says :
Those Struggling Towns are Very Pleased. They Live with Industry and Coal. This is JOBS, Money and Opportunity. we HAVE a Nuclear Tech Now. STOP Insulting Smart people .
says :
Get a quote from the Japanese with ongoing work then get the hell out of there way otherwise it will be a disaster. Declare it a national security issue and you will bypass all the freaks the unions and our own patheticness.
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Tell us about Paladin corrupt lying parasite, taxdodger murdochs lapdog!
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Nuclear power is inevitable, and it is the only realistic alternative for securing Australia's energy supply if coal-powered stations are to be replaced. Renewables have already cost more than a trillion dollars and are unreliable, making them unsuitable for large enterprises that require continuous baseload power.
says :
Wrong - the election is about other issues as well - by 2025 the electorate will be sick and tired of the nuclear argie-bargie especially if Dutt doesn't provide detail
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I don't like nuclear but I dislike the Alp federal and state govt's even more. You have my vote Peter.
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If Labor don't agreed with it...than I know for sure, it's a great proposal 😂 Go !! Peter Dutton.
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Dutton needs to explain how spending hundreds of billions of taxpayers money on nuclear reactors that wont be running till 2035 - 2040 is going to cut my power bill for the next ten year's. We are already paying a high price for gas and coal.
says :
Apparently the right approach is to not tell the people, dump the 2030 target.... and miraculously reach the 2050 target between 2045-50 while burning COAL in the meantime.
says :
Bullllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiiting Potato.
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Bullllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiiting Sky News.
says :
Praise for North Korea, Praise for Kim Jong-un and Putin, Praise for Russia, Praise for China