<<@Nabraska49 says : Do you believe that it is day time when the sun comes up and it’s night time when the sun goes down … no … I know it is day bloody time and then night time .. do you believe 0.04% co2 in the atmosphere and humans effect 0.04% of that 0.04% co2 .. that is stuff all of stuff all co2 that humans are supposed to be going to destroy the planet with and the crazy thing is that it is absolutely essential for plants to survive an we are just above the minimum co2 for plants to survive… so no I don’t believe in the global warming bull sht .. but day after day after day they are repeating the bull sht to make you believe in something you can’t see or feel and make absolutely no sense unless there is a hidden agenda.. and the only thing that fits this crazy architecture is that we are running out of oil and they are trying in this backwards way to get the renewables up and running before the net zero day ..>> <<@sandrafoxley735 says : when no one is listening they will tell us the Pacific is going to evaporate - take their passports and driving licences away so they can live as they preach.........>> <<@rossbuchanan3016 says : I have never supported this climate change rhetoric! It is a lie forcing us to pay more to the greed perpetuated by these morons!>> <<@mechpatt says : If the world was going to heat or cool rapidly, we need MORE consistent power, not glass panels and whirlygigs…utter BS!!>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Yes, judging by the Teals, they are. Which means they are wising up to you frauds.>> <<@bmoey5635 says : Vote One Nation, they are the only ones that give a fuck about Australia>> <<@gavriloprincip1477 says : It's always been a con.>> <<@michellebeck4993 says : Vote one nation>> <<@MrTryReasoning says : Why is Australia Not Identified as a growing Nation Continent ? CO2 Climate change is Fake! Going on For 100 or more years. None of the. So Called. Computer Models Have Been Right! Those making huge sums of money from this are doubling down on the lies they have made! At the WEF.. Al GORE Stated ! Quote " THE SEAS ARE BOILING " BULL. Shcmit ! This and more is a money scheme. NET ZERO ? is a TAX!>> <<@Taff71 says : Climate change is the biggest lie in human history. A money grabber. Earth will be here long after human.>> <<@pandemicoftheunvaccinated5367 says : Human-induced climate change made recent extreme heat in the US southwest, Mexico and Central America around 35 times more likely, scientists say.>> <<@AnneSchneider-j6y says : About bloody time Aussies wised up to this climate scam.>> <<@serenaclampert4797 says : The World is in an Ice Age. Please inform Chris Bowen and Albo.>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : How many billions of dollars have Labor already wasted on renewables and are still yet to spend in their dream of net zero,,,they need to answer this before criticising Peter Dutton and his nuclear power announcement and it's costings,,,,Albo and Bowen shouldn't throw stones in glass houses!!>> <<@SamLukie says : You can't fool All of the people All of the time.>> <<@stephengrocott3917 says : get a real job right wing hacks>> <<@philipansell says : The U. N climate change crap add again! Why don't they address some real problems, like plastic polution. Not to mention the civilians being killed daily-- on their watch.>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : Why are we kow towing to the WEF, WHO and other organisations that really only benefit the USA. Let’s join BRICS instead.>> <<@judithjames4522 says : Yep far wiser to be dealing with toxic nuclear waste than simply adapting to climate change as evolution has done since the beginning of time.>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : Bowen & Albo pull figures OUT OF THIN AIR, the SOLE reason they are sprucing their green LUNACY is because they're making BILLIONS from the public while pulling the wool over people's eye's, green Energy DESTROYS OUR BUSH while Albo's mates make maximum dollars from the public green LUNACY IS A WORLDWIDE SHAM>> <<@aloysiusjones3985 says : M A G A - Make Albo Go Away. 🇦🇺👍🍺>> <<@Macca980 says : The biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard nothing but a big scam (wankers) Better rush out and buy a Tesla and save the world!!>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : The Liberals themselves are still committed to the 2030 agenda . This is so deceitful.>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : There is nothing wrong with the climate. It has changed since man was put on the earth and always will change. For God's sake just drop the climate BS>>> <<@russellholmes8742 says : If climate change really was a threat we could pay the price. The whole point of the climate agenda is that our prosperous lifestyle can't be maintained. The real point to make is that the science doesn't say CO2 will destroy the planet. Activists with an environmentalist generated worldview push this. But they exaggerate the problems greatly and totally ignore the benefits of higher CO2 and very slight warming.>> <<@BelloBudo007 says : Now that was something interesting that Joe and others agreed on. Seems we're all fine with ideals until it affects us directly.  I've seen the same thing with interviews on the streets of London or New York with public support for illegals. And then the question turns to 'will you put one up in your home'? It's then that reality hits the fan and out come the excuses...'well I would if I had the room'. Everyone is brave in their own minds, until violence visits. Then people hit the floor or quickly leave. Seems we're likewise about costs, until it actually starts to cost us. For better or for worse, surely nuclear is worth considering.>> <<@JohnJ469 says : And what difference to the world climate would Australia doing "net zero" make? And how is that indistinguishable from zero? Meanwhile the pensioners and low income earners can't pay the power bill and eat in the same month.>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : Yes it is getting clearer, Climate Change is Crap, always was, still is...China is thanking us for decreasing our 1%...then again the 1% has never been proven...when you get the chance, VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@MarkForbes-dr4ie says : The big end of town has their money in renewables,that's why these clowns are pushing the agenda,labor don't work for Australians.>> <<@stewartread4235 says : So one wind turbine gives zero power during calm, how does building a thousand fix that..? Complete and utter waste of resources..!>> <<@mjdrage78 says : She nailed it. Liberals get in and get things stable and abundant then Labor comes in and phucks it up and rince and repeat over and over.>> <<@TheBigmongrel says : It's taking a far king long time for many to wake up.>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : Albo the weak and his renewables are killing this country.>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : Australians are starting to ‘wise up’ to the climate rhetoric. I don't think that's true; everyone is wise. All know it's a scam. It's all based on media hype and division to attract advertising money.>> <<@brucewoods9377 says : Ditch the whole climate fiasco completely>> <<@alastairgair7504 says : Nuclear power is more expensive to build, and last 60+ years! In that time we would have to renew the wind turbines, solar panels and lithium batteries, three time over 60 years!! Now which resource is more expensive?? A>> <<@ooocha1 says : It was bollocks 40 years ago, still bollocks today! CO2 gas of life you crass cloth eared clowns! Illigitimate corporate traitors masquerade as government, traitors to comm9nwealth. Clowns debate other clown words while our mo ey is laundered through ukraine, israel Who et al. Clowns the lot of you.>> <<@WalJames says : Aussies have had a gutfull of the nett zero crap. Albo is going to get turfed next election & I don't believe they will be back in power for another decade. Power to the people.>> <<@sue916 says : What about China, India and the Aviation emissions?>> <<@kellysouter4381 says : Can we get Dutton wised up too or will the, environment, farmers and food supply continue to be destroyed?>> <<@mazellehealth says : I object to propaganda spewed by government every time I click on utube re climate change telling me humans are responsible for the climate . There have been ice ages there have been times that planet has heated up . Most people are so unaware do you know 92 volcanoes in Antartica? The media is behind all this propaganda>> <<@anth5189 says : You sure can't call most Australians quick witted. It is taking them a long time to see the f-ing obvious. Kind of like the jab. Just hold their arms out like a pack of gullible idiots without having a clue what they were being jabbed with. Of course whatever happens to them is their own fault.>> <<@Sunline-yf3vs says : The world is at +1.5 celsius right now; beyond +2.0, which will happen in the 2040's if it's business as usual, has catastrophic consequences including several serious irreversible tipping points. Paul, your denial rhetoric is incredibly irresponsible.>> <<@mazellehealth says : With eyes to see you know there is an agenda behind all this mess WEF you’ll own nothing and be happy eating crickets “>> <<@mazellehealth says : The climate has been manipulated since 1947 , geo engineering has been going on since then . Like it or not it’s not going to change any time soon . Just imagine after a million people protesting in Canberra, next protest rained out we are not stupid . For those who believe and do their own due diligence and not follow the media who is told by government what to say .>> <<@mersinalou7397 says : Its a scam .. an attempt to fix a problem that doesnt exist in this country .. where really is all the money going? Vote all Labor out everywhere and forever and never afford them the opportunity to financially ruin or betray Australians ever again.>> << says : How many "developing" nations can land on the far side of the moon and have a fleet of nuclear submarines? None. China got this designation. by bullying. Time for it to go before any climate doom fantasies are even looked at with a serious eye.>> <<@politenessman3901 says : $8.5 Billion a nuke plant (CSIRO costing). or $1.5 TRILLION for the ALPs net zero plan to the end of the decade, a further $8 TRILLION out to 2060 (Uni Melb, Uni Qld and Princeton costing). 1.5 Trillion will get you 176 nuke plants, that run 24/7. We need less than 10 nuke plants>> <<@Terrybear27 says : Millions more people die from cold. A warmer climate has always been beneficial for life and vegetation. According to NOAA NASA the earth has greened more then 20% since 1970 thanks to the miniscule rise in CO2 levels. Optimal CO2 levels for vegetation are 3-4 times higher than current levels. Temperature and CO2 have always risen after each periodical 'little ice age'. Usually 4-5 degrees. Previous little ice age ended around 1870. Did you know they were ice skating on the Thames river London in the 1800's? Also USA: Galveston Bay froze over from Houston to Galveston Island in the 1800s; the ground in Dallas was frozen on Mayday then too, the settlement "La Reunion" had to quit and move into town. Did you know these same 'scientists' were terrified of CO2 levels dropping below 300ppm and an imminent new 'ice age' in the 1970's? (e.g., Balling 1992, Giddens 1999, Schlesinger 2003, Inhofe 2003, Will 2004, Michaels 2004, Crichton 2004, Singer and Avery 2007, Horner 2007). These 'scientists' income is dependent on fear mongering. There are plenty of honest scientists exposing this fraud but the MSM can't make money if there's no 'drama' to report. Do a little research. I don't mean 'Google' research 🙄>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : But.I have nothing and I'M happy.Not.>>