<<@antimattv says : Canadian CBC has deactivated their comment section. CGTV allows comments on the vast majority of their videos. That says a lot.>> <<@bangthingneng9433 says : In political comparative advantages, it is fair to say that Socialist is more stable & provide a calm & predictable future for the world. In short, we didn't see Socialist has created much upheavals as compare to Democratic process in the West. In this sense it is more human friendly & acceptability. Has contributed to the world in a favourable ways. Whereas, Democratic process in election sadly having greater bearing on domestic & international wellbeing. Just look at what happen in the west now. By right every Democratic process should yield better outcomes or betterments domestically or internationally. But now we observe there are more struggle in it & such struggle have a bearing on international wellbeing. Shouldn't that Democratic processes must achieve goodness for all & paving for better world. Certainly it is about power struggle & wouldn't achieve the needs of the world. It is about to rule without obligations to the world wellbeing. That the reasons, when the west go for election, it reverberating the world over. Worrisome on more choatic futures. Whether the new elected could solved the problems or it's only about being powerful. Failure of being obligatory to do the necessary domestically & internationally. Very sad on western Democratic process with full of uncertainty. For better world>> <<@hazelwray4184 says : 11:35 "full fledged invasion" of Ukraine? - it certainly isn't a full scale invasion.>> <<@wnklee6878 says : Telling the truth is now called Far Right?>> <<@donHooligan says : Hail Victory! ....sounds meaner in German.>> <<@chitaegandalalake263 says : . 菲律宾总统小邦邦·马科斯一挥手, ,,, 就会让/允许美军靠近中国,以抵消中国高超音速导弹的优势,从而导致美国与兰德公司 18 次“美中战争游戏”,最终以美国失败告终。而每场美国战争游戏的成本约为 5 亿美元。 ,,, 美军将被允许在马武利斯岛部署 1,000 枚核民兵洲际弹道导弹,以北京和全中国为目标,该岛高 219 米(719 英尺),是菲律宾离台湾最近的领土,距离台湾最南端仅 142 公里(88 英里)。 ,,, 允许 16 艘美国核潜艇在西菲律宾海和菲律宾海隆游荡。 ,,, 美国将军迈克·米尼汉的备忘录中说,美军将于2025年进攻中国,“现在”他们最早可以在2024年第三季度就发动攻击。 ,,, 14亿中国人将在15分钟内死亡。 ,,, 菲律宾人只能一边吃爆米花一边喝咖啡观看。>>