport. No need to announce departure>> <<@Chella328 says : Didn't She try to Sue President Trump ? Asking cuz I think it was danger Zone with Miss Ashley ? I am trying to Find it Does Anyone remember that ? President Trump was over meeting the Queen. She had * Cuz Haz been, or.? Cuz people were very mean that he was staying behind the Queen ! It was funny, cuz at the dinner, He was sitting next to the Queen, and someone took a photo of The Queen & Pres Trump, just laughing and having a good time ! It was with that guy Boris Johnson...? JSMTOL>> <<@pamelagrishaber3214 says : A lot of celebrities enrich people said they would leave if Trump became President and guess what?None of them did. There's a lot of countries out there.Throw the dart and go there>> <<@Mranstedsf says : Where will they go? What country wants them?>> <<@JeannetteMacneil says : Dear god I pray Trump wins ,what a joy it will be to get rid off the two of them>> <<@secretwatcher9922 says : Oh rubbish they're only saying this because they know Trump would through Haza's backside right out because of his past & I'm betting it's more then drugs too.>> <<@siewfuayding114 says : Not fleeing from Tump ...but becos Harry lied in his visa application..may be deported. 😂😂😂 Why live a life like that Meghan... narcissistic liar>> <<@sovahenning7797 says : U don't compare the two women as one of them was a real princess n the other one is a yacht girl>> <<@AnnCummings-wp7mv says : Will they be going somewhere nice ?>> <<@lirmchip says : His great uncle had a thing for diaper play and Mrs. Simpson indulged his wildest fantasies I can only imagine what Meghan's doing for Harry, he is totally whipped. Anybody see the kids lately?>> <<@JoeKamalaCORRUPTadministration says : Who cares? Go away! 😂>> <<@RosemarieComtois-qs8ce says : Harry and Meg...start packing. President Trump will be reelected. I wonder what country will roll out the red carpet for the 2 pains in the arse.>> <<@Putintain says : Allegedly the harco's plan to destroy the u k first and then america>> <<@sandraaguirre6241 says : BLOODY GRAND NEWS>> <<@E7L1L3s says : Poor babies! ...Good leave the USA! No great loss nor fit!>> <<@suparoo100 says : Who gives a rats ass what that pair of freeloaders do?>> <<@suzanneshirley6206 says : Don’t let the door hit you in the ASS…. promises promises>> <<@susanwilson3424 says : Well this should just put him waaaay over the top!>> <<@CindyBussiere says : um....BYE!!>> <<@zeldabaker1331 says : Maybe they can move to Nigeria>> <<@peggychamberlain9515 says : What Harry and Meg don't understand is they are DONE!!!!>> <<@peggychamberlain9515 says : Harry and Meg have severe mental issues!!!>> <<@peggychamberlain9515 says : Yayyyyyyyy all talk no action!!!!!>> <<@peggychamberlain9515 says : Then lets vote for Trump even more!!!>> <<@TheCRSFAN says : Well, why wait? Get your affairs in order and buy you're tickets, because Trump is going to demolish Biden becoming the 47th president ! Take that to the bank.>> <<@ungluedmom says : Well, that will absolutely secure a vote. I hope they fly off and never return after our elections!>> <<@janeburkhard1863 says : Please please please that they leave the US. Though not a SINGLE celebrity promising that left after Trump’s win in 2016!!!!!!!>> <<@louisekrynski2878 says : Does anyone care if H & M left America when Trump wins!!??? They not welcome back to the UK either!! Just please don’t allow them into South Africa!!! We don’t want them either!!!>> <<@megamagabilly says : Sounds good to me>> <<@BunnyDavis-e2c says : Good! Leave the u s markle we'd love that!! Nicest thing you could do for united states and England!!.. hey markle,,timberlake, Fitzpatrick, Mcllroy,and the men will just keep being made that you been with,your not selling anything! Not anything even movies,books everything.>> <<@alexdcruz3682 says : Who the hell cares!>> <<@faithFedeke says : IT'S PATHETIC THE SAME MEGHAN YOU ARE CAMPAING HATES AGAINST, PAYS YOUR BILLS, BECAUSE IT SEEMS YOU SELL YOUR NEWS EVERY DAY, MENTIONING HER NAME...>> <<@faithFedeke says : THANK GOD DONALD TRUMP IS GOING TO JAIL, TOGETHER WITH ALL MONEY MONGERS, MEDIAS, AND JOURNALIST. SHAMEFUL PEOPLE>> <<@DYNATURAT says : Don’t let the door hit ur grifters asses on ur way out !!!!!!!!! It’s gonna be hard to find a place that will take these two idiots !!!!! UK will def not welcome them !!!!!!>> <<@kathleendeal4903 says : Hopefully they keep their word! Nigeria here we come!>> <<@jodidempsey2532 says : Who cares if they leave.>> <<@kareenavandrevala7852 says : Meghan is such a loser,she likes to try and overshadow the members of the royal family especially Kate, Every time.meghan is the downfall of her own life and harry the whimp who has no backbone. She proves that she is so insecure and an attention seeker,the whole world knows she is vile. How sad to bring u and your family into being irrelevant for the sake of your ego. Sad she likes to preach about empathy and lv but doesn’t practice it. Mark my words her children will teach her a lesson it’s karma>> <<@faticus5369 says : Promise??>> <<@kristielynnkw says : Well Bye. Not an airport no need to make an announcement. Just leave already.>> <<@conniejeffreys7582 says : President Trump will definitely be elected now ..just to see you jerks leave America...get over yourselves... you're just not All That...just Not>> <<@franklefeuvre5096 says : Please NO NO NO!!!!not in the UK!!!!>> <<@Ernitschka says : I love, that the montecito morons are motivating the Americans to vote for Trump! ❤😂>> <<@culturalobserver8721 says : Oh, if only….!! 👏😃>> <<@moonshadow789 says : Cant wait.They are iilegsls too.>> <<@annatanneberger1 says : And where they gonna go? Africa? Please, no! He's already acted out his White Bwana fantasy in Nigeria, doing a royal inspection of the guard. Next thing Nigeria is renamed Prince-Harry-land. We don't need another tin-pot dictator here in Africa.>> <<@annatanneberger1 says : I'm just worried, as an African, that Harry might decide to come to settle in Africa. So, please, all Americans, vote for Biden so that Harry can stay in America!!!!>> <<@News4marketing says : Fingers crossesd>>