<<@np2917 says : Australia have largest Uranium reserve and Australian is not using Nuclear power plant... It is foolish... Like asking Saudi Arabia to don't drive petrol car. Or asking German people to don't use Mercedes or BMW.. Country must use own resources to prosper own people.. 😇 But uncal Sam doesn't like. So albo has to ask permission from uncal Sam.. And uncal Sam don't want there Ally to become self-sufficient 😇 That's Truth>> <<@Eschrichgypsyfarm says : Just remember that the nuclear waste stays radioactive for thousands of years. We don’t have containers that last that long. They just bury it and when it leaks it seeps into the ground water.>> <<@docjoei2224 says : ad popullum fallacy😮>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : A coal power plant has to be still operating in the meantime to provide cheap reliable electricity. When another alternative is found established and proven switching over then is only possible>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Peter hasn't worked out that the Northern Hemisphere is different to the Southern Hemisphere They don't have SCORCHING SUN wide open plains that go forever...>> <<@dananichols1141 says : Count yourselves lucky.>> <<@OcRefrig says : Nuclear Sucks !!! Don't do it. After living 10 miles away from a nuclear reactor for most of my life - don't do it. Close calls with nuclear reactor. is not worth it. Read about " songs " in San Clemente , California. Nuclear reactor - San clemente california. 1) What are u going to do with the spent fuel rods ? Use Wind , Hydro & Solar. Much safer. Research Norway 🇳🇴 - i believe they are a 100% Renewables. Elon - said You can do 100% Solar easily. Stay away from Nuclear waste.>> <<@moistfarts351 says : Annndd iiittsss all the people fault aye>> <<@penbee9316 says : Yep, just keep following other countries.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : A wonderful example of leadership from Dutton, Australia's next PM>>