<<@deen-g says : What a load of shit. He wasn’t alone. He didn’t want to leave to Israel. He loved Yemen and stayed with his Muslim neighbors. Fuck Israel.>> <<@TopRankVintage says : The Yemeni Jews were NOT forcibly removed from Yemen or threatened by their Muslim neighbors or fled for concern of their safety>> <<@Inero_01 says : Why are you guys lying even after there is a video of Yemenis burying him with respect? and the people who buried him are from a Yemeni tribe who are with the Houthis movement, why do the Media always make us muslim look as bad people? I don't understand, this is not fair.>> <<@sarahshilansky5093 says : The Yemeni Jewish community is one of the greatest and oldest of all the many Jewish communities around the world. Hashem will avenge the often disgusting treatment of them. After all, Yemen is persistently one of the poorest and most dangerous countries in the world, since antiquity. Respect to the neighbors who provided a respectful burial, and in a tallit. G-d bless>> <<@muheeb078 says : The Jews been in Yemen for thousands of years in fact before Islam Judaism ✡️ was the religion of Yemenis people Most people converted to Islam>> <<@hodanmeecaad685 says : Muslim do not behave like you we respect others beleives>> <<@alanMeplusYou says : None of them will be punished by the Muslims or houthis . Stop the negativity and nonsense.>> <<@alanMeplusYou says : Always portraying yourself as being persecuted and pursued . Now you guys own North Africa and what and what . When instead you must appreciate the Muslims respecting his religion .>> <<@Chillaxingpics says : No...Iran has Jews,Yemen, Egypt...some have refused to come to Isreal coz the culture has erroded.>> <<@lin31932 says : fun fact: all of these muslims studied jewish customs, to the point that they knew how to carry out halakha. clear-cut case that jews and muslims do not discriminate>> <<@td8780 says : He must have been a very brave man to stay when others were forced to flee. May his memory be a blessing. Praise the Lord for his muslim neighbours who gave him a proper and decent burial. Not all Muslims are radical, evil beings.>> <<@moea9577 says : Jews are so fine living in Yemen and dont wanna go to Israel because of the problem where they’re killing people instead of negotiating with the hmass people google how they are treated there they been trying so hard working on dividing the whole world 🌎 🗺️ 🌍>> <<@moea9577 says : Jews are so fine living in Yemen and dont wanna go to Israel because of the problem where they’re killing people instead of negotiating with the hmass people google how they are treated there Someone is trying to get us to fight each other divided they fall, huh?>> <<@LovelyDove-ve3wo says : Rest in Power Yahya Ben Yousef was a really Yahood Hebrew Arab. He was Not a zionistics>> <<@yusufahmedhaji8382 says : Stop blushing. NO non-Muslim person is allowed to be harmed in a Muslim country. You are lairs>> <<@Mercy30007 says : The problem is that most prople think that Judaism is an ethnicity! It's only a religion. Most Yemenis converted to Judaism and ruled the land under Jewish kings. Later, some of them converted to Christianity. Then Islam came, and most Yemenis converted to Islam. Some remained Jewish by religion, but they are Arabs by ethnicity. The Yemeni moslems and Jews DNA s are the same. They have nearly the same culture, tradition and backgrounds. This applies also to Iraqi, Iranian, and other Jewish communities in the Arab countries.>> <<@NMK-b5n says : RIP. the Jews contributed significantly to Arab communities and others. That's why when it's Arabs on their own they end up with a shit hole of a country.>> <<@ThePrimusCrusader says : The true ethnic cleansing is the one Islamic nations have committed. One Jew in Yemen? That's all you need to know. Meanwhile 20% of the Israeli population are Muslim citizens that have equal rights as Jews.>> <<@MuAwiyah_Abu408 says : Weak Propaganda>> <<@MuAwiyah_Abu408 says : The Israelis are such liars. Smh.>> <<@MohdAsad-z3n says : False story>> <<@SkeletonBoy97 says : Spreading propaganda and lies as usual I see… plenty of Yemeni Jews are still living there among their people so stop adding BS like “one of the last Jews” 🤦🏻‍♂️>> <<@tareequehussain9370 says : Jews live with Jesus curse, Israeli never sleep single night without fear that Jesus curse>> <<@backgroundMASCAL says : jews lived across all ME until 1948 and even beyond. Zionism is the reason why they migrated. Iran has still the biggest jewish community in the muslim world. to say they were Ethnic cleansed is pure self projection to justify what Israel is doing in Gaza.>> <<@EricELT18 says : What “motivated” Jewish communities across the Arab world to suddenly leave their native homes and relocate to Israel?>> <<@moosa9850 says : I think the guest has his history mixed with Europe>> <<@suldaannorway4128 says : Muslims don't have problem Jewish but we er against Zionist-Evils>> <<@sayeedmuslimah5406 says : 😂 so the Jews in Yemen are fighting Jews in Israel>> <<@JA71280 says : Let’s pray Levi Marhavi.>> <<@JA71280 says : May he be of blessed memory.>> <<@tdzenda says : Don't the Jews have a right to return?>> <<@labricola6993 says : Rest in peace original ethnic jewish isrealite. Not khazar converts infiltrators. This Ashkenazi khazari woman broadcaster is a complete idiot by infusing her barbaric lies. Love to yemen from lemba tribe Zimbabwe>> <<@YtUser-c1c says : 49.000 Yemen Jews were rescued in 1949/50 in operation Flying Carpet after muslim persecution. They fled to Aden. Wikipedia has an interesting page about it.>> <<@דורוןפרנקו-ע4ש says : Baruch Dayan Emet>> <<@NeraBuffy says : Hopefully the locals won't be punished too harshly for their respect for their neighbour.>> <<@killermoon635 says : In 1947 82 jews were killed in yemen in Aden riots Jews are safer when they live among each other.>> <<@stephendavies2925 says : God bless the Jewish people!>> <<@OutLaw5216 says : RIP>> <<@mrbaab5932 says : In 106 BC most of Yemen under the Himyar Kingdom converted to Judaism. Later kings were forced to convert to Christianity by Italians and Greeks of Roman and Eastern Roman empires but most of the population remained Jewish until the coming of Islam.>> <<@ramsongewargis8736 says : The last jew Lol who cares is isn't important>> <<@henrydsouza6159 says : As Far as i know they were persecuted for being in a muslim country, who treated them very badly. May his soul R.I.P.>> <<@fashionshow101 says : Baruch Dayan Ha'emet>> <<@TheHyperenergy79 says : 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😭😠🙌😇🙌🙏🦁🦁🌞🌟🌞🕎🔯✡⚛🛐>> <<@alenahawke475 says : RIP🙏❤️✝️🇺🇲🇮🇱✡️>> <<@elmehdi1998 says : I'm originally Moroccan, growing up, my grandparents, and to a lesser extent my parents, have always told me that when our Jewish compatriots, that's how they always saw them, when they were gonna leave for Israel, they begged them not to, they cried for them not to leave, thankfully, the culture is still alive and well in Israel, but part of me still thinks that's not enough, we need to meet them and they need to meet us.>> <<@AdegbiteSola says : A Jew living in Yemen is like a fish living on land. All you come back to their natural homeland: the state of Isreal>> <<@anonymousproductionsxd2912 says : Who cares about a religious minority,>> <<@ForexSales says : This guy big liers, Jews are not trust worthy , he was all alone lived in his age of 100. But his muslim neighbours looked after him as their family members by cooling food and feeding him and when he died all the neighborhood people gathered and did his final rituals even though when muslims in Yemen is fighting with israeli interest. But never hurt their country men even though he is Jews. Visual report never lies but this zeonist do naked lies>> <<@stephenfisher3721 says : When I went to college at the University of Iowa, I knew two sisters from Ottumwa Iowa. I read on the Internet that the Jewish community in Ottumwa no longer exists. The synagogue was closed and a Torah scroll was sent to Paraguay.>> <<@stephenfisher3721 says : When I lived in Louisiana in the 1980's there was the Museum of the Southern Jewish experience in Utica Mississippi which I visited. In so many small towns along the Mississippi, the Jews had disappeared but artifacts and relics, even Torah scrolls or other synagogue items remained. Hearing about the Jewish camp in Utica, people started sending them items and this was the beginning of the museum.>>