<<@roberttay4517 says : being a dog of america is very very fatal!!!>> <<@jimbonaddio says : They are much better than the usa---and your boss Murdoch--whos arse you have to kiss every morning.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Australia is nearly there, full communism is part of the uni-party's 2030 agenda for Australia.>> <<@bunnybugs280 says : America and our UK Brothers and Sisters. We will NEVER abandon you, Australia. BUT... do not doubt yourselves! Make that vow (or whatever), and we will be there in expediency! 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧>> <<@S.Carrick says : Albanese is unfit to be PM, and thank God for that, now to be tid of him and Co.>> <<@heatherlofts7414 says : And it doesnt include allowing the Chinese government to have a working police force in Australia.>> <<@iakg1777 says : our business's are going bankrupt nationally, , rental & purchasing a home impossible & people are losing all they have, families living in the street & our traitorous rotten politicians enrich themselves & give themselves a pay rise that exceeds the average wage multiple times. all we get from sky is the lib/lab said this & that & an oratory by guests that insults us. you sky are as traitorous as the politicians & your owner is a demon.>> <<@nitram7321 says : Yeh, China is our enemy and Putin is a peaceful harmless leader according to Fox/Sky news. Vote1 VLADIMIR JESUS RAY-PEST FELONY SCAMMER FRAUDSTER DEBAUCHERER TRAITOR trump.>> <<@olddog-fv2ox says : Ban all trade with the CCP>> <<@jimdavid7710 says : Remember they called him “a handsome boy” if that’s not a put-down I dunno what is.>> <<@emadmohammed3742 says : Sky Zionist propaganda>> <<@BCM-bh says : Australia government officials corrupted by communist regime>> <<@gordonwells1626 says : Albanese and Underperformance are the same person….an invertebrate minnow on the world stage>> <<@bcychung says : Human rights issues in China?? I just see very happy citizens in every cities in China. Is this journalist making up something?>> <<@lovechineseforever9434 says : AUSTRALIANS LIVING IN TENT NO HEATING>> <<@mickk8962 says : 2023 trading with China 🇨🇳 ❤ is 326,9 billion. Sky news toxic slander and racism propaganda.>> <<@S.Carrick says : As Aus' PM is set to become, here! 🇭🇲🇮🇱🇭🇲>> <<@grumpyoldman9259 says : Labor party and albo should be charged for treason. How can pm let ccp run/intimidate our parliament?. Tell ccp f**k off back to china. If they want to trade, trade fairly. Never rely on one basket trade, stupid labor party.>> <<@hootz69able says : I don't understand why Australia insists on keeping a trade relationship with an untrustworthy enemy such as China. It's not just the Australian Gov't but the world leaders who need to grow a spine to stand up with and at least half a brain and one eye to see China for what it is. Is there not any other worthy countries who would accept Australian goods? Also, can anybody explain why world authorities are such IDIOTS???>> <<@sharlenebux4144 says : If you think that china gives a hoot about Aussies your wrong,,these Chinese people need to be sent back to china they were let them into this country .what a joke.we have been infiltrated good bye Australia.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : Albo is a discusting human!!>> <<@dougspray7160 says : Has this guy been to China and if he has is he capable of an objective assessment. Australians must try and understand that American Hedgeman, that is running the world, has caused immense suffering, over throwing Governments ( many democratically elected ), wars with murder and destruction on a huge scale, tariffs which have ruined counties, Bombing countries without declaration of war, etc that Chinese and Russian similar behaviour is dwarfed to almost insignificance. We must all try to look at the absurd hypocrisy of much of American Policies. Biden to any reasonably aware person is not 100 per cent mentally healthy. Trump is a convicted criminal with a history of slipping through legal procedures on a grand scale. Such men are the best offerings America has to solve enormous American and Global problems.>> <<@GeoffRowe-k2p says : This gutless coward Albanese has forgotten about everyday Australians .Focused on The racially based Voice, sympathised with Hamas terrorists and sucking up to the most evil country in the world, China! Labor Party full of leftist gutless cowards!>> <<@kohatututai01 says : lies in lies,stfu....>> <<@charlielim3867 says : Why not Aussie just cut off all trade with that country you deem so much as a threat>> <<@albacardozo6925 says : Let’s Make Australia Great Again !>> <<@ashwwal3409 says : In China even their ministers are not safe . Where are their foreign and Defence minister . Both of them went missing and after that nobody knows of their whereabouts . Nobody knows of them whether they are dead or alive . So expect anything from China . North Korea and Pakistan are great supporters of Chinese Govt and their system .>> <<@Walawala459 says : Radio America?>> <<@jelesstaats5130 says : Never thought I would witness an Irishman embracing the Perfidious Albion like old Greg has, me thinks he is suffering from Stockholm syndrome.>> <<@pv4509 says : Remember US human rights violations in Guantanamo Bay. Does Australian Government turn a blind eye because we are in bed with US???>> <<@SamLukie says : Try disagreeing with lefty ideology in Australia. No debate allowed. Schoolchildren brainwashed. China treats us with contempt knowing we are cowards.>> <<@guymoschella4066 says : Weak men make a weak country and this clown of a pm is extremely weak .>> <<@dixonpinfold2582 says : Anyone promoting a vision of cute, cuddly, panda-bear China is either: 1) enthusiastically loyal to the CCP 2) suffering from a head injury, or 3) a member of the present government of Australia>> <<@Matthew-pk3mk says : The CCP is blood thirsty.>> <<@jancrosby6677 says : Country has not been informed that it's no longer sovereign!!!>> <<@bradwaghorn8955 says : AFP in yellow caps tells you everything you need to know about them.>> <<@Shamshiadadd says : This is a strange co insidence because the US/UK military industrial complex is as well ....😮 A vicious brutal dictator ship.>> <<@ribsrosser says : China is not and has never been a friend of Australia>> <<@John_1_0 says : Greg Sheridan is at least consistent. A staunch and loyal poodle for the completely evil American hegemonic warmongers.>> <<@laniethosea9781 says : Wish such Australian commentators can also describe the US actions in this way in relation to regime changes, wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan, Palestine genocide, Assange, black discrimination etc. Otherwise Aussie is just America's poodle😂😂😂>> <<@robb5642 says : I've been to China twice. Independant, not in an organised tour. I did not see anything of a vicious, brutal, totalitarian dictatorship. I saw people that were of good nature, good health, upbeat and working in their own businesses towards their own successes. I wonder if Greg Sheridan has ever been to China or spoken to Chinese people that live and work there? IMO we must be as wary of domestic propaganda, whether Govt or Media, as we do of any other Country's.>> <<@supernovaaust says : Sky News will stop all advertising with anyone who trades in Chinese goods. Because they are a news organisation with principals. You watch.>> <<@Paul-hw8bk says : A US vassal state beating the war drum.>> <<@Narweeboy says : Albo All-be-chicken>> <<@kinlau8438 says : Albo is a coward! Not sure if he has got any personal benefit or kick back from trades with Communist China.>> <<@yuenshee4997 says : China is authoritarian alright although it is not perfect. Look at how it lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty - something the western media apart from being envious does not want the rest of the world to know (yet already too late). Western media likes to think that China loves to restrict freedom of its people but look how its people have the freedom to voice their opinions and suggestions from their individual provinces to improve and upgrade their environment to become what it is today. China's freedom probably has limits unlike the freedom that has been abused and blown out of proportion in the West as can be seen these days. Australia as a whole has only a very small population, yet its so called human rights freedom still causes a lot of anxiety and fear for its people to walk alone in the dark (just to point out one typical example). It appears Greg Sheridan is very comfortable to utter anything against Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for not voicing out his displeasure against the CCP's attitude towards the journalist. However, one would wonder whether if he was put in Albanese's shoes he would really be as discreet and smart as Anthony Albanese himself considering that China is a big business partner with Australia (not to mention the unfavourable experience that Australia went through during the time of Scott Morrison).>> <<@kangbule says : I don't know, some people portray China as a bully. It didn't bomb Gaza, didn't invade Iraq, Afghanistan... Even the fight with India was fought with stones and cold weapons. It was also tolerant in the island dispute with the Philippines. Australia got rich by exporting raw materials to China. But it hates China, why?>> <<@lukegordon6736 says : China is Australia's biggest threat. Just ask the USA.>> <<@KF-bj3ce says : That sums up China, Russia and North Korea + some others. Anthony Albanese is a monkey if he cant see this.>> <<@markgamble568 says : The question asked of “can you trust the Chinese?” To which the answer is simply.. No.>>