<<@ianshaw9058 says : Putin is deluded and desperate. If he wins, he lives for a little longer. If he fails he'll suffer a sudden illness during a heart attack while falling from a high window...>> <<@felipellorad9876 says : Dictator Putin and his minions miscalculated Eukraine and understimated President Zelensky, not knowing that Eukraine could gather help from the west - NATO, EU AND USA. What a blunder... 🤪>> <<@Galy-0 says : Russia cannot be believed in December 1994 they pledged to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine in 2014 they attacked Ukraine.>> <<@FuuzBeeen says : Random side thought, thanks to all the world leaders that spoke English, its really interesting to hear them speak English. I am doing my part to learn another language than relying on the English language, that way ya can't call me lazy😄>> <<@hoangtan936 says : Putin is luring the bad guys involved>> <<@HostileRespite says : Putin has been at war with us all. He's said as much. Just waiting for you guys to realize it.>> <<@The_Unknown_Knower says : "Sanctioning" country's will only make them go elsewhere for economy, or worse stop using certain currencies all together...oh wait, that's already happening....>> <<@shaneconnor86 says : Слава Україні 🇺🇦 from 🇦🇺>> <<@iDeagles says : Hate to break it to you but you’re no longer in a position to negotiate on your own terms. You take about a field a week. They take a town or two. Maybe you should’ve listened before?😂>> <<@Horatiuy says : There is always a way as long as the Russians would change their hate rethoric against US and Europe and all the 50+ countries that support Ukraine.>> <<@emiliat.5881 says : This conference is a great way to bypass the U.N. Security council were Russia can spill their lies. Good to see the results. Slava Ukraine,Heroyam slava!>> <<@DC-ux1dt says : It's time to put pressure on the holdouts like India, mexico, Brazil and china. It's time for the west to draw a line in the sand and ask these countries directly on what side of the line they want to be. If you choose Russia, sanctions, embargos and trade barriers should be erected.>> <<@eddastrohmayer251 says : Not much left of Zelensky's original "peace plan" and many important players not at the conference or not signing the final conclusions. Let's say, a small first step towards common understanding ...>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : 100% correct show Putin the Hard Hand it is the only thing Russia understands! If Putin wants peace then he can withdraw at any time!>> <<@marthaiyengar8322 says : Invite Russia and impose punishment for invading Ukraine>> <<@theshadedshadow5993 says : NATO will not allow Putin to remain in power.>> <<@user-zp8sp4hj3d says : Putin doesn’t want peace when he is winning. So stop talking about it. Until you start pushing Russians out of your country, your government is unwise to bring up the subject.>> <<@seanlander9321 says : Russia isn’t listening and the Chinese Premier decided that discussions with Australia were far more important than a peace conference in Switzerland. The Europeans really do need to stop deluding themselves about their importance and influence. Changing their ways instead of trading with Russia and trying to exclude trade with China (and Australia) isn’t going to do anything except keep the war in Ukraine going.>> <<@felitaturco123rempojo3 says : 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦❤❤❤❤>> <<@beverleygreene7417 says : Remember when Hitler agreed to peace talks with Chamberlain then invaded Poland? Putin is of the same ilk. Do not trust him ever!! He wants the world!!>> <<@patrickpierce8311 says : Russia must Retreat>> <<@alexgonzalez8904 says : F Putin lets go to Moscow start selling empanadas>> <<@gerryhouska2859 says : ruSSia will hold its own piece sumwhat attended by North Korea, Belarus and Iran.>> <<@camdenmcandrews says : Yup. Obviously, there will be peace only when Russia is no longer able to wage war. Russia's legacy of the past 500 years is one of wars of aggression, with very few brief exceptions. They will not change until they are forced to change.>> <<@markh3376 says : Putin's peace negotiation is fake 👎 when they give up? 🤔>> <<@silafaupaulmeredith7251 says : You can only force your way if you win on the battle ground. War is simply an extension of diplomacy and diplomacy has failed since 2007 up to December 2021.>> <<@kimjaden-op1rq says : The peace formula of brave and wise Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the best and only option for the State of Ukraine. 💙💛✌>> <<@TheMightyKingzuru says : This doesn't change the fact that Zelenskyy is a certified comedian.>> <<@eddiegoodman9267 says : Thanks for the update and views 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Oklahoma USA 🇺🇦🇺🇲>> <<@drakehound2244 says : He remember Putin was bitten by a RAT, he said it himself, maybe he catch some disease from that :P so Russians anything to defend that? instead of making up nonesense Zelensky was dropped as a baby. wow truth hurts doesn't it Russian.>> <<@ashokagarwal78 says : Question. Has Ukraine parliament has passed law to ban all efforts to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine. No negotiations with PUTIN at all. ? Then why this noise and summit in Switzerland.>> <<@yvesprovencher says : 🐹🍁L'Occident tien les orcs par la gorge , on ne négocie pas avec des criminels point final 💙💛>> <<@drakehound2244 says : Hmm zelensky has upgraded his english again, guess he notice how important it is bravo, remember his English at the start of this conflict was really Poor, and his Russian was excellent. He never really felt the need to learn English, so Russians you really pushed him to the other side.>> <<@drakehound2244 says : Total destruction, get some real Leader who wants to die before yelling that Russians, that card has ended, and remember even China and India said drop that card.. or else they are going to stop totally with Russia. then you can scream the whole world is against Russia.>> <<@avialiner says : Ahahah) so how FORCING is going on? Any news?>> <<@deecee1522 says : The hague awaits putin>> <<@brentjamescollins9731 says : There are many obvious pro russian false propogandists making and leaving their comments and replies here in connection with this Russia/Ukraine war that as always do not stand up to any objective scrutiny whatsoever and in almost all cases do not even make any sense either! Brent Collins.>> <<@deecee1522 says : Lavrov the dancing orc>> <<@golokavrndavana says : That second summit will be decisive.. Many new information came in. It will get settled.>> <<@meso8848 says : “On our terms” .. whose terms and what are they?>> <<@ignaciourena5692 says : "Forcing russia" means its total destruction ... are the West and Ukraine ready to do that?>> <<@apsmith1635 says : Putin can't end the war he is stuck and will be removed unless he wins which he will never, so live another day seems to be the motto>> <<@TEKANNON-bz9fm says : In all due respect to the leaders of France, Germany and everyone in the EU who knows what peace negotiations are all about, I am not qualified in geopolitical studies or government but I would like to say what I think is the only message we have to keep hammering away at to President Putin. We have to keep explaining to the Russian President that we in the west are not out to cause any hardship or harm to any Russian citizen or take any Russian land. What we have as our mandate however, is that we in the west live in a rule-based international system where a sovereign country cannot ever be taken over and its territory annexed by a country that is militarily stronger. Our existential crisis in the Ukrainian war is that we have our backs against the wall in that our whole moral and legal code does not permit us to allow Ukraine to be taken into greater Russia. We have no personal fight with Russia, nor do we disrespect President Putin's desire to re-create the Russian Empire of yesteryear. Our dilemma is that we don't look back in time, because we are not going that way. The way ahead for us is that all countries have the right to exist and when this goal is achieved there will forever be peace on earth. We ask the Russian president to accept our need to make sure Ukraine remains a sovereign country.>> <<@gregorydesleskine3413 says : Putin and co. must face all charges at the ICC and ICJ, he cannot be 'negotiated' with.>> <<@Paniago says : Everyone knows that NATO nuclear weapons in Ukraine are the same as Russian nuclear weapons in Mexico. - It's not an option.>> <<@Paniago says : USA explodes Nord Stream and the energy price is Russia's problem?>> <<@louisfriend9323 says : Russia's cease-fire treaty is silly, it shows how desperate they are.>> <<@RRR-z5l says : In English you die here.>> <<@RRR-z5l says : My nine seizes up #>> <<@corneliusantonius3108 says : Putin should give his palace and 200 billion in Panama banks to the poor.>>