<<@IsmailaRahama says : I commend you, *Vortextrace* , for your outstanding efforts in fighting against these deceitful individuals. It is imperative that we do everything within our power to safeguard the elderly and the general public from these unscrupulous con artists. Your dedication is truly commendable!>> <<@Widdermaker says : That’s why I’m not on Facebook, or any social media platform. When all that started up, I thought, “Who would be stupid enough to put all their information online?” Why be a walking light bulb…. waiting to be screwed? Everyone’s going on Facebook, I was told. Or Instagram. Or Twitter. Or name another one. So what? As dear ol’ Dad used to say, “If everyone’s jumping off a cliff, would you jump, too?” Hell NO!>> <<@nicholaslandolina says : Thats a govt suicide text>> <<@silentblackhole says : All the platforms that these people use should have automated tools that attack when someone keeps on. talking about prypto currency and encouraging the person to transfer funds. They should put a banner up in the chat to alert the person ask them to confirm that this isn't a scam, etc. More can be done using technology to stop this.>> <<@muratcelali says : foreign misfortune unfortunate people worker case>> <<@doorkum says : This is sad! However, Even in face to face situation. The promise of love in exchange for money has always been shady.>> <<@placesaroundus says : There's a scam here on YouTube https://youtu.be/zC6BWMfZlUk?si=OJLKjSRRa0847cEH (govt. subsidy fraud)>> <<@CatWhiskering says : "He was ashamed and embarrassed" He should've been. He turned his back on his family - on real, flesh-and-blood people in his life who loved him - for some imaginary foreign piece of tail. There's a dozen videos about romance and bank fraud scammers like this every day, with the same warnings, over and over, and it still isn't sinking in.>> <<@HopeOfili says : May Jesus save us>> <<@greenbyrdd8308 says : It's good to be broke. Nothing for scammers to take!>> <<@theowl3756 says : There are many reasons why Scammers are swiping billions from Americans, especially the elderly. Some of these reasons may appear as Blaming the Victims. But it carries a core of Truth. These include: 1) A general predisposition for Greed in American culture and the allure of easy money. 2) A general lack of proper education and common sense that makes them easy targets. 3) A general decline of Moral and Ethical Principles that has reduced the election of political leaders directly tied to the price of gasoline, with little or no concern for the depravity of the person running for office. 4) A general breakdown of family values and a sense of isolation for the elderly from their children and younger family members, and thus making them more susceptible to become victims of the Scammers.>> <<@B.H.56 says : Oh, Meta is fighting back? Tell me why they recommend obviously fake profiles to be my "friends". "Johnny Depp Private Chat" - they see nothing wrong with that.>> <<@terinunes604 says : My sister got scammed on Facebook and then again by a bank scam she has no more money to give away>> <<@thomasrenfrow609 says : Better get yourself a beekeeper>> <<@Macky1101 says : This is what happens when the greedy USA capitalism system legitimizes crypto as investments just so they can collect transaction fees. Crypto has been here for years and yet almost no one uses them as actual currency to buy everyday groceries or supplies. If the USA is so enamoured with crypto, why don't they just make some of their own? Other people are creating new ones every day: catcoin, dogcoin, onecoin, twocoin, uraniscoin, urethracoin, etc. etc. USA should ban crypto like China. Crypto was created in the early 2000s as an internet currency to buy virtual game-weapons/potions between online players. Now it is used mainly by criminals to scam the common man.>> <<@KMRAND says : How very very sad.>> <<@CHOKHERZOLDAAMNAI says : I just found out who I actually used my GMAIL for SEX-Trafficking & Onlibe scheme.>> <<@CHOKHERZOLDAAMNAI says : I am seeing this pop-up again, the dating app.. Messenger. With heart sign.>> <<@r.francisco2014 says : We call it POGO hubs runned by Chinese crime syndicates here in the Philippines - a legacy from our previous president. A Chinese woman who heads this syndicate behind even run and won last national election pretending to be a Filipino through identity theft. She was caught and questioned possible to be deported. It's all over the news here in the Philippines. Look for Alice Guo case.>> <<@PigButcheringScamVictim says : I was trying to spread awareness for the past year. I am a pig butchering scam victim myself. My total loss was $45,000. I created a channel to help others determine if they are being scammed based on the actual conversation that took place. It's tough losing track of my goals in life, but I am still alive.>> <<@trueasitis says : What the fuck is the govt doing>> <<@mehdan2 says : Not just US but many developed countries>> <<@traviesoarcefan3063 says : A sucker is born every minute. It's still true today. Luckily, I'm naturally allergic to these types of things. My BS detector works just fine. 😅>> <<@rutrowmedia says : CNN TURNED OFF COMMENTS ON the debate. And has given Biden 9 extra minutes and cuts trump off. Trump is DESTROYING biden. Biden, your diaper needs to be changed ;-)>> <<@abacus749 says : 4.23mins. The Attorney states 'An enemy has declared war on the rest of the world.' ........and they are also using sophisticated technology such as AGI Directed Energy Neural Weapons, such as cause Havana Syndrome.>> <<@marietaylor5174 says : Unfortunately, you cannot save people from themselves. When you're feeling lonely and desperate, it's a good time to do something for others.>> <<@vermiliongamboge155 says : Believe it or not, life was fine before social media - and even email - existed. I have no FB, Twitter, or other social media accounts. I only answer the phone if it's someone I know or expect to be calling. So far, this seems to be working in my favor.>> <<@Jenifer_G says : At some time one has to wake up to thsm, the banks can help if you talk to them early enough, they can pick a scam before it gets too far down the line.>> <<@Moo2oob says : If you're going to do online dating, after a couple of text messages back and forth, it's time to meet in person over a coffee. They make some excuse or they're long distance, it's a scam. As soon as they talk about investing or sending them money, it's a scam. Pretty straightforward. Frustrating that there are still loads of people out there keeping these scammers in business. Same thing goes for all you folk who answer spam calls and click on links in spam text messages. C'mon people. It's 2024.>> <<@djohanson99 says : Where they get $4 billion? Made up number.>> <<@nathancriswell870 says : Praise Jesus for this>> <<@nickyb7266 says : No love interest should EVER ask for money! And if they do, then delete and block immediately! 😢>> <<@Chulitatr says : I've been happily divorced for 30 years and would rather be lonely than miserable or defrauded by a con.>> <<@sherryvt61 says : You'd think people would have learned by now. I've heard of this scam several times now.>> <<@yingminlim2534 says : Am sorry to hear this. 😢 It will only be better>> <<@LawandOrder-fi5xk says : They did it to themselves by being dumb and naive.>> <<@arfriedman4577 says : Never give money or personal information to strangers.>> <<@frederickfernandez787 says : Gold plated stuff! Gold for stocks everyone? Invest on Trump brand…😂😅😮>> <<@shad0wCh8ser says : As soon as someone ask to borrow, hold, or invest in... you will be ghosted —even if it's family. 🤣 Bc if you know me, then you'd not to even ask bc it's a no.>> <<@Longtack55 says : The ad' introducing this clip is an online poker site...>> <<@pixpusha says : Wish I had enough money to be scammed of something. 😭>> <<@drscopeify says : NEVER GIVE MONEY TO ANYMORE. Door 2 Door scammers, online scams, just DO NOT. Stop it. Don't listen to anyone. NEVER give private information to ANYONE unless it is in person, in an official office.>> <<@somozamaria says : What The Trump GOP tax scam lol>> <<@levmoses742 says : I’ve heard of two parents of friends who went through this. We’re all fearing for young people, but even adults can be seduced. So sad!>> <<@familylifetoo9541 says : Never give money to anyone without a lawyer and asking your friends and family if this sounds legit even if it says it's police etc on your phone caller ID . They can fake caller ID numbers also NEVER GIVE MONEY FROM YOUR BANK . NEVER ANSWER PHONE CALLS ETC.. LET IT GO TO VOICEMAIL EVEN IF THEY CLAIM THEY ARE POLICE, FBI ETC !!!!! Don't give you money out period etc. Don't be embarrassed. Go to you local police with your family and make a report>> <<@xelefonte says : I don’t understand how people normalize giving complete strangers lots of money, people you’ve neve met. At least meet them before you do.z>> <<@nabeellu says : Indian thieves has just replaced Nigerians thieves in online wow unbelievable>> <<@kamae1868 says : I hate internet dating.>> <<@barneycasting8331 says : Most of these people who get scammed are lonely and looking for love.>> <<@tolitsdterrible4785 says : I would not be surprised if majority of those people are Republicans. They are terribly gullible people. Those scammers must have basic profile of their potential victims.>>