<<@RoyMunson-o5n says : Lol once again Labor have managed to turn Australians against them in their first term. Absolutely hopeless.>> <<@tiesword3252 says : SHARRI...SPOT ON, LET THE PEOPLE LEARN THE TRUTH.....>> <<@ronaldmasters1225 says : If the libs win the next election I hope that they will put the net zero on hold until an inquiry is held on the best scientific method of tackling the problem, if infact there is a problem. I do not believe that just tossing billions of dollars at the problem is the best solution. Further to that is the undeniable fact that we need CO2 for healthy plants and crops without which we would all perish. Please conduct an inquiry.>> <<@Assenayo says : There was a time in the early 90's even people in the Liberal Party considered John Howard unelectable. Look how that turned out.>> <<@josephgee143 says : DUTTON CAN YOU SHOW US HOW MUCH AIJAC PAID YOU PLEASE?>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Except that Dutton is FOS, which suits most Australians.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : I wait till real voting. Not paid opinion 😅>> <<@L0b0ts says : It's not that Dutton is doing very well because he is not, it's Albanese is doing very badly, Dutton is a very weak opposition leader, the weakest opposition leader in Australian parliament history and this means even worse outcomes for Australians. Albanese is a communist and terrorist sympathiser, we can see this on the treatment of ISIS wives and bringing in migrants without doing the proper checks and balances and Hamas thanked Penny Wong and his reaction to October 7th has been so weak and non existent it's comatose and for those still unsure how about his reaction to the Youthi pirates attacking innocent shipping, he is weak on China putting China's interests over Australia's interests even worse then North Korea, Cuba and Venezuala even they don't bend over for China like Albanese does, Albanese is hopeless, the whole of the world is wondering what the hell is wrong with Australia, the MSM are equally to blame putting their friendship with Albanese over the best interests of the nation and that is hubris and therefore treason. https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2024/06/17/u-s-navy-rescues-crew-of-greek-ship-that-houthis-attacked/>> <<@ray-jg1pc says : They all need to go, bring in Malcolm Roberts>> <<@newshound2521 says : It's only Richo>> <<@asnail6550 says : Hey Lucy, pelle lnp have more in the polls than labor had at the election>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Labors honeymoon may be over, but the relationship is stable, Duttons domestic violence policies are threatening and destructive. Dutton is a bad actor. The broad church of the Liberals is corrupted with greed, racism and a narcissistic denial of reality. Boofhead gives voice to this ignorance.>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : That's those of us who had any trust in the Albanese Government.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : A vote for criminal puppet Dutton is a vote again for the United States of Terrorists, for WEF, CIA, AUKUS, Nato, Soros, Gates, big pharma & the bankers, that would be the complete end of this shithole>> <<@aronaropati9340 says : Captain Albo sinking with his ship…>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : The WHO poll --> HEROLD never heard of them.>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Richo another Labor has been. Not that either party offers most Australians anything. 😂😂😂>> <<@vladoparenzan3344 says : Yes Dutton is doing great lol lol 33 % think Dutton would make better PM Albo gets 54 % approval Morgan pool LNP 46 ALP 54 to me as a lay person this figures dont look great>> <<@Psittacine-pp5yd says : Peter Dutton for PM👍>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Vicious nazi liars of sky nazi propaganda machine, criminal dictator Dutton will see his own arse & will not be a dictator of this shithole>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : Australia elevated a beta coward, Labor Yes man to top office. What did they expect?>>